Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 542: Bloodthirsty

Looking at Qin Shi's movements, Shen Yangshuo smiled and smiled: "Oh, of course I know, and I know all the things you have done in the past three years."

"What? Know all the things I have been doing for three years?" Qin Shiyi, condensed and said: "This is impossible, you nonsense!"

"You said that I talk nonsense?" Shen Shenshen tree smiled and said: "Oh, then I ask you, in the past three years, you have made trouble in the two major regions of the Northeast, breaking the iron law of the ridiculous jungle, and achieving the honor of the Xuantan Temple. The champion of the competition, the founder of Qin Zong became the lord of Qin Zong, and the annihilation of the burning of Tianzong changed the northern region. Can I say that all right?"


When a paragraph fell, Qin Shiru was struck by lightning, and the whole man was stiff and stiff.

The words of God's Pregnancy are all like a heavy stone, and all the things he has done in the past three years have been made.

Not to mention the two major areas of the Northeast, these have long been circulated by the world, so that Qin Shi is the most unacceptable is the ridiculous jungle, what happened in his ridiculous jungle, only Yuluo and Xiaomi Cai know that he I haven’t mentioned it to outsiders. How can this **** tree be known?

This time, Qin Shi can no longer calm down, staring at the **** of fear and horror: "Who are you? How do you know this?"

Feel the fear of Qin Shi, the **** of the **** tree is like the goal, gently said: "Little guy, don't be surprised, I have a long life in this area, I have been in the red empire is not yet established. Therefore, my roots have been shrouded in the entire Red Yan Empire, and everything that happened in this empire cannot escape my eyes."

Speaking of this, Shen Shen Shenshu deliberately paused, and the deep shackles are full of gloom: "In other words, I am the foundation of this red empire, the oldest annals, the omniscient encyclopedia."

"What? The foundation of the Red Yan Empire?"

Burning books trembled, the book said in the book: "Stone, he said yes, if this **** is really a life-long tree, his tree roots have already been thousands of times, saying that it is underground. It is not impossible to cover this red empire."

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Shi stunned, and for a long time stared at the **** tree, calmly said: "Let's say, what are you going to do next?"

Hearing this saying, God is pregnant with a tree, he did not expect that the change of Qin Shi would be so fast. If the twenty-year-old boy hears this, he will be surprised to hear it for a long time, and Qin Shi is actually Digested in such a short time?

"You are not afraid that I will kill you?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Qin Shi was still very shocked, but he knew that since it had already happened, the shock could not solve the problem, and the incident happened to solve it. There is nothing in the world that can't go wrong.

Listening to the **** tree, he smiled and said: "Oh, you won't, if you want to kill me, you will start at the crater before, since you brought me to the underground palace, I will take it to you." There must be something for me."

God's pregnant **** tree smashed, the lush foliage swayed violently, and could not help but make a satisfactory laugh: "Oh, it's a timid boy, I really didn't read it wrong, I like your smart power. ""

Qin Shi didn't accidentally licked his mouth, and the cynicism was revealed: "Like me? Don't, I will ask if you are a male or a female tree. I am not interested in male trees."

Speaking of this, his black skull bends and the color of the back is tasted: "Of course, if you can become a peerless beauty like the previous phoenix tree, I can consider it as a difficult consideration."

When I heard this, God was so horrified that he had been talking to him for thousands of years. Can't help but laugh: "Bad boy, you are not afraid, I will pass this to the hall of mystery?"

"You can do it?"

"Oh, Xiao Xiao me? Although I can't make too much influence on the outside of the Qiongzhi volcano, I can still do it in a sentence, and I can only do it with a flower and a heavenly environment. Force, she should be able to sense it."

"...!" Qin Shi listened to this, and his mouth twitched, and he shook his head quickly: "Don't, that's still okay, let the mad woman know that it is possible to cross the mountains and come here." The little life!"

When I think of the flower zero, Qin Shi involuntarily played a chill.

"You know it." Shen Shenshen tree smiled, this is a lot of color, said: "You are right, I really want to ask you."

Qin Shi did not unexpectedly conquer the inferiority, saying: "What is it?"

Deeply sighed, the branches and leaves of the **** tree were falling down and looked a little frustrated. "In fact, I started paying attention to you three years ago. I can grow up to this day. I was also very surprised. I thought I needed at least ten. In the year, you will be able to come to the Qiongzhi volcano."

"Are you concerned about me for three years?"

"Well, do you think that you can find the blasting beads smoothly? The snake that swallows the sky is indeed a bit of a skill, but it just wants to wake up the horror guy on your wrist, but never do it. ""

Hearing this, Qin Shi’s fierce glimpse, his brow wrinkled deeply: “So, what made the demons react before was not to swallow the sky, but what are you doing from it?”

"Hey, what is it, I am helping you? If I didn't help me, do you think you can come in the crater of this volcano? I am afraid that now you have been smashed in the fire." God pregnant fruit is helpless.

Qin Shi licked his mouth, and Shen Shen Shenshu said yes, but this feeling of being calculated makes him feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Say business, you come to me, shouldn't you just say something that makes me grateful to you?" Qin Shi asked.

The **** of the gods was a few colors, and did not rush to respond to Qin Shi, but rolled up a rattan, spread from the gap of the palace toward the Qin stone, and rolled it on Qin Shi's left arm.

As soon as the rattan came out, Qin Shi felt that a fierce temper was filled with it. This suffocating and the demons on his wrists even caused a certain resonance, which made Qin Shi not help: "This power is an ancient Mozu." Helium?"

Shennian Shenshu nodded helplessly: "Yes, this palace is actually a million years ago, and one is: the power of the bloodthirsty demon is built here. This bloodthirsty demon is very lofty in the devil world. Status, it seems to be looking for the king of the devil world, but stayed here for a long time and did not find it, then abandoned it back to the devil world, if I remember correctly, he also went to the purgatory tower of Hongyun City, then the purgatory The tower is really magnificent, and there are hundreds of thousands of wild animals sealed inside, but after you have a kid, it is awkward."

Hearing these, Qin Shi looked shocked: "Heavenly Blood Demon?"

This name, he has not heard of it, but according to the **** of the **** tree, this bloodthirsty deity is probably to find the swallow, otherwise it will not deliberately go to the Purgatory Tower.

After all, the Purgatory Tower is built to swallow the sky, just to prevent the accident, and will be able to see the public again after ten thousand years.

When I think of the purgatory tower of Hongyun City, Qin Shi can't help but silence. The Purgatory Tower two years ago is indeed magnificent. It has sealed tens of thousands of wild animals, even the golden phoenix that is in harmony with the real dragon. Trapped in it.

However, at that time, the spiritual power of swallowing the sky, but more than a year ago and the admiration of Yan Muhua, was once again smashed by the collapse of jade, which led to the demon still still awake.

For these, Qin Shi has always been remembered in the heart, the heart is full of gratitude to the evil spirits, although the demon is also a purpose, but it is to save himself.

"I don't know, if you wake up, can we become a brother, can we start a different, different worldly friendship."

Qin Shi took a deep breath and let himself not think about it more, because he knew that when the evil demon wakes up, it is life and death, and everything will have a result.

Converging thoughts, he rushed to the gods and said: "Where are you looking for me, what is it for?"

"You also know that the suffocating spirit of ancient demons has a fierce suppression effect on me and other wild animals. In the past, the bloodthirsty demon in order to isolate the magma under the volcano, left a huge suffocation in this palace. The plants left here are all withered in the suffocating air. Only I rely on the power of the blood to strengthen the present." Speaking of this, the **** of the gods is a bit vicissitudes: "However, even so, it is just a stubborn resistance, in this century. Among them, my blood force has begun to fail. If I can't take this suffocation, I am afraid that it will not be five years, I will end Shouyuan and die."

Picking up the eyes, Qin Shi is only awkward. The sense of familiarity that I felt from this palace before, isn’t it the power of the ancient fierce devil?

"You want me, help you to eliminate the suffocation here?" Qin Shi's strange question.

God's pregnant tree nodded weakly.

After receiving a response, Qin Shi looked around and the suffocation was very strong. From then on, I can imagine the horror of this bloodthirsty demon.

Fortunately, the demon suffocating has a terrible suppression of the vulgarity of the ordinary, and it is not difficult to earn income into the totem. He laughed and laughed: "This is simple!"

In a word, he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to call back the suffocating air around him.

At this time, the **** of the **** tree was shocked, a rattan quickly wrapped around the arm of Qin Shi, to shield the demons totem, and said: "Bad boy, you do not want to die?"

"Hey, I am kind to help you, what do you mean by this?" Rattan's Qin Shi's arm is sore, and it is also an unpleasant haiku.

Shen Shenshen’s face was heavy and he snorted: “Just say that your kid is smart, this will be a mess. This palace is a million-degree high-temperature magma. You will take back the evil spirits here, and the magma will be immediately Will be swallowed up here, even if you die, even a bone residue will not give you left!"

Listen to this Qin Shicai suddenly realized, immediately did not take it for granted: "I have explosive beads, I can't die, afraid of anything!"

"I am, you can't die, what should I do?"

"Whoever cares for you, you just let me help you to eliminate your anger, and did not say that I want to save your life."

Shen Shenshen Tree was half-dead and gnawed his teeth. "Yes, my life and death have nothing to do with you. Then I ask you, do you want to want God's pregnant fruit? If I am dead, the little instrumental spirit at your waist is good or not. Where to go."

Upon hearing this, Qin Shicai reacted. He still has a handle on the hand of the **** of the gods, but he has no choice but to help him: "Do it, then what do you say?"

"After 10,000 years, I finally know the reason why this volcano erupted. Under this volcano, there is a very mysterious lava cave. All the power is transmitted from it, and this volcano will never go out. As long as you can find the reason in the lava cave, wait until the fire of the volcano is extinguished. At that time, you will absorb the suffocating gas and you will not be afraid of the fire." Shen Shen Shenshu will slowly think out.



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