Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 533: 鸾凤8

Deep in the volcano.

A number of light and shadow constantly clashed from the middle, electric light and flint.


An unusual fire attribute broke out in the boiling thunder, and suddenly three red-red fires floated into the air. A closer look reveals that these three lights are a narrow palace, and the palace is bred. A raging fire.

The people who played against each other were the eight defenders of Lin Yu and Mo Tianying.

The three palaces were sacrificed by Lin Yu, and the old eyes of Mo Tianying sank: "Lin Yu, the three-day festival to pay for the palace, it seems that you really do not want "pig", "pig", "island" novel It’s going to kill."

"I said, this day is death, and you must die a little more. You eight old guys will come to the funeral of this emperor." Lin Yu set up in the center of the three palaces, the next palace, the hometown, the hot dragon, Wrapped from his waist and turned into a palace armor.


The armor was cast, and the scent of Linyu changed greatly. The clear blink of an eye suddenly widened, and a step was directed at the three elders, Li Yan’s chest.

"Virtual Cloud Water Shield!"

Li Yan quickly and tightly, and the dust was placed between his hands and his chest, and a rather mysterious blue-blue barrier unfolded out of thin air.


Under the collision, the barrier caused a scorpion, like a spray on the sea.

The spray has not yet landed and is immediately evaporated into water vapor.

Li Yan was annoyed: "This stinky boy, it seems that he is really ready to fight with us." Thinking of this, he rushed to the sky; "Boss, what do we do?"

"Everything is here, what can I do besides killing him?" Mo Tianying glared at the old eyes of the cognac, and a smother smashed it from the ground: "Use the phoenix phoenix!"


The look of the other seven elders suddenly became painful. The two elders, Red Devils, frowned, and it was embarrassing: "To deal with him, really want to use the phoenix?"

"How? You don't have to smash the door, can you overcome it? Don't forget, from the beginning to the present, he has never used that trick. If he is allowed to make that move, you think you can stay. He?" Mo Tianying screamed angrily.

Hearing the words of Mo Tianying, the seven elders were inexplicably stunned, as if they were thinking of something, they looked quite scared.

They are all Zhīdào, Mo Tianying said, it is the highest culmination of the three major martial arts empire, if Lin Yu really shows that trick, I am afraid that they may not be able to block the next Lin Yu.

The four elders are biting their teeth: "Use it."

"Sacrifice the blood."

Mo Tianying took the lead with a low slam, and the palm quickly flipped a circle, and a drop of blood dripped from the fingers.

The other seven people struggled, and Mo Tianying made the same movement, and immediately eight drops of blood slowly rose, and merged under the aftermath of the fire.


The blood touched, and the eight people hugged their heads and screamed, and immediately saw his muscles swell several times, and the human body was killed at all.


After a period of pain, the strength of the eight people climbed in multiples, especially the great elder Mo Tianying. Without the help of the palace armor, the momentum was even more faint than the position of Lin Yu.

The strangeness of the eight people made Lin Yu frown. He didn't even see this situation as a prince. He said: "Damn, what is this ghost martial arts?"

"Amount!" The body stopped expanding, Mo Tianying sighed and glared at Lin Yudao: "The stinky boy is because of you, let me wait for the pain of this life, and today I have to lick your skin. No!"

After all, Mo Tianying got up and launched an ambush on Chong Linyu.


Lin Yu’s squadron shrank and quickly lifted his arm. He didn’t want to collide with Mo Tianying. He suddenly had a bitter pain in his arm. He even shook his palace, and there were several cracks.


After a moment of stalemate, Lin Yu under the palace armor was actually killed by Mo Tianying.

"Kid, I killed you!"

This is not over yet, a sound of breaking the wind, Li Yan like a ghost, and suddenly jumped to the back of Lin Yu, the palm of the hand into a dragon claw, rushed to the back of Lin Yu.

Indifferent, sensing the cold current behind, Lin Yu’s heart suddenly sinks, and when he looks through the light, he is unable to dodge.

Under powerlessness, he had already anticipated this scene, but he did not have the fear of resentment but he said: "It seems that it is coming to an end...! It’s a pity that I didn’t see you at the end... my good brother, stone I hope that you can hear my call and help me rescue Zhou Qin and take care of my mother."

Gathering between the claws, the momentum is compelling.

Lin Yu closed his eyes, the claws approached, the closer he was, Li Yan's mad laughter became more and more sensational, as if to report the revenge of the shield, and his mouth continued to open upwards.

Just when he opened to ninety degrees, Li Yan’s eyes suddenly smashed a miniature, making his mouth indifferent and stiff, and he couldn’t laugh again.


The golden light of the sky was blown into the fireworks in the air.

The golden color that protruded into it was extremely conspicuous in this volcano, and the other eight elders frowned and dignified: "What happened?"

"Not Zhīdào, just like... It seems like something suddenly appeared."

"What? You are a **** thing, give me a big look at your dog's eyes." Jin Mang did not scatter, the snoring sounded out, resounding in the square of the square.

When Jin Mang was exhausted, Li Yan had already fallen to the ground. He was stepped under the feet of a young man in a black robe. The juvenile was a cynical appearance, proudly in the fire.

Staring at the juvenile's appearance for a long time, Lin Yu's heart trembled. In a flash, as if the surrounding fires were solidified, all of them were quiet, and their eyes were instantly moistened: "Stone, stone? Is it you?"

"I said Xiaoyuzi, this is not like you, so a few old guys, have you pushed you to the point where you are running out of water?" Yes, it was Qin Shi, who was wrapped in a black robe and rushed to Lin Yu. Lang Lang smiled.

It’s such a smile that contains the unspeakable friendship between them, the three years of separation, and all kinds of things.

"You...!" Lin Yu opened his mouth. He had too many words to say to Qin Shi.

Without waiting for Lin Yu to open, Qin Shi frowned, grabbed Lin Yu’s shoulder and probed the spiritual power. It’s embarrassing: “Are you injured?”

Lin Yu stunned and waved his hand and explained: "Nothing, a little injury, nothing to do."

Lin Yu said that Qin Shi can not see it this way. Lin Yu is his most important brother: "Oh, a good secretary, since they hurt you, then you don't have to live."

Feeling the anger of Qin Shi, Lin Yu could not help but be shocked. Under the panic, it was more touching. At least from this point, the brothers have been different for three years and three years have experienced different deeds, but Qin Waiting for him is still as it used to be, three years as one day.

Compared with his own injuries, Lin Yu cares more about Qin Shi’s deeds over the past three years and asks: “How have you been in these three years?”

Qin Shi was stunned by black scorpion, and the murderous clear light flashed through it, interrupting Lin Yudao: "Now is not the time of the old, there is something to wait for the end, and then we count that our brothers have not stood side by side for three years. Fight, let us try it out in cooperation, is it good?"

Lin Yu first squatted and immediately reacted. Qin Shi said yes, now is not the old time, although Li Yan was defeated by Qin Shi accident, but there are still seven guardians left, and excitedly nodded: " Ok, our brothers will fight side by side again, and they will be the old guys."

The two reached a consensus and returned from the fire.

Staring at the sudden emergence of Qin Shi, Mo Tianying's old face is smashing down, and angered: "Bad boy, who are you? How dare you intervene in my secret?"

"Oh, who am I? I am the one who sent you to see the king." Qin Shi was too lazy to talk with Mo Tianying, and Lin Yu’s injury he had already inquired. The three palaces were all hit hard, so he could not wait. In minutes, the seven people of Mo Tianying were torn into pieces.

Mo Tianying lived for hundreds of years, and was screamed in public by a hairy boy in his early twenties. His anger immediately climbed up: "Drink, the guy who doesn't know how to live, since you are here, don't leave, kill." he!"


The Red Devils first got up and their expressions were very embarrassing.

Among the eight people, he and Li Yan are the best. Now Li Yan’s death is unclear. He wants to avenge himself. The blue aura is picked up along his arm. As a claw from the abyss, he is attacked by Qin Shi.


When the heart changed, Qin Shi and Lin Yu flashed at the same time, and Qin Shigang flashed open, and the Red Devils followed closely. The blue claws caused a whirl in the fire, which actually compressed the air into a ball of light. Attacking on the Qin Shi bombardment: "Red Devils Qingyan!"

"Cangsong phantom feet!"

The black robe creaked in the fire, and Qin Shi took advantage of the body to tilt, and the toes on the toes converge on the green light. From the fierce fire, there is no polarization, and it has been turned into tens of millions of phantoms, and touched the light ball. .


As soon as the two played against each other, Qin Shi felt a sense of numbness in the calf of the attack. He frowned and frowned, and quickly opened the distance with the Red Devil.

After a hundred meters, Qin Shi stared at the Red Devil's face and flashed a bit of The burning book at the waist trembled: "Stone, the strength of these seven people is a bit strange."

"Jade sister, you also found out?" Qin Shi's strange question, from the time he just played, he felt that the power used by the Red Devils is very strange, not an ordinary spiritual power.

It gives the impression of being a wild animal.

"If I didn't guess wrong, I should have injected the blood of the wild beasts in their bodies, and they can play them in the form of a mystery."

"Does this work?"

"Well, in ancient times, this kind of mystery was not uncommon, but the blood of the wild beast was unusually arrogant, and the body of the wild man was very controllable. Therefore, the damage to the human body was extremely large each time, and then it was gradually lost. I didn’t expect that there would be any remaining in this Qing dynasty. It seems that the background of this Qing dynasty is not simple.” The jade in the book is a tight road.

Qin Shi nodded, and several times with the disciples of Qing Yumen, he also found the strangeness of Qing Shumen, the ancient martial arts that was first smashed by Qing, and now it is the ancient blood curse.

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