Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 332: Wang Lingjing

"Let it go."

A hollow, hoarse voice spit out in the girl's mouth.

There was no look in her red eyes, and her heart was dead.

The tiger's body under the black robe trembled, and the Nether Sword sent by Qin Shi forward was so stiff in the palm of his hand.

Some people don't understand: "Are you sure?"

"Yu Niang said, don't let me hate, don't let me avenge, the grudges are not the same, and there is no end."

&$猪$猪$岛$小说(www).(zhu)(zhu)().()nbsp;Girl trembles and raises the dagger: "I Zhīdào, she hopes that I can grow up happily, hope me Don't be blinded by hatred, life can be as beautiful as her."


A piece of indifference, but like the sound of the morning bell, knocking on the heart of Qin Shi, the jade and the thousand-year-old ice-like charm, at this moment, melted and opened.

What kind of understanding is this?

Let go of hate, simple and short four words, but this simple and short four words, how many people in the world fell into the abyss?

It’s so simple, how difficult is it to do?

From the cultivation to the present, including Qin Shi is not the hatred of the raging fire in the heart?

But the most incomprehensible thing is that this kind of free and easy is from a fierce beast carved by human beings on the evil monument.

Is the beast really damn?

Isn't the genie a bad person?

Qin Shi did not understand, and his heart was entangled in this moment.

"I want to inherit her last promise to live."

Linger cried silently, and a drop of crystal tears slipped down his cheeks.


The heart of the fist is firmly dead, and Qin Shi can't say a word.

He looked at Qiu Ming, who was painfully twitching at his feet. He couldn't wait for the Nether Sword to strip his skin, but he couldn't do it.

In the end, he screamed in pain, and he finally released the Nether Sword. He laughed and laughed: "Well, let them go, you will be as beautiful as she is."

"You... let's go."

The cold face of Yuluo was also stunned. After falling to the silence, he snorted at the people.

The sound fell like a forgiveness order, and the heart of Qiu Ming’s men’s eyes was finally put down, and the cold sweat on his head rolled down.

Next, the group of people slid and walked down the fog shadow mountain.


But at this time, a dark suffocating entanglement came forward, and after a few people's feet were huddled, Qin Shi whispered: "Get back and take the beast away!"


Qiu Ming wolf was like a locust and was thrown out by Qin Shi.

Several people who were caught by Qin Shi, scared the atmosphere, did not dare to breathe and bowed back a few steps. After raising Qiu Ming, the calves were soft, and even fleeing and fleeing.

Looking at the shadow of the seventy-eight, the disappearance of the figure, Qin Shi's heart with their disappearance, such as falling into the endless depths of the sea, for a long time can not be redeemed.

Instead, it was a little girl. She was free and easy. The dagger gently looked up and looked at the dark night, as if looking for the mother in the stars.

"Isn't it said that when people die, they will become stars in the sky, and will always guard their beloved ones? Mother, which one are you?"


Qin Shi clenched his fist again.

If he can get older, even if he is a little earlier, he will avoid this disaster.

Although he is not a beast, he indirectly hurts Linger to lose his mother.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but raise his **** eyes with anger. He was full of blame and resentment. He said: "Jade Luosha! Have you seen it? Is this what you want?"


Yuluo brakes seem to be aware of this as well, and the beauty of the dodge does not dare to confront Qin Shi, and Jiao Rong rises a little self-blame and embarrassment.

She choked and regretted.

But after all, it will only help.

Ignore Yuluo, Qin Shi with a heavy feeling, step by step to the woman's body, he took a deep bow: "Repose, I will take care of her!"


The blue-blue snake suddenly flashed, and in a faint glow, only the sound that Qin Shi could hear was heard.

It is two words: thank you.

Qin Shiyi looked at the cold body of the woman.

Her spirit was heading to Jiuquan, but she suddenly flashed on her body before she ascended to heaven. I saw that the Nei Dan, which had rolled out, slowly lifted up and sent it to Qin Shimei.


Qin Shi’s heart is cold, how can he match it?

But the girl grabbed his black robe at this time: "Big brother, take it, you saved me, so that the mother will rest in Jiuquan."

Looking at the sensible girl, Qin Shi was silent for a long time, finally finally screamed, and then he rushed to the girl’s mother again: "She gave it to me, I will let her not be affected by hatred and hatred, happiness. Live forever."


In response, the spirit was relieved, and then only the blood of the cold snake was sputtered, and a blood was wrapped around the girl's thin young body.

The girl trembled in the blood of the bath, and a blood like a silver needle pierced her skin, and immediately saw her petite body rose red, followed by spiritual power.

Breaking the soul.

In the middle of the broken spirit.

Breaking the peak of the spirit.

Wang Lingjing.

Wang Lingjing mid-term.

In a short moment, the girl jumped from the end of the seal to the middle of the king's spirit.

Yu Luozhan could not help but move, Qin Shi screamed: "Is this the power of the blood of the wild beast?"

"Well," the girl's body floated and floated, absorbed all the blood, and nodded suddenly, saying: "Big brother, my name is a snake."

"Well, my brother is Qin Shi, and I will call me a stone brother."

"Stone brother!"

As if I saw the daughter and Qin Shi and the sly look, the spirits made a pleasant humming sound, followed by a thin body, and once again smashed back into the cold body, and then actively built up with Qin Shi. link.

Hey! ! !

The sudden shock from the sea made Qin Shi tremble, and immediately a kind of bad premonition came to my heart and said: "Don't."

However, when he opened his mouth, the corpse began to become smaller in the compression of the sea. In the end, it turned into an ice-blue four-character demon, which fell into the hands of Qin Shi.

"Why, I don't even leave a whole body for myself." Holding the magic symbol, Qin Shi's heart is very painful, without any pleasure.

He was silent for a long time, and finally he handed the magic charm to the snake: "Hold her, never use it, remember her forever, live for her happiness!"

Looking down at the devil, the snake snake finally couldn't help the tears in her eyes, she cried.

Holding the magical crying tearing heart.

"Cry, cry!" Qin Shi held her in her arms. Who can imagine that this is a girl who is only seven or eight years old? She should not suffer such pain.

The night has gone, the first morning is scattered on the pretty face of the snake, as if to calm the tears in her.

The warmth of the morning sun, the snake babies retreat from the arms of Qin Shi, and since then she has never cried, but she is proud of her mother, meditation in her heart: "Mother, rest assured, I will not be blinded by hatred, will and stone Brother is happy to live."

Looking at the appearance of the snake, Qin Shi felt that it was a comfort.

There are always some people in the world who are silent in the Xīshēng, but they are the greatest people. Obviously, whether it is the mother of a snake or a snake, it is such a person.


At this time, Qin Shi’s face suddenly rose red, and the rough spiritual power of Nei Dan was integrated into the body, which made his body unable to tremble.

Dantian Lingjing, who followed closely, heard a faint humming sound.

"This is... the crystal is broken, is it going to break through?"

A thought rushed into the atrium, and Qin Shizhen’s eyebrows suddenly agglomerated.

This breakthrough is very important to him. As long as he can successfully take this step, he will reach the end of Wang Lingjing.

Yuluo brakes also noticed the strangeness of Qin Shi in the side of the mountain, followed by her wonderful hand, an invisible soft force spread in a square of 100 meters, forming a vacuum enchantment.

The enchantment opened and there was silence.

Qin Shi stunned, and immediately he looked at the black scorpion of Yuluosha to ease a little, but he did not speak, but after appeasing the snake, he gestured to find Yuluo, sitting down on his knees.

Sitting in the center of the enchantment, the soft blue power of the blue body in the inner vision, such as the magnificent nourishment, is constantly being injected into his dantian.

The inner Dan of the mother of the snake, and the hundreds of sisters who survived the ancient Chinese ancestors, soon opened the breakthrough of Wang Lingjing.

The pale gold fluorescence is circulating on the body surface, which is quite wonderful.

Qin Shi began to fall into silence.

On the night when the stars were empty, Yuluo looked at the snakes and lit the bonfire in the enchantment, rubbing the snakes to wipe the dust on her body.

"Sister, you are so beautiful."

The snakes are very clever holding the jade.

"Hey, you will be as beautiful as your sister in the future."


"Well, it will be."

"That sister, do you like stone brothers? Can you like a stone brother after you become beautiful?" After all, the snake is a child, and the innocent Wèntí makes the jade.

She looked at Qin Shi, who was making a full-blown breakthrough. The faint glow of the angular face, there is a different kind of magic is attracting her.

But only for a moment, she shook her head and scratched the nose of the snake: "The silly hat, your stone brother has a girlfriend, she is called a snow heart, is a beautiful girl, Zhīdào?"

"Oh!" The snake's child lost his head.

"Sleep." Yu Luoshu smiled and patted the snake, and immediately she picked up the snake and then huddled into the shop Hǎode was smashed, but her heart was heavy.

like him? No, no Kěnéng, I can't like him! It must not be lost in the beauty of the jade, and fall asleep in the torture of thoughts.

Three eyes in a blink of an eye.


At the beginning of the twilight, the halo was very mild, and a violent tremor suddenly swayed in the enchantment, causing dozens of gullies like spider webs to be cracked on the earth.

Immediately, I saw the stunned halo scattered on Qin Shi, who had been quiet for a long This time he broke through smoothly and it was a matter of course.

Indifferent, deep in the darkness of the night sky, Qin Shi black robe squeaking in the cold wind, and then the mouth can not help but pick up the enchanting arc: "Finally, has the breakthrough succeeded?"

"Wang Lingjing late!"

Call, ten more, is a small record.

These days, the code words are vomiting blood, it is a support for everyone so long to support a return.

Of course, I have to say that the monthly ticket still owes some money, and Xiaochao will try his best to make up for it in the days to come.

The update time is inconvenient, or 0:1, 12:1, the next explosion is November 11th, and today's update Kěnéng will be postponed, there is something in life that everyone hopes to understand.

In addition, in the new January, the members of the shallow family, began to ask for a monthly ticket, don't let us be left! Crush it! ! !

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