Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 322: Strong new friend

"Oh, the little brother came to the ridiculous jungle soon?" The white fox was sitting very softly beside Qin Shi, but the voice was beautiful and moving, making his heart sway.

"Well, not long, soon..."

Qin Shi licked his mouth and responded with a sigh.

Looking at Qin Shi’s stupid look, all the girls around me laughed. They laughed and Qin Shi felt like the sky was bright.

really beatiful.

The beauty is amazing.

|Pig|Pig|Island|Fiction www.[zhu][zhu][]; The young man who just started sat down and stopped the white fox and smiled: "Little fox, don't tease the stone brother, stone brother, my name is the black panther, here is The leader, I don’t know where the brothers are going?"


Qin Shixiao haha ​​smiled and said: "If you don't go there, you will go shopping alone, and you will meet a crazy woman. The world is chasing me and shouting!"

"Insane woman? I see the strength of the little brother Bùcuò, how can it be chased by a female singer?"

"Not yet..."

Qin Shi spoke up, but when the word Yuluo was about to be exported, his eyebrows suddenly rushed to close, feeling a little bit wrong.

What's wrong? In the face of this group of people, he did not have a little vigilance and defense? If it is in the past, he will never respond like this without any cover.

Thinking of this, he suddenly looked at the white fox.

The white fox and his eyes glanced at each other, and he couldn’t help but tremble: "Hey, the little brother is so fiercely staring at others, people will be afraid."

"Sure enough, it is a charm!"

Staring at the black fox of the white fox, the stalemate changed. He felt the same breath as Liu Tingting in the body of the white fox, but the breath was more than the number of times that Liu Tingting was not Zhīdào.

"White fox, noisy!" At this moment, the panther suddenly screamed and blamed: "How long have you been talking to you, not to release the enchantment easily, why don't you listen?"

Suddenly scolded, the white fox was a little nervous and bowed his head: "Big brother, you are not Zhīdào, I am born with a charm, this charm is not my intentional disclosure, just to see the younger brother so handsome ... can not control it. ”

The sound is getting weaker and weaker, as if it was a huge grievance.

"Born born?"

Qin Shi snorted in surprise.

Behind the black panther, there is a small young man. This young man has a pair of bright scorpions like a goshawk. He said: "Shi Qin brothers, you don't have white foxes. She is born with a fascinating bone. Once the true feelings are revealed, the charm will be Inadvertent release."

"Yeah, we are not affected at all!"

The people next to the black panther began to cater to the road, and each of them was clear.

Hearing this, Qin Shicai will be suspicious of the point, he is really born to hear the bones, is a kind of enchanting imprinted in the bones, this kind of woman often grows into a stunning enchanting, white fox is an example.

In the investigation of the situation, Qin Shi was relieved and shook his head. He did not blame the White Fox: "No problem, she is not interested, I am not a careful person."

After saying this, he regretted this in his heart.

Rely on, inadvertently tempted by the charm.

How can you not care? Even if you want to kiss a kiss, you can earn it.

"Right, my name is Snow Eagle. What happened to the brothers who said that they were being chased? I am really curious what kind of woman can make the brothers so jealous?" The eagle-eyed man smiled and said.

Snow eagle?

It’s really interesting. Qin Shi discovered that one of the names of this group of people must bring the name of a beast, the black panther, the white fox, and the snow eagle.

Seeing Qin Shi does not say anything, the snow eagle leaned forward and followed: "Quickly say, wouldn't it be the legendary jade?"


My heart was inexplicably tight. Qin Shi immediately shook her head and smiled and said: "Where can I, if I am chased by her, is there still life here?"

"Yes, the woman in the jade is so terrible." The eagle eye of the snow eagle stared at Qin Shi firmly, and immediately closed the positive color. Haha smiled at the people beside the campfire, but they were not in Qin. Stone asked.

The black panther's mouth inadvertently provoked the smear, then smiled and raised the glass, handed the grilled fish barbecue that had been cooked on the campfire to Qin Shi: "Since the brother has nowhere to go, it is better to follow us, if That crazy woman is dare to chase you, we can just help you!"

"Yeah, let's be with us."

The white fox immediately took the Qin Shi on the side.

Looking at the people around, Qin Shi was silent for a while. He really had nowhere to go. Now he can't find the Wuying Mountain. It is not impossible to get along with this group of people. He nodded and said: "Then I will not follow you. My brother is polite."

"Haha, polite, come drink!" The black panther was very bold to drink the glass of wine, and took a cup for himself. He smiled and said: "To celebrate the Shiqin brothers join us! Cheers!"

Overnight, Qin Shi's character was quickly integrated into the circle of the Panthers, but he was very careful about the White Fox, and the White Fox was very dissatisfied.

Just kidding, born with a bone, and a little secret of his heart, all scams, how much he should be ashamed, isn’t it?


The next day, the first day of condensation.

Very early, the Panthers and other people woke up. When Qin Shi asked where they were going, they were doing nothing. Several people liked him and wanted to go to Wuying Mountain.

Qin Shiyi: "You also want to go to Wuying Mountain?"

"Yeah, we have been trapped in this ridiculous jungle for a long time, but we can't find a way to leave. Wuying Mountain is the last hope." The white fox is holding the Qin Shi and laughing.

The seductive soft language makes the bones of Qin Shi crisp, and hurry up and sigh, "Come on the shadow mountain, I want to go."

But when it comes to this, the Panther is embarrassed: "Shi Qin brothers, you have to think about it, Wuying Mountain is not good."

Qin Shi didn't care for the smile: "I am Zhīdào, but anyway, if you want to leave, you have to go and swear, can't you spend the rest of your life in this dim forest?"

"Okay, I can accompany you."

The white fox followed the past and sighed with the sigh: "Let's live in this mountain together, I will give you a baby for you, and a baby."

"..." Qin Shizhen shook his head.

Seeing that Qin Shi is firm, and the rest of the people have to go, the Panthers promised, and then they confessed to the people, and everyone went deep into the central part of the barren jungle.

In the next three days, Qin Shi’s accident was that the three-day Yuluo brake did not catch up with him. This made him curious.

If it is normal, a day of cleansing is a miracle.

"Don't you, the girl finally consumes me, are you ready to give up?" Qin Shi secretly snorted, but inexplicably lost.

Three nights later, a sigh of suffocation appeared in the eyes of the people.

Looking at the suffocating gas, Qin Shi dignified, and he felt a disgust in the suffocating air, which made his heart very uncomfortable: "This is the suffocation of Wuying Mountain?"

"Yes, it should be the fog shadow mountain."

The black panther raised his head and said: "Everyone is resting here, and they will enter the fog mountain in the morning."

In this regard, everyone has no meaning. It is really dangerous to go up the mountain at night, and this place is very strange. Even Qin Shi’s heart is a little creepy.

Starting to rest, the white fox picked up the bonfire and lit it in the center. Her white skin was extraordinarily beautiful and dazzling.

吼 But at this time, suddenly there was a loud noise.

The fire just ignited, and I saw a few beasts in the jungle next to it. There were about a dozen heads, and each of them was slobbering.

"Ferocious beast?" Qin Shi was shocked, but looking at the number is somewhat unexpected, very small, there are more than a dozen beasts willing to live together.

The black panther slammed into the ground and angered: "Flock!"

The Snow Eagle and the next few brothers immediately stood up.

"Sucking animals, suffering death!" Snow eagle's Sùdù quickly, one hand manipulated the hurricane of the sky, as if all the wind between the heavens and the earth was used for him, like a sword to stab two beasts.


A lion with a fangs screams and screams at the black panther.

"Hey, don't be self-sufficient!" Looking at the falling attack, the Panther is calm and self-confident. He just swept away with one hand and picked up a huge mountain rock nearly ten meters high on the ground.


The huge mountain rock greets the sky, and suddenly it explodes into thousands of gravel. The gravel tears the space like a raindrop, and instantly traverses the lion into a sieve.

The fierce beast saw a serious injury to his companion and roared again.

The two obese giant bears waved their claws and flew the gravel in the mottled air. The calm night sky suddenly became messy, and it was swept away and splattered in the air.

The aura of the sky, like the colorful rainbow, quickly broke the earth into dozens of small holes, and Qin Shi had no choice but to leap forward.

"Little brother, be careful!"

Qin Shi's pace just jumped half a step, the white fox snorted.

The heart couldn’t help but look back. Qin Shi’s eyes looked back, and a thick bear’s paw fell into a mountain-like rocky cliff. The sound of the wind made his black robe squeak, and it was already dodging.

"Animals! You dare!"

The white fox worried about the strange scream, the thin shadow of the shadow slammed down and stopped in Qin Shi, this slap in the palm of his hand was smashed in her chest, causing her skin to shatter and blood oozing out.

"White fox!" Qin Shiyi wants to split, holding a white snake's graceful water snake waist, worried: "How are you?"

"I, I am fine!"

"Kill the beast!" I noticed the situation, the snow eagle screamed angrily, and a dozen people even jumped up, and the eight spirits slammed into the giant bear and shattered a dozen meters.

"White fox, how?" Snow eagle rushed to the front of the distressed question.

The white fox lying in Qin Shi’s arms was pale and his mouth blew with a **** cough. He shook his head: “I, I’m fine, see if the little brother is hurt!”


Qin Shi’s heart was warm and his fists were pinched.

This silly girl.

I have to say that the strength of the Panthers and other people is very strong. In the whim, the dozens of wild animals are killed and clean.

"A group of beasts!"

Ending these fierce beasts, the black panther screamed in anger, and looked up at the injury of the white fox. Then the two looked at each other inadvertently.

Then, this will arrange for the people under him to pick up the surrounding beasts, squat down a few thick branches on the surrounding trunks, put on the dead beasts, and ignite them on the campfire.

After three nights, the injury of the white fox was cured. The people surrounded the campfire and talked about laughing and drinking. Qin Shi’s big mouth ate two cooked meats, but the taste was weird. Wrinkled his eyebrows: "Scorched? How is this smell?"

"Okay, just have something to eat."

The snow eagle snorted and quickly pulled Qin Shi smile.

call out!

Qin Shi recognized the point and did not think too much, but just when he looked down again, a chilly mangling flashed on the side of the black scorpion, a glorious glory broke open, rolling the deciduous pump Then stabbed, and instantly penetrated the chest of the snow eagle.


The snow eagle's face changed, and a blood was sprayed on the face of Qin Shi. The blazing heat from the sudden burst of Qin Shi surprised the snow eagle: "Snow Eagle Big Brother!"

"Sexual thief! Don't hurry to escape!"

But the next one, a graceful shadow of the shadows fell in the forest, holding a two-meter long sword pointing to Qin Shi.

"Jade Luosha!"

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