Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 311: Spike between the forests

"Shi Qin, come out, someone is looking for you!"

Just broke through the middle of the king's spirit, and the sound of the jailer came from outside the prison.

Qin Shizheng is pinching his fists. In the deadly and heavy cell, there is no wind. The robe of the black robe is self-contained and wandering.

I was feeling the power of the body's voluminous filling. Qin Shi, who suddenly heard the sound, couldn't help but wrinkle her eyebrows. The dark road said: "This Gongsunyan, even this patience is not?"

I want to think about it. He is not an opponent of Xuan Lingjing. He stretches his back and cares, and the bones and joints are heard from the vertebral body, even when he gets up.

&nb Pig Island Novel www.; "Big Brother, are you going out?"

Before Han Zi’s entanglement, he always smiled haha’s face with some low and whispered: “You, will you come back?”

Qin Shi Zhīdào Hanzi is worried about what, Enron’s photographed him and smiled: “Reassuring, I will come back, I promised you, go home with you sooner or later, then I will accompany you back.”

"Hmm..." Han Zi was surprisingly quiet.

Looking at the appearance of Han Zi, Qin Shi's lips and teeth slightly open and close, but hesitated, but did not speak, walked outside the cell.

In the railings made by Xuan Tie, there are two strange jailers, who are wrapped in their hands and waiting for Qin Shi.

Looking at the handcuffs and ankles, Qin Shi’s pace was slow and half-shot, and the cold road: “Oh, is Gong Sunyan talking about cooperation with me?”

"Less nonsense!"

The jailer did not give him a chance to open the cold door and rushed him up.

Both hands were suddenly caught, Qin Shi subconsciously surging silk spirit, but before he returned to God, the handcuffs just touched the moment between his palm, a cold cold flow from the wrist to pass the abdominal cavity, making him tremble.


The fascinating aura of the body is instantly silenced in the belly.

"Is it a enchantment?"

The hand was copied, and Qin Shi’s brow was so surprised that two invisible mental forces swayed around the handcuffs. On the handcuffs, he clearly sensed the two furious spirits.

Feng Ling Jiejie, Qin Shi once heard the jade in the book, is an enchantment created by spiritual power, able to seal the spiritual power of the practitioners, is a common trick in prison.

However, it is precisely because of this that Qin Shibo’s thoughts turned around: “Weird, Gongsun Yan knows that I am a magician. This spiritual enchantment is useless to me. What does he want to do?”

"Jailer brother, let me say something to him?" At this moment, Qin Shi's thoughts were interrupted, and a faint sound that was softened to the bones echoed from the cell.

"Do not……!"

"Oh, just for a while, is it good to be a jailer brother?" The black phantom swayed, and Liu Tingting stood up to the pride of her chest, and smirked at the jealousy of the two jailers.

"Well? OK...!"

Originally, the faces of the two jailers shook their heads and tried to refuse, but I don’t know why, when I was looking at Liu Tingting’s eyes, my eyes suddenly turned a little loose, and I suddenly loosened Qin Shi and sneaked.

"This is... enchantment?"

Feeling the difference between the two jailers, Qin Shi could not help but sigh.

"This line is careful, someone will kill you."

Next, Liu Tingting's lips have been found in his ear, softly blowing out the aroma.

"Someone wants to harm me?" Qin Shi's sharp eyes condensed.

Liu Tingting sneaked a sneak peek at the two prison guards, carefully turning the dagger: "Well, these two people are all the heart of the artemisia."


Knowing this, Qin Shi black scorpion flashed through the clear cold light. He had long felt that he was not quite right, but he did not think about it. After all, he did not expect that Artemisia would dare to violate the meaning of Gong Sunyan.

Now suddenly realized, Qin Shi’s hand raised his mouth: “Oh, is this? It seems that some people are not prepared to give up?”

"Well, be careful."

"This time... Thank you very much." Hesitating, Qin Shi is still a sincere thank for Liu Tingting.

"I will wait for you to come back and discuss life together." Liu Tingting has become more charming and charming, and the tempting peach eyes have slammed into the depths of the cell.

"Drink! It's a fox!"

In any case, Qin Shi is also a real man of **** Fang Gang. Under the temptation of this red fruit, the lips are dry and exhaled.

Next, he subconsciously touched his waistband, and he couldn't help but sigh. He immediately reluctantly sighed and said: "Call, fortunately, fortunately, this is for Yujie, I have to play with me..."


The two jailers suddenly returned to God, and you yelled at me and frowned at you, but did not think much about grabbing Qin Shi and leaving the prison room.

Leaving the dungeon is a dusty day.

Time just entered the night, and the moon was overhanging.

On the darkness of the sky, wrapped in misty clouds, faintly visible, the stars are flashing, quite beautiful.

Stepping on the ruins, the two took Qin Shi and did not go to the luxurious three-story pavilion, but went deep into the western path.

Something is strange on this small road. From time to time, I blew through the bleak cold wind, and the Qin Shi black robe creaked.

The more you go forward, the deeper the wrinkle of Qin Shi's brow, he can clearly feel that there is a strong murder in this neighborhood, and he is approaching him.

But he did not resist, and his mouth was always hung with a slight curvature. He wanted to swear, and what kind of tricks can be made by Artemisia.

"Adult, we brought people."

Half an hour, nearly 10,000 meters away, the two jailers stopped.

In the darkness of a hundred meters ahead, there is a blue figure standing under the moonlight, and the faint silver awning looms looming.

The figure did not turn back, just waved to the two to retreat.

When the two retired, Qin Shi looked at the figure under the moonlight, and the blue armor on the figure had exposed his identity.

Sure enough, he is a ghost in it.

Knowing the truth, Qin Shi sounded with a sigh: "Oh, General Artemisia, it took so much effort to lie to me, is it always ready to face me?"

"Oh? Are you Zhīdào me?"

This is not to let the figure smashed, the blue armor is indifferently turned back, a strong body, not exactly the artemisia?

"Gong Sun Yan is not as stupid as you are."

Qin Shi is dotted with two feet moving toward the side, calmly leaning against a towering old tree.

Full of ridiculous words, the strange artichoke iron face chilly, gnashing his teeth and snoring: "Hey, it is really enough, since you Zhīdào is me, then should Zhīdào I am looking for what you are doing?"

"I am sorry, I am really not Zhīdào!"

"Looking for you! Just send you to death!" The face of the artemisia is suffocating, and he saw that he single-handedly picked up the shimmering streamer, and singled out to the sky and then blew it up like a fountain.


The streamer is scattered in the air as a pyrotechnic.

Along with the starlight, the darkness surrounding the darkness swelled, and a black shadow rushed to the front, and the scorpion smashed the Qin stone from all sides.

On all sides, Qin Shi both hands hang down on the chest in the bundle of handcuffs, scorning the two invisible forces, and walking around the loose leaves can not help but swear: "Li Qi?"

"Shi Qin, you must die today!"

In the center of the shadow, a figure with a faint red hair, a pointed monkey, is not Li Qi.

Seeing Li Qi, Qin Shi quite unexpectedly screamed and taunted: "Oh, General Artemisia, you are really painstaking, in order to eradicate me, I personally colluded with prisoners? If this is the general public, Zhīdào, I am afraid you can’t eat it. Let's go?"

"Hey, this is the ridiculous jungle outside, the haze is shrouded, ghosts and fears, even if General Gongsun can not detect, as long as I kill you without knowing it, who would Zhīdào be me?" A swaying rifle was sacrificed, and the squeaking sound was heard after the fallen leaves were lifted.

Qin Shi looked back at the scenery, and it was indeed a barren jungle.

There is a strange spiritual power nearby that blocks all the surrounding auras, just as he can't go deep into them in the day.

Understand the situation, he finally Zhīdào why this artemisia is so bold.

However, this did not make him fear, but he did not agree with the protagonist: "Oh, then you are sure, you have the ability to kill me?"

"Oh, Shi Qin, I admit, your ability is really not small, I don't Zhīdào how do you do it, in just three days from the seal of the spirit to reach the king's spiritual realm, or that you are the king's spiritual realm."

Qi Art said that the jealousy of this heart is not hidden, but only after a moment he taunted: "But now you should be sensing, the enchantment on your handcuffs!"

"Oh, what about that?"

Looking down at the handcuffs, aiming at the sight, Qin Shi disdain shrugged his shoulders.

"Hmmm?" Several people of Artemisia and Li Qi couldn't help but swear. It shouldn't be like this in their plans. Qin Shi is not a barking scream, beg for mercy?

How is this going? It should not be right.

"Hey, die to the end, dare to speak up!"

Qin Shi is so calm, the anger in the heart of Artemisia is getting more and more angry, shouting at Li Qi: "Li Qi, kill him, I want to get rid of you!"

"Hey, just wait for this sentence." In the moonlight, Li Qi licked the cracked corner of his mouth, and immediately saw him bow out, and set off two cold currents under his arm, and the palm of the hand forced the door to Qin Shi. : "Kid, I said that I will not let you go, I will not let you go!"

"Not long remember!"

Facing Li Qi, Qin Shi trembled in the black robe leaning against the old tree, and immediately saw his black scorpion in the flash of light, slightly purple.


Next, Li Qi galloped his body, and the two thieves blinked and screamed indifferently, screaming at the moonlight, and inexplicably flew hundreds of meters away.


With a loud bang, Li Qi happened to fall at the foot of the Artemisia sinensis, making Zhang Hao stunned Zhang Dazui: "What, what happened?"

puff! Puff puff!

Followed by, only to listen to the muffled sound again and again, the black shadow body around the Qin Shi body twitched, one by one turned over the eyes, and at the same time passed out.

This time, the artemisia was frightened, and the sharp rifle in his hand fell directly to the ground and stepped back: "You, what have you done?"

call out!

A cold wind, the artemisia only felt the phantom in front of him, and Qin Shi’s face was directly attached to him, and he screamed: “Ah, what did you do? You are not, isn’t it banned?”

"Do you mean this?"

Standing in front of the odd artemisia, Qin Shi sprinkled his hands and raised his hands, only to hear the loud noise of the cymbals, the handcuffs that locked the Qin Shi, blasted open.


The blasted handcuffs flew into the form of iron filings.

The Fengling enchantment was accompanied by the bursting of the handcuffs, and a vast wild spirit of the middle of the spirit of the spirit, the vastness of the leaves in the jungle.

Qi Arti's stunned eating stopped He never thought that this would be the result, not all planned? Why is this happening?


The voice of indifference is like a death sentence. Qin Shi’s palm is rolled up and rolled down, and the scorpion turns into a sharp sword. It enters and exits and dyes red moonlight.


A muffled sound, the artemisia has not yet returned to God, there is more blood in his chest, the position of the blood cut is sharp and angular, without hesitation.

With the flow of blood, he died directly and died.

"Oh, I said, don't provoke me." The black scorpion glanced at the tragic artemisia, and looked at the prisoners such as Li Qi at the rear. The group was shocked by his mental power. Even if he didn't die, he was a lifelong servant. , not Kěnéng recovered.

To solve this group of people, he patted the blood on the black robe, but did not give a slight lift to his head and looked up at the bright moonlight, and his heart was cold.

"Come out, don't hide."

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