Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 293: This is not the end

Everything seems to be a temporary end.

In the northern region, in less than two days, it experienced the biggest disaster in the millennium. The rainstorms continued, the world was trembled, and the mountains and rivers collapsed, which was recorded as a natural disaster.

Burning the mountains, the square is razed to the ground.

The most brilliant Burning Mountain Peak, once seems to be in the air, disappeared.

Burning Tianzong, even from the top of the sky, to the ruins of the basin, the existence of the peaks in the northern region, one of the four forces of the blazing empire, caused a huge wave.

And all of this is because of him.


At night, near the burning Tianzong.

The space around it was rippling, and a space gap was torn apart.

Immediately, two black figures poked out of the gap.

Two figures, looking at the ruins underneath, can not help but pour the air: "After all, is it late?"

It is no stranger to these two people. One of them is wearing a blue robes and supporting the wind with a hand.

Behind the wind, it was the vicissitudes of the old man on the cliff.

The old man stared at the ruins below, a heavy one: "Awkward people, have you started to act?"

Fufeng nodded and looked a little heavy: "Well, the smell of swallowing is still there, and Qin Shi should be forced into the space gap by someone."

"Well, it seems that the fate has begun to turn..."

Hearing this statement, Fufeng had no choice but to point his head. The face of fortitude showed some shock and dignity, and immediately after a second, his brow wrinkled and looked down.


A shadow of the shadows galloped, admiring the vertical and horizontal of the sky, and roared at the place where the two were located: "Who, dare to burn the heavens outside me?"

But I don't want to, she floated on the sky, but did not see the half-personal shadow, the night sky stars in addition to the diffuse sand and wolf smoke, empty.

To this end, she silenced for a long time and whispered: "Is it because of the kid, I am too nervous, and I am suspicious of anything?"

After the whisper fell, she looked around again, and once again confirmed that no one had smashed the red lips and gave up the thin body to return to the sect.

But she did not know, after her figure returned to the sect, a dark space rips open the night, Fufeng and the old figure staring down.

"Oh, it’s really vigilant."

Looking at the back of envy, the old figure smiled.

"Well, Qin Shi's kid is a sequel to her." Fufeng laughed and nodded, and his eyes were full of gaze, looking to Haoyu.

"This time, the catastrophe of the ruined mainland, the sky is also swallowing the sky, the prophecy of the monarch is efficacious, all must see the little guy of Qin Shi..." Shen Yu in the star of Haoyu, long after the wind, sighed, In the end, I rushed to the old figure and said, "Let's go, we should start preparing..."

The old figure was silent, and the wind was sinking into the dark space of the gap, dissipating in the starry night and night.


Time passed, half a month.

After half a month, the northern sky was dark and dusty, and finally gradually dispersed. Instead, it was the sun, and the sun was like a fire, covering the earth.

However, time did not take away this heavy atmosphere, but instead spread the battle of the Tianzong to the entire empire.

The northern region is becoming more and more household name, and the name Qin Shi is as good as it is.

Qin Zong, who is thousands of miles away.

Ling Xiao, Xun Lao, Mo Chen, Shao Yang and others and blood sages stood at the top of Qinshan Qinzong and looked at the calming sky. They were very emotional: "This kid knows that this kid can't stand up..."

"Yeah, I don't know where he was passed this time, but what is certain is that the place must be downstairs... ready to meet the ravages of this god."

A few people smiled at the stunned voice, and the blood sage nodded and said: "But now he is completely famous... I can make the person who burned Tianzong into this appearance, I am afraid it is him."

"It's not only him who is famous... In just half a month, Qin Zong's disciples are more than three thousand, and they are all thanks to this stupid boy..."

"Haha, but it is more proof that it was the right choice to hand over the fire to his hands." The blood sage took a slap on the shoulder and smiled.

Ling Xiao has a bitter face, but helplessly said: "No, this is a big sect of the 10,000 people who will immediately hand it over to me. I am going to be a slap in the hands of the shopkeeper."

"Don't worry, when he comes back, it is the time when Qin Zong is brilliant..."

Hearing this, Ling Xiao’s nephew is a bit hot: “Well, I am now beginning to believe that when he said that Qin Zong would want to ask the empire and ask the whole continent’s rhetoric... I can’t imagine what day it was. scene…"

"If it is him, maybe it can be..."

A group of people, often mentioning the name Qin Shi, always can not help but reveal the joy in the face, this joy is more proud and proud.


Qin family.

Today, it has been connected with Qinzong and Babao Town.

This piece of power, covering a long stretch of the ancient city, is rapidly rising at a very exaggerated speed, and united with the Luojia of the first-class city of Hongyun City, and soon became the first in the northern region to remove the burning of the heavens. Two major forces.

However, the Qin Family Hall is resolutely located in the desert town.

Qin Yongfeng did not give up the barren town because of the rise of the power. As he said at the beginning, the barren town is the ancestral spirit of the Qin family.

Of course, Qin Fei, Qin Fengshan and Qin Fenghai, the juniors of the Qin family, went to Qinzong, Hongyun City, and different places to practice. Only the elderly such as Qin Yongfeng and Qin Tianqing, Qin Tianyu and Qin Yueling were left behind.

Among the juniors, only Qin private rain and Liu Yanbing stayed in the desert town.

Qin private rain stayed in the barren town, in order to learn to refine the magical charm with Park Spring, which is relatively peaceful compared to the outside world.

Liu Yanbing, she has no ambitions, and she never thought that walking on the road of cultivation is often far away. Like Qiong Shuyao, she is the mind of a small woman, and she wants to spend the rest of her life.

To this end, she gave up the development of the big city, chose to stay and look after Qin Tianqing and Qiong Shuyao, the so-called children are worried about the mother, she knows that Qin Shi is not in the heart of the old heart will certainly not feel good.


Qin Tianqing stood on the winding road outside the Qin family hall, looking up at the stars and the bright moon in the night and night. He felt some pain and worry in his black box. He sighed with a hand: "Oh, I really can’t think of it. In just one year, it happened. So many things..."

Next to him is Qiong Shuyao.

She held a thick coat and placed it on the back of Qin Tianqing: "Yes, Shier grew up... There is his own choice, but the road he chose is full of thorns, very bitter and tired."

The warmth behind him made Qin Tianqing lose his life. Finally, he smiled and shook his head. After wrapping his coat, he grabbed Qiong Shuyao and smiled. "I believe him, no matter how much and tired, he will stand back. Don't forget that he is the son of my Qin Tianqing..."


Qiong Shuyao lingered in the arms of Qin Tianqing.

After a moment of silence, she spoke again, saying: "The old man, in the gravel street a year ago, why did you want to lead the stone to provoke the demon?"

Qin Tianqing’s body trembled and the face of the fortitude was loose. He finally smiled: “The mission of Qin’s millennium is to guard the demon. Since he broke this iron law, this consequence should be taken care of by him.”

Qiong Shuyao's agile capture of the changes in Qin Tianqing's face, he blamed: "You lied to me, you have long guessed that the demon will choose Shier, right?"

Hearing this, Qin Tianqing stunned and finally smiled and said: "Hey, for decades, I really can't see you... You remember why I named him Qin Shi?"

"You want him to be as rock-solid as a golden soup..."

"Yes, Shier, he is different from others. This is the number of robberies he must have. I have never told you these years. On the day of our wedding, there is a senior named Fufeng who has already mentioned Qin Shi. Today and the evil spirits are constantly coming..." Qin Tianqing pondered for a long time and finally sighed.

Qiong Shuyao stunned, and some could not believe the eyes of Qin Tianqing: "What? Someone has already calculated the fate of Shier? Then, what about the old man?"

"I don't know, I only have a good relationship with him..." Qin Tianqing looked at the night sky and shook his head.

In this regard, Qiong Shuyao opened his mouth and eventually did not ask more.

Qin Tianqing looked at the silent wife. He liked Qiong Shuyao's favorite quiet. It hasn't changed in the past few decades. For this reason, she once again scorned her slyly: "These, thank you, for me. Born such a baby son..."

"So big age, still poor mouth..." Qiong Shuyao screamed.



The night is gradually coming, and in the backyard of the barren town, it is still bursting.

Qin private rain worked hard all night, until after panting, he wiped away the sweat of his forehead and looked in the direction of burning Tianzong: "Stone, you are coming back, you said that you will always guard the Qin family."

It is not only the Qin private rain, Su Ming, Qin Yu, Yin Mo, these old friends, all of them enter the Houshan secret retreat, all of them have mentioned 200% spiritual cultivation.

A touch of spiritual power went into Su Ming's nose, which made his chest evenly undulating, but this did not make him feel comfortable, but made him even more unwilling, squeezing his fists.

He looked up and snorted: "This is not the case, it must be stronger, stronger and will not be left by them... Qin Shi, Lin Yu, you are waiting, I have someone on the top, I will not be left behind by you..."


When everything is over, the northern region is in a state of calm.

Yan Muhua rebuilt the Tianzong and watched the rise of Qin Zong's madness, but he did not launch any threat to it. Instead, he announced that the burning of the Tianzong would be closed, and the disciples were not allowed to go out at will.

This point makes Qin Zong's people relax a lot, and Park Quan has saved his red inflammation.

This time, I was alarmed by the emperor.

In the imperial palace of the capital, many crickets began to panic.

In the palace of the harem, the roaring of the middle-aged young woman with a golden scepter, the fold of a piece of leather letter paper in his hand, the cold face is low: "What? Envy is defeated?"

"Damn... actually gave me a mistake on this section of the bones..." The middle-aged young woman angered the leather letter and snorted: "Come, come to me to check, what is the origin of Qinshi... ”

This time, the palace was completely chaotic, and this middle-aged young woman is not someone else. It is the queen of the harem empire, the queen of the harem: Xiao.

After the people responded, they retired, and then she shook the lower lip and whispered softly: "Fang Heng, rest assured, no matter what, the mother will send you to the top..."


Outside the Imperial City of the Empire, above a cliff.

There was a handsome young man standing shoulder-to-face. Behind him was a beautiful girl. The girl leaned on his shoulder in peace and smiled warmly: "Yu Zi, have you seen it? He really did."

"Well, I know that he will be able to do it. I have never seen a missing person in Linyu..." The youth is facing the cold wind, and the long hair is flying up. Isn't it Lin Yu?

The girl behind him is undoubtedly Zhou Qin.

Compared to the past, Zhou Qin has lost his domineering changed the gentle and virtuous a little, surrounded by Lin Yu's arm: "Yu Zi, I am a little homesick, I do not know my mother and Su Ming them how is it now."

"I miss them solve the empire, let us go home together..."

"Well..." Zhou Qin nodded and said, but his face was a little embarrassing, did he solve the empire? Is it really so good to solve it, she did not say much.

The night faded away, and the first morning was scattered.

At this moment, the people in the northern region looked up at the same time, Qin Yongfeng, Qin Tianqing, Qiong Shuyao, Liu Yanbing, Qin family, Lin Yu, Su Ming, Yin Mo, Qin Yu, and Luo family. Qin Shi has a relationship with people.

They opened their mouths and looked forward to them.

Because, they know, this is not the end, just the beginning...

Next time, when he returns, he will shake the mountains and rivers and emit a ray of light.

This is not the end. R9


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