Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 289: Life and death

"I will kill you!"

Two red blood scarlet scorpions, turned over at the peak of Qin Shi's eyebrows, such as the demon in the abyss, full of killing meaning of the envy of envy.


Next, the ground under the foot of Qin Shi collapsed deeply, and a black shadow fell on the eyes of the people, disappearing out of thin air.

"So fast……"

Yan Muhua’s pretty face is under the iron, and others may not see it clearly, but she is clearly watching. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Qin Shi is not disappearing, but is approaching her like a cannonball at a speed of nearly a kilometer per second.

This kind of Sùdù is comparable to her.

Tens of thousands of meters away, the wheezing disappeared.


"Hey, this is the power of the demon? It's really powerful." But this is not your strength. If you look at me, you will break your own hands!" Yan Muhua's subconsciously raised his sleeves and met Qin Shi's attack. Collide up.


Thousands of thunder light, suddenly rolled up in the sky, the sky and the thunder of the spears of the sky.

But I haven't given them any chances. I only saw the black shadows in the air, a sinful sigh of resentment, the evil spirits that changed into tens of thousands of feet in the transpiration, and smashed the giant mouth to meet the thunderbolt.

The two collided and fell apart.

A gap between the mountains and rivers will open the ground and will not bottom out.

"Oh, my God, what's wrong with this?"

"That kid, is this still human? How could he become so strong?"

"In this way, let alone burning the heavens, the entire northern region will also be destroyed."

Under the power of the wild, the light is the swell of the wind and the wind and sand, so that the people around them have retreated tens of thousands of meters, staring at the two hands.

This level of confrontation has completely exceeded their cognition, especially for Qin Shi, the sudden burst of power made them curious.

The entangled suffocation of the body, the two **** bones between the eyebrows is like the use of magic, but even the magic on the five lines, may not be able to achieve this level?

In the distance from the mountain, the purple potato has a low face: "I really can't think of this kid still have a hand? Now this power is a real world, and it is not bad at all?"

At this moment, these former hegemons who claimed to be kings all bowed their heads in vain, and no one dared to despise the twenty-year-old boy.

He, really too strong, the irony of the previous slaps like a slap in the face, burning on their faces.

Luo Feng, Luo Xuan, and three people were shocked and clenched their fists. He Yan patted his chest with a heavy face and said: "I am Zhīdào, things will not end easily. This time it really forced him to a dead end... ”

"His temper is like this..."

At this time, a figure wrapped in a black robe, suddenly appeared in the back of the rock through the messy clouds, staring at the picture on the field could not help but **** the air.

"Pak old man?" Looking back, He Yan and Luo Feng Luo Xuan are all a glimpse.

That's right, isn't that shadow like Park Spring?

He was really unable to bear it. The changes in the entire northern region could not be described as shocking. For this reason, he placed Chi Yan Ling in the Qin family and rushed.

He looked at the two light and shadows that collided with each other and couldn't help but sigh: "The little girl is very important in his heart. This time he will definitely not give up, and envy China is a big trouble..."

"Well, this is going to be crazy, but I don't care what the burning of the heavens does not burn Tianzong..." He Yan shook his head with a smile, who could think of such a little guy, and turned the big northern area into this pair. Desolate look?

Upon hearing this, Luo Feng and Luo Xuan recognized the point.

For this, Park Quan also agrees very much. It can even be said that long ago, he would have made Zhīdào Qin Shi’s achievements on this wild land. Today may be just an opportunity for him to show his first appearance.

"If it is not dead today, his future achievements are infinite." He Yan snorted with some hesitation, but looked at the fierce attack of envy, Qin Shi has already lost some.

"But... is there really hope?" He Yan whispered softly, not sure.

"I won't let him die..."

Park Spring took a deep breath, and his eyes suddenly became extremely firm among the electric sparks of Tianzhu. He said: "If he loses, I will save him... He should not fall here, belong to him. The times are still waiting for him to pick up..."

Hearing this, both He Yan and Luo Feng blinked at the same time.

In the next second, He Yan’s face changed a lot, and the corner of his mouth twitched a few times: “Don't you want to use that?”


Pu Quan’s old eyes flashed violently, staring at the black robe boy in the suffocating air. The black robe was originally handed to Qin Shi by him.

But he never said to Qin Shi that the black robe was that he had gone through hundreds of days and nights and personally sewing for his future disciples.

When the voice fell, his palms slid out of the black sleeves, which were pinched with a sly blue magic symbol. The magic symbol was engraved with six lines.

"Six-grain magic?"

Suddenly surprised, Luo Feng and Luo Xuan took a nap.

He Yan's face is cold to the extreme. He knows a little about the origin of this magical character. He whispered: "You are crazy? Six-grain magic, you can't control it! Moreover, this is your master's relic!"

Park Quan shook his head and said: "In this magical symbol, refining is my master's life, and even my affinity can reach 100%..."

Hearing this, He Yan stunned, but still whispered: "But even if this is the case, do you want to be right against Burning Heaven? Envy is the queen of the queen, the real hegemon of the northern region, if it is offended His words, even the empire may not be able to save you! For a Qin Shi, is it worth it?"


"Oh, I don't want you to say, in my opinion, Qin Shi is more deterrent than this burning Tianzong." Park Quan's mouth picked and stared at Qin Shi's old eyes and blazed: "Believe what I said, Perhaps today, the burning of the Tianzong will not be destroyed, but it will not be long before the northern region will no longer burn Tianzong, then there was only one person here, called Qin Shi!"


For this, He Yan and Luo Feng screamed.

How high is this evaluation? Compete with one?

However, they have forgotten the current situation. Isn’t this the appearance?

In the end, He Yan smiled and showed a helpless smile: "Oh, I can see it. You old guy and this kid have a temper, one is more stubborn than one. If you don't turn this northern region into a sky, you will not give up. ""

"Oh, believe in my choice, he deserves my gambling."

"My Zhīdào, this kid's talent is really amazing. With the king's spiritual environment, the chickens and dogs that burned Tianzong can be restless. If he is given him some time, the burning of the heavens may indeed be extinguished. This day cannot be ruined. He is this dragon..."

When He Yan finished speaking, he finally had no choice but to take out a golden token. The token was engraved with a furnace full of Zunwei. He said: "At the critical moment, I will stand up and the title of the Association of Pharmaceuticalists. How much will make the empire a little jealous!"


Park Quan nodded with some gratification.


At this time, in the dialogue between the two people, I saw only a distant thunder in the distance, and a thunder and lightning that fell over, was actually forming a Thunderbolt?

"This, this power, so scary!"

The people blinked, and the Thunderbolt and the attack were not a level at all.

"I said, you must stay today!"

Yan Muhua snorted and grabbed the Thousand Spears. With a very disproportionate body, he danced the Thunder Spear in one fell swoop, and stabbed him in the chest of Qin Shi.


Then, the heavens and the earth were dim, and the thin black shadows of Qin Shi, like being bombarded, rushed out of the tens of thousands of meters, and the smashing flies on the earth, crushing the mountain rocks.

This blow, the birth of Qin Shi's back spine, the bright red blood sprayed like a spring.

"Knot, is it over?"

"Is this kid finally defeated?" The people present at the scene blinked and there was an inexplicable relief.

But for this result, there are not many accidents among the people.

After all, envy is a real thing, even if Qin Shi relies on more external forces, but after all, it is only the flesh of the early days of Wang Ling, and he has already reached the limit with three serious injuries.


Looking at this scene, Park Quan almost subconsciously pinched the six-character demon.

But at this time, He Yan suddenly started to hold him down: "Don't worry."


"You oh..." He Yan shocked and raised his finger to Qin Shi.

Park Quan stunned and looked down at He Yan's finger. The next person's body could not help but tremble. The hand holding the magic symbol was unnaturally released.


I saw that Qin Shi’s position on the ground was filled with arrogant arrogance. The wound behind the back was healed in the suffocating air. The thunder of the sky fell like a stone in the air and turned into a cloud.

"God, is this kid a man?"

"This kind of attack is unscathed?" The shock again, so that those who have just been suffocating will once again raise their hearts.


Qin Shi jumped up and crouched on the ground, staring at Yan Muhua's **** redness to some monks, eager to try to have a third **** to break the skin.

Looking at this scene, the elders who burned Tianzong’s remnants were all stunned: "This, this is the third bloody? God, you can't let him open, otherwise it will not be able to stop it." ?"

They know a little about the demons, and they are all shocked.

Yan Muhua reveals a rare taboo, staring at the third **** eye that wants to unfold in the eyebrows, and sinks in his heart: "Three eyes demon... that power is afraid to reach Qitianjing...! How does he master Kěnéng?"


The surging of the third **** blood caused the pain of Qin Shi’s body to be unbearable, and his mind had already collapsed, leaving only the numbness of the killing.



"Kill, kill, kill, I want to kill the world!" The devil's resentment made Qin Shixin's heart red, and suddenly turned around and fell to the nearest few people, and the next second rose.


A chilly wind, Qin Shi rushed forward like a ghost, single-handed as a sickle's sickle, began to numb the harvest, see people kill, see ghosts kill ghosts!


In the blink of an eye, hundreds of onlookers were handcuffed by Qin Shi.

Looking at this scene, the people panicked and screamed: "What is going on? He?"

"Run fast, he now does not distinguish between friends and foes, only Zhīdào numbness kill! Run!"

Realizing this, everyone was frightened, and they fled in all directions.

Purple Potato, He Yan, Park Spring, Luo Feng, Luo Xuan, and several people who know Qin Shi, frowned at the same time: "The heart of this kid has begun to collapse?"

"In this way, I am afraid that I am really going to go mad..."

The onlookers broke open, and Qin Shi’s gaze was like a cold sword, and he fell on several elders who burned Tianzong. He whispered: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"


His body was once again faltering, waiting for someone to rush down.


That ghostly Sùdù, so that people did not even have time to dodge, was directly slaughtered, Sun Tao's black scorpion opened Zhang, but not yet opened, I saw his chest pain, a black claw is already him The heart is pulled out.


Sun Tao is dead? Is it so clean and clean? This is the right-hand protection method of Burning Tianzong. The existence of 10,000 people under one person is so vulnerable in front of Qin Shi.

The same as the law-protection, directly scared the urine, dragging the residual arm, and open.

"Animals! Dare to hurt me to burn the elders of Tianzong, you are looking for death!" Yan Muhua was mad, regardless of the madness of the rush, and blocked in front of Qin Shi.


The two palms are opposite. The next second is unexpected. Yan Muhua was actually shot and flew hundreds of meters away.


Ye He shouted, not counting Zhao Yan, the elder of Burning Tianzong now left her alone.


I don't want to, Qin Shi is already behind her, and the black claws are born.

"Do not!"

Looking back, Ye He’s heart was cold, and the sense of death was unprecedented.

"Kid, you dare!"

Envious of Hua Tuo's big eyes, I immediately saw her clenching her teeth, struggling to rush forward and out of the palm, and the palm of the hand exudes a green light, gently falling in the heart of Qin Shi.


But I didn't want to, it was this light palm, paused for a while and caused a great vibration, with a little force to fly the black stone that fluttered hundreds of meters away.

Qin Shi, who was shocked, suddenly screamed in fear of the whole body, and began to retreat little by little. The third **** eyebrows between the eyebrows closed instantly, and the other two **** scorpions began to gradually gather.

"This What is going on here?"

"The power of this kid has been suppressed back?"

The incomprehensible enthusiasm of the people looked forward to it, and immediately there was some shock at the same time.

I saw that in the palm of Yan Muhua, holding a green jade, the power transmitted by Yu Pei pressed the whole field, and there was a powerful character on the top: collapse.

Sorry, these two days are not updated well. The little puppies at the shallow home have gone, and the puppy has been raised for 13 years. The mood is slightly excited.

4,000 words to make up for it, if you can at night, I try to write another chapter these days, the family is very low, my mother is not good, crying eyes are red, and the shallow is not resting for 40 hours. It’s really painful to die for 13 years.

Lele, go all the way.

I hope to be well, heaven and earth.

Ask for a blessing, everyone will help you to the top, WAP friends help to leave a message, it is really important to me. Thank you very much.

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