Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 278: Is this enough?

"Bee!" lying in the iron cage, Xu Qiaoer heard the sound of Bai Yu Tang, struggling to stand up and said: "You guys will not have a good end!"

"Hey, stinky, dare to talk nonsense when you die?" Bai Yu Tang's heart was full of anger.

But at this time, Yu Liner raised her hand and pulled the white jade soup. She still kept the cold and proud beauty, and teased and walked to the iron cage: "Hey, smart, don't be excited, remember your sister." Do not?"

Xu Qiao turned over, with blood on his body, glaring at Lin Liner: "Squatting, lie to me, brother, even if you turn into fly ash, I will not forget you!" w" novel "fiction chapter update most fast

Yu Liner was not angry, but smiled charmingly: "Oh, deceive him? I don't have it, it is the parents who are too beautiful, he can't hold it, can't resist the temptation? Is it wrong? ?"

"Lin, don't make trouble."

When Liner was showing off the coquettish, Ye Chang’s helplessly stopped Yulin’s, and immediately she waved out the spirits in the iron cage, blocking the sound in the cage and the outside world.

After that, she solemnly opened the white jade soup: "This time, you go to the town of ruin, and bring his sister, can you make Qin Shi self-investment?"

"Ye elders are assured, maybe others will not, but he will come. If you move the Qin family, you will be able to lead him. I know his temper too well."

"That's good, don't be happy."

When I heard this, Ye Elder and many elders were relieved at the same time, and they were excited by the scorpion.

"As long as he dares to come, I must kill him personally!" When mentioning Qin Shi, Bai Yu Tang hated the itchy roots, and the whole body scatters a steady stream of anger and murder.

"Is it by you? I am afraid it is a little difficult!"

But at this time, Sun Tao on the above suddenly smiled with some irony.

"Right elder, what do you mean by this? Do you think that I am not as good as him?" Hearing the voice of Sun Tao, Bai Yu Tang was somewhat convinced to take the first two steps.

It is not only the white jade soup that is incomprehensible, but even Lin and Ye Chang’s several people are somewhat awkward. In their eyes, they did not put Qin Shi in their eyes, just want to introduce him to the sect.

"Oh, look at yourself."

Sun Tao sneered, and immediately he spread his palms. He saw a golden **** mouth on his palm. The purple flame was burning around the blood, and it was not over.

"this is……"

Looking at the wound, the people present were stunned.

Sun Tao shook his head helplessly. This blood was originally in that night. He was injured by two golden light relics of Qin Shi. He smiled bitterly: "We all sneaked at him. This wound was caused by him. I didn't have it at the time. Put it in the heart, just use the spiritual power of the source to devour the flame, but I don't want it to contain terrible mental power. Even now, I can only suppress it, but I can't expel it!"

"Mental strength?"

Hearing this statement, Bai Yu Tang and others were amazed. Yu Liner’s beauty was a beating, revealing an incredible incredible, sitting on the bench and not moving, some restless.

After a long delay, I opened my eyes after taking a breath, and the recognized people said: "Sun Tao is right. Don't underestimate the Qin family's little guy. Did you forget the white jade soup? The original time in the ancient city, finally The mysterious person who shot, the strength of that person is even if I have to avoid the edge, I am afraid that only the head can compete with it?"

The body of Bai Yu Tang was shocked, recalling the great battle outside the secret of the burning of the sky, the scorpion was low.

The fiasco of that time was a shame that he could not wash away.

However, Zhao Yan said that it was correct. The sudden appearance of that time caused a lot of deterrent power to burn Tianzong, so Sun Tao was sent before the ancient city.

"Ye He, how long does it take to get out of the house?"

In desperation, Zhao Yan turned his eyes to the elders of Ye.

"If there is no accident, it should be in the last two days. This time, the head will hit the heavens. If it succeeds, I will burn Tianzong to become the second master of the heavens. "Ye He is silent for a while, said.

"Well, heaven?"

Zhao Yan’s sly flashed the envy of the road, and immediately nodded: “If the head can be heavenly, even if there is the protection of the mysterious person, Qin Shi is afraid that it is also difficult to fly.”

"Well, with Qin Shi's Sùdù, arriving from the ancient city, it should take some days, just enough to get out of the door." Sun Tao also nodded with envy.

The same is true of the elders headed by Ye He.


But before the hearts of the people fell, Zhao Yan’s eyes were in vain, and his body trembled, and a raging spirit in the wild blew out, making the tables and chairs of the hall tremble.

Feeling the unexpected pressure, Bai Yu Tang and Yu Liner have stepped back a few steps, and several elders led by Ye He can't help but hold up the spiritual resistance.

"Left elder, what's wrong?" Yu Liner squinted.

"Oh, it seems that this kid is more anxious than we think." Zhao Yan's body could not help but stand up, and the corner of his mouth was gloomy and helpless, and he looked at the hall.


Not long after his voice fell, it was not equal to a few people in Liner’s mouth, only to hear a bang, a burning Tianzong disciple broke through the door of the main hall and broke into the ground.

"White jade soup, get out and die!"

Suddenly, there was an icy roar that could not be covered, and the trend was swept away from the hall.

In the next second, a black shadow jumped twice in a row, and one jumped into the hall.

The figure was wrapped in a black robe, and the hair under the black robe fluttered slightly, unable to block the clear eyes of the pair of scorpions, and the heart of the ice fell on the white jade soup.

"Qin Shi!"

The sudden appearance of the black robe boy, and the wild killing machine made the hall a lot of people: "I don't think, he came so quickly?"

Zhao Yan and Sun Tao got up at the same time, revealing the color of dignity.

Outside the main hall, nearly a thousand disciples have been encircled, and several of them are Wang Ling’s strength: “Long, elders, this person smashed the sect, and injured my nearly a hundred disciples...”

Hearing the sound, Ye He has frowned. Several people who dared to burn Tianzong for thousands of years, Qin Shi should be regarded as the first one, and also injured hundreds of disciples in the Zong.

At this time, Xu Qiaoer saw Qin Shi in the iron cage. Her beautiful eyes and grief, hard grip on the irons of the cage, kept shaking her head, but because of the pressure of the isolation, she could only make a whimper. sound.

A drop of tears spilled out of her face.

"Qiaoer, waiting for brother, brother, this will come to save you!" Looking at the appearance of Xu Qiaoer, Qin Shi was suddenly angered by the anger, a pair of cold smashing in the coverless murder.

"Hey, Qin Shi, you are so bold, just waiting for you, since you personally sent it to the door, then you will stay!"

Bai Yu Tang took the lead and leaped forward. After picking up Qin Shi, he did not personally. Instead, he saw thousands of disciples outside the hall and issued orders: "Chen Tianzong disciples listened to orders and captured him!"

Upon hearing this order, Zhao Yan and Sun Tao, Ye He and other elders frowned, but did not stop.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Yan and Sun Tao closed their eyes, and a touch of spiritual power spread out in the mist, and instantly shrouded the burning Tianzong on the burning Tianshan, as if looking for something.

Nearly a thousand disciples heard the orders, and they jumped up without delay. They sacrificed their spiritual power beyond the edge of the army and whistling down to the Qin stone, causing the sky above the burning Tianzong.


Xu Qiaoer grabbed the irons hard and the scorpion slammed out.

"Have me caught?"

However, at this time, Qin Shi did not look back at the white jade soup, and his mouth slightly raised a strange arc.


The next moment, the first disciple who slammed into the steps of the hall, suddenly changed his face, and immediately tightened his neck, inexplicably fainted to the ground.

One did not pay attention to everyone, but the next picture was very strange. The disciples of the burning Tianzong only stepped into the boundaries of life and death, and often fainted.

One, two, ten, hundreds.

Under this circumstance, the people present were all flustered, and they no longer dared to take the cofferdam under the ladder, but there was no way. This ladder seemed to be under the curse.

"This, is it poisonous?"

Ye He’s eyes and old elders frowned, and they could feel the dust on the ladder.

"Is it poisonous to achieve this effect?"

"Poisonous woman, Zi Lingsha?" When the name was mentioned, even Ye He was moved by several people.

"Oh, the poison of Zi Lingsha is really effective." Looking back, looking at the burning Tianzong disciple who had piled up the mountain, Qin Shi sneered sneer.

He has long spread the ecstasy, and covered the enchantment with a spiritual power for a hundred meters outside the Burning Temple. As long as someone dares to approach this distance, he will faint.


Regaining his gaze, Qin Shi took out the dark sword of the darkness and pointed it across the chest of Bai Yu Tang: "The beast, even today, the king of Laos is coming, my **** will kill you! Who will stop who!"

"Hey, you try!"

Bai Yu Tang had a low face. He had listened to Sun Tao’s words and was somewhat jealous of Qin Shi. However, Qin Shi was ashamed of him in public. If he was forbearing, it would be a shameful shame.

"Big Brother, stop!"

But at this time, Yu Liner jumped into the front of Bai Yu Tang, gazing at Qin Shi.

"Yu Liner? Oh, it’s been a long time since I saw it."

Seeing that Lin Liner, Qin Shi’s tiger body could not help but tremble. First, the smashing smashed through the shackles, and the constant hatred was suddenly revealed.

Yu Liner snorted, and she and Qin Shi looked at each other. I don’t know why in the black shackles of Qin Shi, I felt the terrible pressure that the stock did not dare to look straight.

This is really two years ago, the Qin family who wandered around her?

What has he experienced in the past two years? A year ago, he was still so young. At that time, in his jealousy, there were even some unseen loves, but at this time...

There is no such thing.

"Qin Shi, you are so burning on Tianzong, don't you want to live?" Yu Liner licked her red lips, and her attitude towards Qin Shi was somewhat lost.

Qin Shi did not agree, his kind of hate for Liner, has been imprinted in the bones: "Oh, less and nonsense, since I dare to hurt my Qin family, then you should be prepared to pay the price! Today, white jade soup must Death, if you have to stop, I am desperate, and ruined you to burn Tianzong!"

"Big words, do you think that your strength growth point, you can shake me to burn Tianzong?" Bai Yu Tang in the back before the first step forward, earned in Liner and then rushed to Qin Shi in vain.


"Hey, look for death!" Qin Shi danced the Nether Sword, and the sword was lightly penetrating.


As soon as possible, two figures, suddenly crashed, the wild spiritual power generated into a hurricane sweeping, the hall was shaken.

At the moment when the hall was shaken, the two men retired nearly a hundred steps at the same time.

After retreating a hundred steps, the people suddenly blinked, and the white jade soup actually took the wind?

"In the early days of Wang Ling’s realm, can you have this kind of strength?" Once in a fight, everyone’s black eyes are full of incomprehensible surprises, especially in Lin Lin, how can she not believe that the waste she abandoned at the time turned out to be Become so strong?

Bai Yu Tang stabilized his body, and there was a dark sword in his palm. There was a violent corrosion on the sword, which made him fiercely surprised: "How is Kěnéng?"

"Oh, I said, today you must die!"

Qin Shi cracked his mouth and opened his mouth. The murder of Sen Ran was revealed in his mouth. He was ignoring the elders such as Ye He and Zhao Yan Sun Tao, and the ferocious white jade soup approached.

The approaching approach of Qin Shi made the shock of Bai Yu Tang change.

At this time, Sun Tao and Zhao Yan blinked at the same time. Both of them looked at each other and shook their heads.

Zhao Yan saw that Sun Tao shook his head. In the middle of the battle, he flashed the road and confessed. It immediately revealed a faint sneer, and his body shook and rushed forward to block Qin Shi.

Bang! !

"Oh, little guy, I burned Tianzong is not the place where you are noisy." One hit to stop Qin Shi, Qin Shizhen flew nearly 100 meters away, Zhao Yan's eyes flashed, and once again stared at Qin Shi, trying to Qin Stone sees through.

Qin Shi struggled to get up, and Zhao Yan looked at each other and felt the hesitation and exploration. He understood what Zhao Yan was thinking and disdainful laughter: "Oh, don't look for it, my Qin Shi came alone. It’s just one person!”


Get Qin Shi's response, Zhao Yan's dawn.

Come from one person? The beginning of Wang Lingjing? Isn't that a death?

Zhao Yan is somewhat Sun Tao and Ye He are also the same for all elders. They all have wide eyes.

"Little guy, then I am really curious, what gave you so much courage, want to kill in front of our many elders?" Zhao Yan smashed his teeth and rushed.

Fufeng is not there, Zhao Yan believes that killing Qin Shi several times is more than enough.

"Oh, is this enough?"

But in the next second, Qin Shi's hands gathered together a halo, and there were at least a thousand different spiritual powers in the halo, and thousands of spiritual powers were wrapped in golden light.

But even if there is a golden light, it still makes the hall tremble, and eager to try to break free.

Looking at the golden glow, Zhao Yan and Sun Tao blinked at the same time. Ye He was a few people who were terrified and a few steps back: "This... What is this? A terrible spiritual power!"

The four thousand words chapter, the evil king has reached the most important turning point ~! It’s a bit hard to write, but Xiaoshou will try his best to write.

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