Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 251: Qin Zong

Everything came here, it was a come to an end, and Yun Dingzong’s work was completely over.

From the fire sect was also taken over, and now the night of the throne ceremony, Qin Shi will become the new head of the fire sect, the youngest but the strongest in the history.

After leaving the hall, Qin Shi tightened the black robe and went to the wing when he was a disciple. Kěnéng was because he felt that he was owed to Qin Shi. This room was always reserved for him.

Pushing open the door, there is no dust accumulated in the imagination for a long time. On the contrary, the room is very clean and tidy. It seems that people often come here to clean it. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"Oh, Xiao Ping has a heart."

Looking at the clean room, Qin Shi mouth smiled.

Entering the wing, Qin Shi looked at the familiar scenery, and felt a little touch in his heart. After three months of separation, he revisited the place, but it was completely different. He was only a grassroots disciple who had no relationship with the first stage of the fire. Today he However, it is already the head of the Zong, mastering the whole.

"Oh, the fate of people is really inaccurate, and the earth-shaking changes can happen in three months." Qin Shi smiled and picked up the tea cup on the table, and made some play.

When no one was there, the dancing skirt fluttered out, and immediately spit out a sullen face: "Hey, what's wrong with the stone? How always sentimental?"

Despising the jade in the book, Qin Shi couldn't help but laugh: "Can you not feel it? I have known the little fairy of Yujie for a year. You said that I have a lot of perseverance. I haven't pushed you to you for a year. If you say it, others will guess the gender."

"Haha, you can try it."

In the book, Yu sweet smiles, deliberately quite quite her proud little chest, the voice is very awkward and awkward, and the Qin Shi is full of temptations: "I don't mind, as long as you are not afraid of your family's snow. Big snow is jealous!"


"Oh, don't squabble with you, and my one-man show at night." Qin Shi couldn't help but laugh when he heard the name of Jade and Lost in the book, but he didn't say more, just turned over. Go to bed, sitting cross-legged on a soft bed.

In the book, Yuxi’s smile was held, and he was at the bedside of Qin Shi.

This time, the ancient city war, Qin Shi, although it is won, but it is really the end of the card, the spiritual and mental power are exhausted, the body has reached the limit, even with the help of Ganlin rain, spiritual power in the veins and bones and internal organs On the other hand, the wounds are difficult to heal, and it takes three hours to recover.


Just entered the night.

After dusk, the moon turned out of the sky, and the sky was starry.

Under the bustling moonlight, Qin Shi squats in black and stunned, and immediately squeezes his fists autonomously, feeling the spiritual power of the body, the spiritual power in Dantian gathers together, and the light clusters are very attractive. force.

This attraction makes him unable to absorb the pure spiritual power between heaven and earth without any autonomy. The spiritual power is not full of the whole body all the time, and it is completely two concepts, and the whole body is unusually refreshing and comfortable.

"Is this the kingly spirit? It is really powerful!"

When he released his fist, Qin Shi jumped out of bed with excitement, and immediately he looked up at the moonlight in the night sky. The mist in the night sky made the moonlight appear looming and quite attractive.

"There is still half an hour from the ceremony."

After determining the next time, Qin Shi screamed and immediately fell into his own thoughts.

After some thoughts, his brow frowned, which made the jade in his book curiosity, his silky blue silk swept over his nose, which made him somewhat itchy: "Stone, is it the old man?"

"Well, I am doing this today and I must have hurt him."

"There is no way, you can't always drag him? Sooner or later, he will be Zhīdào, it's better to be a knife, and say, you are not looking for an heir for him? Someone choose?"

Qin Shi 唧 唧 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦People who cultivate spiritual strength."

"Hey, I have a personal choice."

“Well?” Qin Shiyi asked, “Who?”

"Your old sister, Qin private rain!"

"Private rain sister?" Qin Shi suddenly opened his mouth, and immediately shook his head: "No, private rain sister's talent is indeed Bùcuò, but she does not have the spirit, how can I worship Puquan as a teacher?"

"You are wrong. I used to see it in the deserted town. I can see that Qin Qinyu’s mental strength is extremely strong, but I have not been awakened. If her mental strength is awakened, the mental accomplishment in the future may not be worse than you. !" The book is firmly in the jade.


Qin Shiyi said that he did not produce jealousy because of the jade in the book. Instead, he showed a real smile. When he saw the jade in the book, he made up his mind: "That’s it, the fat is not There is no benefit to the private rain sister, and it is important that the old man has to serve my Qin family!"

In the book, Yu Duo gave a blank look: "I see, the latter is your purpose?"

"Oh, no, no, no, am I such a heinous person?" Qin Shi smiled and shook his head, and wanted to push the door out.

In the book, Yu quickly rushed into the book, not forgetting the indignant haiku: "Hey, the evil is not evil, you are evil!"


Leaving the room, Qin Shi rushed to the mountain behind the fire, and when he arrived at the back of the mountain, he saw a thin figure. This figure is a sacred bone, wrapped in a black robe, and the vicissitudes stand on the top of the cliff: "Oh. Old guy, it’s really here."

"What are you doing? Look at my jokes?"

Park Quan immediately noticed Qin Shi, an unhappy haiku.

"Amount..." He grabbed his head and Qin Shi walked and said: "I said, the old guy, your measure is too small? It’s all afternoon, still keep up with me?"

"No, I am angry with myself!" Park Quan stunned his head.

Going to the front and back, Qin Shi first was silent for a while, leaning against a tree neck next to the cliff, the palm of the hand explored in the space ring, took out a bottle of old wine, slammed his head, rushing to Pu Chunquan Throw it away: "Hey, drink?"

The old man glanced at him, and Pu Quanyang took the bottle and raised his head and dried it. He immediately wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth. The spicy feeling made him fangs: "Good wine! I haven’t drunk for a while. This wine is gone."

With a brilliant laugh, Qin Shi did not speak. He stood straight and looked at the ancient city under the cliff.

A bleak cold wind passed.

During the deciduous day, Qin Shi shouted: "Old ghost, don't be angry, although I can't be your child, but I can recommend you personal choice. If her mental strength is excavated, it is definitely a rare one. jade."


Park Quan’s nephew opened and closed, but after a sigh of swearing, he said: “Hey, boy, don’t want to fool me, my Puquan’s eyes are high. I haven’t found it for decades. You can help me find it. ?"

Qin Shi laughed: "What do you think, my sister?"

"Your sister?" Park Quan first was wrong, and suddenly the sudden glare of the eyes was hot again: "Your sister will also be mentally motivated? Yes, I did not expect that your mental strength is so prominent, your sister, sister, brother, brother The talent is definitely not weak! Come on, introduce them all to me!"


In a word, Qin Shi burst into tears and smiled: "Oh, you are a big man, can't be my master, do you have to be my uncle?"

"That is, I have to enter your Qin family!"

"...Old ghost, I really doubt, you used to look at me, or look at my Qin family!" Qin Shi's powerless spit, and immediately Pu Chun's mood is much better, the two chat at the cliff top a while.

"Now I can't leave me from the fire. After I am resurrected, I will take you back to the Qin family." Qin Shi promised Park Spring, and said very seriously.

For this, Park Quan is also understanding, but some expectations are under the head. When Zhīdào is old, he laughs like a child of a few years, looking at his eyes and laughing, Qin Shi is pleased. Pouting, it’s nothing but a heart.

After that, the time was almost the same, and the two left the cliff and went to the main hall to participate in the new head of the throne ceremony.


Leaving the fire hall.

At the entrance to the main hall, there is a golden dragon chair.

In front of the dragon chair, there is a table of banquets, apparently for the position of the head.

Further down, it is the ladder to the main hall. There are a table of banquets on every third floor. Here are the elders, and Su Mingpu and others.

Downward, it was the empty square just entering the fire. There were thousands of seats arranged in the square. Not only were the disciples from the fire, but the people who survived the ancient city were also invited.

Here, the atmosphere is magnificent and lively.

The people who don’t know each other sit together and talk about it in the north and the south, and soon become familiar with it.

After a while, many elders and Su Ming and others sat in the room. Ling Xiao walked out of the hall. He held a glass of wine in his hand and stood around the main hall. Langsheng said: "All the disciples, everyone should be Zhīdào, today It’s my departure from the ruins of Huo Zong, and now let us have our new head, Qin Shi!”


The thunder of the applause sounded, and the people cheered and screamed.

When the voice fell, Qin Shi took out from the hall. The black robe on his body had been removed, and he wore a flame robe from the head of Huo Zong. The robe was inlaid with several beating flames, standing on the hand and showing the majesty. .

"Oh, it’s hard to see the stone look so serious."

On the side, Su Ming couldn't help but laugh: "Yes, it's quite handsome!"

Qin Yu recognized the nod. At this time, Qin Shi’s messy initiation was combed neatly, with the shoulders and shoulders, the angular features of the five senses, the mouth with a smile of full affinity, staring at the audience.

"Of course, you don't ask, who is dressing up for him." The beauty is full of pride, a small chest, and some hands are nervous: "Hey, like this, he has become our head!" ”

"Don't stop, you guys, don't take me, I'm not from the fire sects, let me give him a door is not!" Su Ming's grin, in my heart But I feel happy for Qin Shi.

Out of the hall, Qin Shi was silent, and immediately he stared at the people on the field. He took a long breath: "First of all, I want to thank you, but before the ceremony, there is one thing I have to explain to you first!"


Many disciples are waiting for Qin Shi to speak.

However, Qin Shi did not respond for a long time, just waved his hand sleeves, and a piece of spiritual power came out from the palm of his hand. Immediately, this aura was like a soaring blue bird. After a few laps on the sky, it forced the plaque hanging on the hall.


The blue bird Lingguang was poured into the plaque, and the stone shards flew on the plaque, and the three characters of the sect of the fire were directly wiped out, and replaced by a huge Qin character.

"Since today, there is no separation from fire, and the name is changed to:!"

Since today: Evil king 0 points update, 12 noon update, temporary explosion is scheduled for October 8. The flower breaks 500 for the reader, and the flower shakes me on QQ.

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