Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 240: Fiasco

A loud noise echoed between the broken buildings in the ancient city.

The people in the field were shocked and breathless, and their eyes were all focused on Su Ming.

He was helped by Liu Qing and Liu Yan. He looked at Su Ming and hesitated. "You found that you didn't, in Su Ming's body, as if he saw his back?"

"Is you talking about Qin Shi?" Liu Qing sisters looked at each other.

"Well, who else can he besides?" Shaking his head with a smile. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Song Yu and Chen Gang pointed to the point of approval: "Well, I have to say that their three brothers are really strong, and they have a special appeal on them, as if nothing is in front of them. Can be calmly faced."

Nodded noddedly: "It’s a pity that he and Qin Shi’s luck are not very good. The last time Qin Shi met the burning Tianzong... This time, Lin Yun’s strength is enough to be proud of the ancient city, he... no serious at all. Just teasing us, we are the flag of his applause."

The sound of the sound, Liu Qing, a few people are exclaimed, they just looked up and looked at Lin Yun, I saw in the mouth of Lin Yun, always with a faint smile, the mockery under the smile is not hidden.

"Is it from the fire... is it destined to perish?"

A few people looked up at the powerlessly, looking at the darkness of the sky, and for a time the heart was pressed like a boulder, and it was difficult to breathe.

You can watch it, not to mention Ling Xiao and others. Ling Xiao and many elders hold their fists, and the friction between the palm joints makes a squeaking sound: "He wants to die, I am leaving the fire!"


Shao Yun was shot and the hot magma was rolling in the gully of the earth. The magma seemed to melt even the sand and the stone, and the collapsed and collapsed.

The broken ancient city made the people flee in a panic.

A hot flame exploded, sputtered to the lanes of the kilometers, and the two old couples in the old age.

Looking at the falling fire, the old couple despaired, and the two men supported each other. At this moment, before the death, they were looking kindly, and the two looked at each other, and only the other were in the dim eyes.

The companionship of his life came to an end, but the two still love each other.

This scene happened to fall in the eyes of Qin Shi on the tower. He suddenly felt some feelings in his heart, waving the sleeves to block the fire.

"Two people who love good." And envious of the eyes.

Qin Shi nodded and said: "Their life may not be like we control the world, have powerful power, maybe life is often inaction, very ordinary, but you look at their eyes, it is a happy look, even if it is dead Love each other, at this moment, who can say who is better than who?"

"Well, everyone has their own pursuits, as long as we do what we are willing to do, I don't think it is happy to regret it." Yin Mo's eyes are a bit stunned.

In the sentiment, Shi Lan felt overwhelmed by the sensation: "Hey, why are you practicing?"

"Why do you cultivate?"

Qin Shi made a mistake and looked up at the burning clouds in the West, and fell into a long silence.

"Cangtian hegemony? Or is it just justice, or is it a sentient being?"

"Oh? Justice? Cangsheng? I am not so great, the world is big, vast and innocent, how can I fight against one person in my district? I only hope that my small shoulders will be able to block so many people." The eyes were a little distracted, and a familiar figure flashed in Qin Shi’s mind: “I...sword for the people I care about.”

"They are well, I am safe. If someone touches it, even if it is heaven, I have to fight it!" Qin Shi’s eyes suddenly became firm, and he was firmly wrapped in a black robe and looked up at the fire. Clouds.


At this time, the arrogant magma, like the fierce tiger, tore the diamond tiles on the earth, swallowed up the towering buildings, and many people were implicated and burned by fire.

This time, Qin Shi did not shoot.

"Stone..." whispered: "Don't you help them?"

He looked at the raging fire and his eyes were a bit stunned: "No, I can save one person, but I can't save thousands of people. I don't deny the ease of their choice. But in this world of the jungle, the comfort will eventually become the Xīshēng of the war. ...this is their destiny!"

Yin Mo and Shi Lanlan looked at each other. The two looked at Qin Shi, who was under the fire, and he had no help on his face.

Yes, no one's choice is right or wrong, but when everyone enjoys the happiness they choose to bring to them, they must be prepared to pay for their choice.


A loud noise, thousands of changes in the ring, Su Ming as undefeated Pluto, the whole body of messy robe flying, Qiu Ming and Qiu Yue two brothers and sisters in his hands, hard to defeat.


Qiu Yuejiao trembled, his chest was hit by Su Ming, and a thin afterimage was drawn directly in the sky, and the sly fell to the ground.

"Qiu Yue Shijie!"

The battle became more and more fierce, but Lin Yun was always indifferent, and his mouth was faintly smiling, which made many disciples grin, not who Zhīdào took the lead and shouted: "Qiu Ming, I will help you!"

One person takes the lead, and more and more disciples are rushing up.

Yun Dingzong disciples started, and others looked at each other. They were influenced by Su Ming, and the inner blood was ignited. In the boiling, Liu Qing took the lead and said: "We also went up and fight with them!"

婶 Both eyes are glowing red: "Well, I would rather die than die!"

"Kill, the disciples from the fire sect are not afraid of death!"

"Brothers, follow the brothers and sisters, kill one without paying, kill two to earn, let them ZhīdàoZhīdào, we are not soft, persimmons from who can be pinned!"

The two disciples were eager to try, and nearly a thousand people twitched Xuan Bingli and smothered each other.

The war is on the verge.

Ling Xiao’s body trembled, and he opened his mouth, but at this time, Mo Chen snorted: “The head, don’t go wrong, the disciples are not afraid, what are we afraid of?”

After saying this, Mo Chen and Xun Lao finally broke out in silence. The bodies of the two old people brought up two afterimages and entered the battlefield.


The sky is dim and the smoke is everywhere.

The ancient city is caught in an unprecedented squad.

"Hey, Ling Xiaozhang, it seems that this is your choice?" In the two sides, the electric light flint rubbed against the collision, Lin Yun finally waved his sleeves and screamed at Ling Xiao.

Immediately, I saw him lifted with one hand, and jumped into the battlefield with pride, and a cold purple star, gathered by the center of Tianzhu, this moment became dim, and the Thunder turned into an abyss dragon, screaming .

"Then don't blame me, I am going to take care of these lovely disciples for you, take the corpse!" Lin Yun's light is on, the smoldering of the cold stalks, and then the scorpion smashing the dragon, and tearing open the clouds will approach the ring.


With the rolling lightning, Thunder Dragon swallowed the broken mouth on the platform.

The diffuse wolf smoke sputtered a purple halo, and the halo seemed to be a starry sky in the night sky. It flashed and flashed. Every time it flashed, the blood splashed, and the wolf screamed on the battlefield.

"Good... good, run!"

Seeing this halo, the disciples from the fire sect were all dumbfounded, one face with a horrified face, and immediately saw the wild pressure, and their morale was instantly defeated, scattered like sand.

A disciple who was away from the fire was shot down by the star.

Guangyu is getting stronger and stronger, and it is so strong that it shakes the heavens and the earth, and the earth trembles and cracks a few gullies. The gullies are like continuous mountain torrents, tearing along the ancient city.

The ridges of the dragon ridges roll over and eclipse the surrounding buildings.

The Fujian and Taiwan have ceased to exist. One, two, three, ten, and one hundred, more and more disciples fell in a pool of blood. In the face of Wang Ling’s attack, even Chen Chen and Xun Lao were helpless.

"Liu Yan!"

Liu Qingjiao screamed, a star like a cold arrow, running through the back of Liu Yan, her delicate body suddenly trembled, the red whip in the hand held in the hands scattered, smashed down to the ground.

The blood ran slowly along her chest, and Liu Qing shouted with exasperation, but at this time, a star flashed, and her eyes pierced through her chest. Her eyes solidified directly.

"Hey brother..."

She rushed to the hustle and bustle.

Flowing light, Chen Gang Song Yu, fell to the ground.

噗通! Liu Qing was on the ground, and she grabbed her hair in a smashing manner. The red blood of her eyes was about to burst, and tears flowed through her dirty face.

"No! No! Don't... Don't!" Liu Qing looked at the few disciples who were barely standing in front of him, shouting hard, but the next second, a few streams of light, took away the lives of several people.

The war has begun, and the raging fire has swallowed up the ancient city.

Liu Qing did not think about it, things will evolve into this, the power of Wang Lingjing is too strong, it is not the existence of their ability to compete, even if it is only a second, it will not work.


A roar, deafening sounds.

Ling Xiao two blood red, his palm was scratched by his nails, blood flowing out along the palm of his hand.

Lin Yun heard the sound, palms slammed, and put the star mans up, and immediately his eyes taunted and looked at Ling Xiao: "Hey, reluctant?"

"Let them pass, I hand over the seal!" Ling Xiao’s snoring, raised his sleeves with one hand and raised it high, holding a piece of green jade in his hand. The big seal is engraved with powerful words.

This big seal is the seal from the fire sect. It is the foundation of the generations of fire-fighting generations.

"Oh, do it early, isn't it early?"

Lin Yunyan looked at the jade print, and his mouth greeted with a greedy smile. He immediately saw him wave his hand, and a heat wave rolled out, blowing up the disciples who had left the fire.

"Head! Don't be the head!" Mo Chen and Xun fell to the ground, and the screaming roared.

"Do not want to head!" A few people ~ ~ twitching all over the body, their palms slammed on the ground, fingernails on the ground, nails are all broken, blood stained the earth.

Ling Xiao looked at the lonely situation in front of him. A tragic death from the fire-fighting disciple, he finally couldn’t bear to close his eyes. A drop of tears followed his eyes and earned: "Enough, the Zongmen is gone, can be built. People are dead but can't resurrect!"

At this moment, he was a lot older. He screamed and finally raised his hand and threw the jade big seal to Lin Yun: "You want, give it to you!"

The broken light is broken down along the nine clouds, and it is reflected on the jade print, reflecting the faint light.

"I finally got it!"

Lin Yun’s eyes were a joy, and he raised his big hand and grabbed it.


But at this time, a black shadow flashed, and the jade print was directly taken away by the black shadow. Immediately, the black shadow fell steadily on the ground. A handsome teenager smiled with a light smile: "Oh, Ling Xiaozhang Door, this is not like you. If you don’t want to leave this fire, you can take it for you."

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