Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 180: One person's power

After the sound is swaying, Qin Shi’s body is full of **** light, and the rolling spirit is rolling in the body like a spring.

The whole piece of mulberry leaf forest is subject to a strong spiritual trend, and the mulberry leaves are slowly suspended in the air, and the ground splits two gullies.

"Broken in the spirit?" Red hair stunned, scornful eyes became dignified: "Street, I don't think you have this strength?"

"Oh, so I said, you didn't think about it, but you still have to go!" Sacrificing spiritual power, crossing the sky, Qin Shi reveals a bloodthirsty smile. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Clenched the fist, the red hair was stimulated by the huge gap, and the unwilling roar: "Hey, what about the broken spirit? But it is just breaking into the spiritual world, seeing me break you!"

The red hair is standing in the mulberry leaves, jumping forward, throwing out the sharp machete, cutting down the evil stone of Qin Shi, and rolling up the magnificent knife mang: "Death!"

"Hey, the light of rice, dare to compete with Haoyue?"

Qin Shi looked up and raised his left hand over his head. He was facing the slashing knife and screaming at the corner of his mouth: "Stars and tyrants!"


The red-haired pointed knife, like a huge jack-up, fell heavily, but the next scene made his mouth wide and his face full of incredible eyes.

On the arm of Qin Shi, a hard blood red dragon scale was born. The dragon scale and the sharp knife touched it. Instead of being hurt by a little bit, the knife blade of the sharp knife was rolled up, leaving a deep gap.

Was repulsed, red hair stunned: "This, how is this Kěnéng? I am a mountain knife, but the upper level, you actually blocked it?"

"Oh, is it amazing?"

Putting his hand down, Qin Shi taunted the laughter, and immediately he ignored the red-haired horror, his eyes flashed through the sly coldness, as a ghostly sway, a rushing to the front of the red hair, palm flip, bloodthirsty The sword sacrificed: "Is that what should I be?"

"Huang Quan Jiu Jian!"

Nine swords, such as the wild hurricane torn open the mulberry leaves, rushing like a rainbow to the red hair, a blow to fly him out a dozen meters away.


He slammed into a mulberry tree, the red hair squirted blood, and looked at Qin Shi with a look of panic: "Why, why? It’s just that you just broke into the spiritual world, how can it be so strong?"

"Oh, go ask the king!"

Qin Shi sneered, dragging the bloodthirsty sword in the mulberry leaves, and slowly approaching the red hair.

The red hair was frightened. He never expected that the township squad that had compromised him at the Association of Refining Pharmacists had such a ferocious strength.

"Don't, don't kill me!" Under the fear of death, the red-haired smothered his body and slammed it.

"Don't kill you?"

When I walked to the red hair, Qin Shi paused and provoked the corner of the contemptuous voice: "That can't be done. My Qin Shi is the person who said it. I have already said that I took my things and will spit it sooner or later. !"

The voice has not fallen, the bloodthirsty sword has been lifted, facing a little starlight to cut through the illusory night sky, with the call of death.


At this time, in the midst of a thousand miles, a sharp long gun stabbed, blocking the bloodthirsty sword, Fu Haichun jumped to the front of the red hair, facing Qin Shi.

"I finally couldn't help but shoot?"

The bloodthirsty sword was blocked, and Qin Shi’s eyes were Fu Haichun, not surprising.

"Deputy, deputy head..." Red hair scared the urine, it was really urine, and was rescued by Fu Haichun, still full of panic.

"Waste!" Looking at the red hair that didn't make a fuss, Fu Haichun didn't fight for a fight. He said that he would no longer take care of him and stare at Qin Shi: "Boy, do you know B身cuò, but with our blood wolf? Right, but pay the price!"

"Oh, blood wolf? I think it is a group of wild dogs that have been dyed?" Qin Shi was very stubborn and sneered.

"Bad boy, you are digging a hole to self-immolate!" Fu Haichun was furious, and the long gun was provoked. After a round of rotation, the gun head stabbed Qin Shi.


Staring at the gun head, Qin Shi’s eyes were condensed, and he quickly stopped the bloodthirsty sword from the chest. A heavy pressure was coming, which made him struggling and stepped back a few steps: “Broken in the middle of the spirit?”

"Oh, Zhīdào is amazing?" Fu Haichun hit a victory, chasing after rushing forward, dancing in the hands of a long gun, in the mulberry leaves between the sky.

Silver Ge is in harmony with each other, with a faint starlight.


After several attacks, Qin Shi, who broke the early days of the spiritual world, was in a weak position in the spirit and Fu Haichun.

At this time, the red hair was raised by the other mercenaries.

Was helped, red hair licking his chest, his face stunned and fierce, his eyes slightly reddish, low-lying: "Bad boy, I am detained by the deputy head, this will let you die without a place of burial!"

"Relief, the strength of the deputy head, but in the group is second only to the presence of the head, this kid must not live." Several mercenaries confidently sneer.

Redhead nodded and clenched his fist: "Hey, wait for this kid to lose, I will hollow out his internal organs, divide his five horses and throw them into the wilderness to feed the wolves!"


At this time, Qin Shi and Fu Haichun played against each other, and hit a long shot at the end of the block, and stepped back a few steps with the recoil.

After he retired, he listened to him and put the red hair's resentment in his ears. He made a sigh of relief. He said: "Oh, really cruel cruel, I want to separate the old man and take the old man to feed. Wolf?"

"Oh, then don't blame this less cruel, first kill a few of your miscellaneous!" Roaring, Qin Shi with a single hand, a **** shadow, steady fall in the mulberry leaf forest.


Fu Haichun, and many mercenaries were surprised at the same time.

Ignoring the horror of the people, Qin Shi photographed the **** king, and sneered: "Hey, big wood, just now someone wants to take your master to feed the wolf, how do you deal with them?"

"Hey!" The **** king snarled, and the red blood fell on the red hair. The huge body leaped and fluttered with **** claws.

The **** king is like a fighter. He crosses through Fu Haichun and goes into the flock and kills the rest of the mercenaries.

"This, what's going on?"

"Run fast, this is so strong!"

Shocked by the **** king, a group of mercenaries failed.

The red hair was scared and daring, and fell on the mulberry leaf: "Don't! Don't come over!"

The **** king turned his eyes and approached, so he raised two touching blood claws, grabbed the red hair, held the leg in one hand, and held his head in one hand, and suddenly made a force.


A burst of blood.

The red hair didn't even have a chance to return to God. It was actually torn into two halves by life and death.

"Oh..." Beside, seeing this cruel picture, everyone has some cold in their hearts.

Qin Shi also spit and spit, and touched the chest: "Call... The big wood is too fierce, but it really gives him a living corpse? Good and good, sin!"

Of course, for the red hair, Qin Shi did not have any pity. As early as the Association of Refining Pharmacists, when the red hair received the Qin Shi Ling Shi, he had already concluded his ending.


The **** king killed the red hair and did not stop killing. He rushed to the mercenary around him. He swept through the place, screaming, and dyed with blood.

"Bad boy! You are looking for death!" Fu Haichun witnessed a split, his hand was brutally killed, and the sly squatting to Qin Shi, holding a long gun to kill.

Qin Shi slammed his head and sneered: "Oh, there are a lot of people who want me to die, but in the end they are not very good!"


Condensed handprints, Qin Shi will burn the curse and sacrifice, together to gather the evil spirits of the world, to overthrow the general world, and roaring will be surrounded by Haichun.

"Three-order martial arts? Insects and worms, the sky and the net, give me a broken!" In the face of the curse of cursing, Fu Haichun feels contented, only to see him lifted with one hand, while carrying a spiritual cobweb in the palm of his hand.


Thousands of spiritual spiders are flying, seemingly to trap the heavens and the earth, and to meet the thousands of evil spirits, to surround them, to be tightly trapped, and to struggle, no help.

"Four-order martial arts?"

The curse of burning was forced, and Qin Shi was slightly dignified. He had a long time to get along with each other and had a deep understanding of martial arts. He recognized the level of Luodi.

"Hey, Zhīdào is afraid? I will send you to die now!" Fu Chunhai snorted, holding a long gun in his hand, and the sly approaching Qin Shi approached: "Large thunder!"

The long shots were raging and the mulberry trees swept away.

"It is the fourth-order martial arts?" A glimpse of the eyes, Qin Shi rushed back a few steps.

"Oh, kid, have to say, you do have a bit of skill, but in front of this seat, can not be hit!" Fu Chunhai clenched the thunder gun, stepping between the mulberry leaves, stabbed Qin Shi.

Being approached by a thunderbolt, Qin Shi suddenly smiled and looked up and looked very surprised: "That may not be!"

"Hmmm?" In midair, Qin Shi suddenly smiled, Fu Haichun felt a little bit in the heart, thinking: "In the life and death, still calm, do you have a card?"

"Not Kěnéng, never Kěnéng, he is just a little ghost in the early days of the broken spirit!" Fu Haichun was forced to calm down, and his palms accelerated again. He said: "Hey, pretend, I am going to be jealous, what else can you have!" ”

The thunderbolt blinked and pointed to Qin Shimei.

"Oh, I never pretend." But in the face of the thunder, Qin Shi looked up and paid Fu Haichun, his pupils in vain expansion: "!"

Hey! One share of the spirit, spread along the sea of ​​knowledge, agglutinated in the night sky, turned into a mighty cone, and carried out.


Originally, the arrogant Fu The body suddenly wilted in the air, and under the convulsions, it was inexplicably flew out and fell to the ground and the whole person madly rolled.

Recovering his mental strength, Qin Shi stepped on the mulberry leaves and looked at Fu Haichun, who was already stupid. He smiled and said: "I said, people who want me to die, the last end... are not very good!" Silence For a moment, his eyes looked around and the rest of the mercenaries were slaughtered by the **** king at this time. He relied on this to defeat the blood wolf mercenary group and Wei Jiabing.

I am afraid, no one can think of it, the blood wolf mercenary group, more than 50 Wei Jiabing, actually lost in an instant, and the people who killed them were only a teenager of less than twenty.

The mountain forest, which was originally full of vitality, was stained with blood, rich in blood, and mixed with silk.

"Qin Gongzi!"


At this time, the people finally caught up, Luo Haiqing, Luo Yiming, worried shouting, but when everyone saw the blood in front of the eyes, and the cross-wild wilderness of the land, all stupid in the same place.

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