Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 4 Chapter 150: Absolute cliff

A natural cliff.

This cliff, deep in the bottom, is shocking.

At the top of the cliff, a man dressed in a blue robes and awesome.

It is the wind.

It’s been half a month since the tragic battlefield of the ancient city subsided.

Fufeng stood up and stood alone at the top of the cliff, squinting at the bottom of the cliff, with a smile of sly, muttering like a self-talk: "Oh, it’s a restless little guy, you can make it Such a big move." "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"Oh, you can make the wind to help you this millennium old demon, afraid that this little guy is not simple?"

At this time, behind Fufeng, there was a laughter, and immediately the space was caught and cracked, and a wind whistled, rolling up the hair of the wind.

In the crack of the space, an old man of the ancient age explored his figure. He smiled with a smile and touched the silver beard. He said, "Is it your child?"

"I don't dare."

Fufeng did not look back, his eyes were still staring at the cliff, and he smiled and shook his head: "This little guy, the origin is not simple, the devil's son in the prophecy of the year, you said that there is a simple truth?"

"The Son of the Devil?"

The old man at the back glanced: "What is the life?"

Looking at the cliff, Fufeng eyes are clear, laughter: "Well, this kid has excellent potential, resilience and perseverance are far superior to mortal. I believe that if you give him some time, there may be a qualitative change." Fufeng is very Zìxìn and proud: "Presumably, in a few years, the fate of prophecy should begin to turn."

The old man was slightly surprised.

Time is slowly passing through.

The old man paused and spread the mighty spiritual power under the cliff. Immediately, his brow was slightly wrinkled: "Oh, the guy who swallowed the sky, has already begun to wake up?" When he said this, he smiled bitterly: "No wonder, you want to take him. Send this."

Helpless shaking his head, Fufeng smiled: "Yes, this cliff, deep and deep, should be able to trap this little guy some days, I hope he can settle down through this period, to destroy the magic of the body." Speaking of this, He was a little scared: "The guy who swallows the sky is not the guy who will easily take it soft."

"Forget it, for thousands of years..."

After finishing the conversation, Fufeng seems to be immersed in long-term thinking, and the eyes of the river are lingering, as if the trifles of red dust and space are lightly closed, and the eyes are closed slowly.

The same is true for the old.

"Western domain not long ago, different owners." After the meeting, the old man sighed.

“Oh?” Fufeng blinked and responded: “Is it a ‘the group’?”

The old man nodded, the default.

"It seems that it is comforting for too long, they are starting to move." In the eyes of Fufeng, flashing through the cold: "Just turning the goal to the barren western region, I think the ancient war will not affect them, the three souls that cover the sky." I am so angry that there is no news so far."

"Yeah, it seems that life is coming."

Fufeng nodded slightly, his hands were behind him, his eyes were far away, and he whispered: "The sky and the earth are like the beginning of the show. I don't know if this time, can you survive the day of the robbery, is it to cover the sky or swallow the sky?"

The old man is silent.


The wind is humming.

Under the cliff, a dark darkness.

Surrounded by the towering cliffs, the clouds above the cliffs are full of haze, and the radiance of a ray of light obscures the sun, the moon and the stars, and can't tell the time.

In the cliff valley, there is a narrow gap, and the creeks are always floating in the gap, and the shade of the wind is moist. On the ground, the mud is so powerful that several stone rocks are densely covered with green sticky moss because they are wet all the year round.

"I am not dead?"

In the gap, Qin Shi slightly opened his eyes and felt that his brain was faint.

"What is this place?"

How did you get to this place? What happened before? Excavating in the mind, a piece of intermittent piece flashed in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Burning the sky.

White jade soup,

Expelled from the sect, the masked Shura...

,,,, demon possession, Fufeng...

bump! Qin Shi recalled the fierce picture of the world in the mountains and forests.

"Oh... it hurts!" Who thought, just getting up, his brain swaying down, feeling strong nausea, almost vomiting out: "Is this body bone, is it going to fall apart?"

Under the pain, he rushed to see the state of the body inside, this does not look at Zhīdào, a look of shock. I saw that the chest ribs were stiff and numb, and the whole body was exhausted, and the **** mouth of a sultry person was coagulated, which made him feel unsuccessful.

"I can't think of it, it hurts so much..."

Taking a deep breath, this is probably the worst time for Qin Shi’s injury. Looking at the confusion of bones and meridians, and the paleness of the organs of the internal organs, some blame: “Oh, this broken body, like a teenager. I am really sorry for these old folks."

But these injuries are far less than the grief of his death at this time.

When he couldn't get up, he had to lie quietly on the ground, looking up at the fog of the haze on the sky, recalling the picture of the last helper, and secretly glad that he really thought that he would die: "I didn't expect it, Fufeng seniors." I have such strength, but I have no eyes before."

"Just not Zhīdào, where did the Fufeng predecessor go, it seems to be leaving?"

Shaking his head, Qin Shi’s bitter laughter, remembering the first time he and Fufeng met in the desert town, and the word that was often swayed by the wind: “Fang.” He could not help but smile: “Maybe, is this the fate? If there is another reason See, but I should thank you very much."

For a time, Qin Shi, who was physically weak and unable to move, felt lonely.

Once, no matter what the situation, at least there are books in the jade to accompany him, can talk and talk about the heart to inspire him.

But now, the jade in the book is no longer there, not even a person who speaks.

After experiencing this life-and-death catastrophe, and the two of them with him, they all broke contact.

In the book, jade and millet.

"Jade sister!" I thought of this, he recalled that at the beginning, the book jade finally blocked the attack for him, the body gradually dissipated the picture, and then rushed to touch the shackles, I saw the burning book slightly dim, not on it, Inexplicably relax: "Fortunately, the book is still burning, so at least I can help the jade sister to recover... God pregnant fruit?"

Secretly made up his mind.

At this time, he remembered Xiaomi Cai.

"Xiaomi Cai is the descendant of the colorful Xiangyun snake, I hope she can escape the crisis..." Under the powerlessness, Qin Shi can only pray silently.

Pinch the fist, Qin Shi shook his head hard, and his Zhīdào is not the time to think about these things.

Feeling the injury in the body, there is still a sigh of relief on his left arm, constantly entangled around the totem.

At this point, he can clearly see that in order to suppress the demon, the sandalwood jade box worn in a bracelet, now there is a subtle rip in the above: "This demon is really terrible. If there is no predecessor, I am afraid I have been defeated." What?"

"It seems that we must get back to the collapsed jade soon."

Thinking of this, a resentment rolling in the body, Qin Shi will bite the lower lip, **** smell fainted: "burning Tianzong, it is really good, it was originally a Liner, now this Liangzhu is a knot. No matter what, one day in the future, I will definitely be blood-stained and burned. It happens that, together with the collapse of jade, I have to count it together."

Burning Tianzong.

Not wearing the sky.

Of course, the most important thing now is how to recover from the injury and how to leave this ghost place.

"Not Zhīdào, this is where." Around the ring, Qin Shi's face was embarrassed. I saw the cliffs covered with moss everywhere. The top is the haze of seeing the top: "This ghost place...there is no shop in front of the village." I am really curious about how I came in?"

They come, the security.

Qin Shi is not the kind of person who is eager to see the horns. Since things are already here, it is better to let them go.

"Forget it, raise the injury first." Comforting himself, Qin Shi struggling to raise his hand, a fluorescent scorpion, his body rotates, spreads along Dantian toward the blood, and gradually restores the body surface. .

Ganlin rain dew.

However, when the trauma recovered, Qin Shi wanted to repair the internal injuries, but found that the spiritual power in the body was seriously exhausted, completely obeying his domination, and finally had to let go: "It seems that this injury is not a day or two. It will be restored."

In desperation, Qin Shi had to give up.

After giving up, he stood up and walked out of the gap.

Just out of the gap, there is a loose open space in front of me.

In this open space, the wind is cloudy and there is no life.

Was swayed by the cold wind, the hair fluttered slightly, which made him helplessly shake his head, once again remembered the jade in the book, some lonely: "Hey, usually do not think how, now the jade sister is not around, only Zhīdào precious."

"At this time, if there is a jade sister who can sing a few words next to it, how happy it is? Even if it can beat me, it is good." Qin Shi’s lost sigh, but these are only Can think about it.

"you're awake?"

But at this time, a sound like a scorpion smashing out of the valley, like a scorpio, echoing the ears of Qin Shi.

"Jade sister?" Qin Shiyi, mistakenly thought that his own fantasy came true, but when he looked up in the direction of the sound, the body trembled, the whole person stiffened in place.


This term, at this time, describes Qin Shi, I am afraid it is more appropriate.

I saw that, not far from the cliff valley, a young girl dressed in a pale pink curled-up gauze, with the white skin appears to be independent.

Her face with a veil, but still can not block the eight-faced and correct facial features.

A pair of willow eyebrows, below is the Danfeng eye, the eyes are mixed with the silk indifferent, giving people a leisurely morbid beauty, small red lips, through the veil is particularly delicate, a blue-blue hair with the wind dance, from time to time to block the eyes Such as ice lotus blooms.

Allure, beautiful, beautiful.

Qin Shi dare affirmed that this is definitely the most beautiful woman in his life. Liu Yanbing, Xu Qiaoer, Yu Liner, those beautiful women who are already at the national level, will be eclipsed in front of this woman, even if it is a book. Zhongyu is also not good.


With a sigh of relief, Qin Shihua’s squinting eyes, said: "It seems that the sky is not unfair to me. It is a very happy thing to give me a beautiful woman in this Jedi."

Turn the map and click a little.

The fourth volume, thank you for your support.

The last volume is a fight, this volume, mainly writing emotional drama.

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