Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 132: plot

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Clear, dead, silent. {first hair}

what happened? Chu Yuan defeated?

Whether it is from the fire, or Yun Dingzong, all disciples are stupid.

"Just, just those evil spirits, what is going on? Is that really a third-order martial arts? Is it really a spiritual spirit that can be released?" Hey, screaming along the mouth, everyone Staring at Qin Shi with the look of the monster.

Only Yin Mou showed a bright smile: "I know that he must do it."

The eye-catching feeling, Qin Shi is quite enjoyable, enjoying the moonlight bathing, raising his hand to indicate, dry coughing: "Cough, how do I say? You handsome, handsome, Qin Shi brothers won the victory A little cheer, there is no applause?"


In an instant, the flames of the fire were bursting.

I don't know which disciple, the first one shouted out, dragged everyone out in the deep valley of depression, and jumped up one by one, shouting and calling: "Win, Qin Shi brother he won, he defeated Chu Yuanba It is."

Yuan Bo, Song Yu, Chen Gang, and Liu’s sisters were all surprised at once.

The strength of Chu Yuanba, they all know, don't say they are, even if Shaoyang, I am afraid there is no way to win so easily? Realizing this, several people sighed weakly: "It’s really enchanting. It seems that we are all scorning him. He can go this step, not just luck."

At this moment, Qin Shi’s position in the hearts of many disciples was completely subverted, and a brother’s brother shouted out from the heart of the truth.

"Kill the world's top clouds! Strengthen the ancient city from the fire!"

"Qin Shi brother, revenge for the brothers, killing the clouds in the world."

A loud slogan suddenly echoed in the mountains. Yu Yinhao, at this time away from the arrogance of the fire, instantly climbed to the peak, has been far more than just driven by Shaoyang.

Chu Yuanba turned up on the ground, his body was full of muddy soil, looking at Qin Shi with anger, holding a long knife, low voice: "You, you dare to hurt me? Animals, I fight with you..." When the voice fell, he bowed his waist and wanted to rush toward Qin Shi.


But at this time, Wang Yun's body flashed, and he quickly blocked Chu Yuanba.

"Wang Yun, brother, you are..." was stopped, Chu Yuanba.

"Don't you think that you are not enough to lose people?" Bianyi Yuanba, immediately, Wang Yun turned to face Qin Shi, after sweeping on Qin Shi, said: "Oh, I can't think of it, you are hidden enough." The original disciple who is the strongest from the fire, is not Shaoyang but you?"

"Oh, thank you for your praise."

Shrugging, Qin Shi raised the bloodthirsty sword: "Do not talk nonsense, do it."

"Good! Refresh, I will accompany you." Wang Yunyi condensed, some excitement, and immediately the handprint flipped over, only to see the air tremble a few times, blurring the emergence of five thunder, pointing to Qin Shi chest shot : "Purple Star · Thunder Dragon!"


Five thunders, like a cannonball, roaring between heaven and earth.

Upon seeing it, the disciples from the fire were once again nervous. Several people worried and shouted: "Qin Shi, brother, hurry to escape. Just now Shaoyang’s brother is defeated in this attack!"


"He, can you stop it?"

A few purple disciples, worried in my heart.

Now Qin Shi’s victory and defeat directly determines the fate of the fire-fighting disciple.

"Want to hide? It’s too late, Leilong Derived!" The laughter of Wang, Wang Yun’s fingers touched the spiritual power, and immediately saw only five thunder, suddenly bursting open, in the thunder, five Leilong evolved in Jiuyunyun Rolling in the air.

Looking at the five Leilong, between the flying sand and the stone, Qin Shi’s eyes are condensed: “Hide? Hehe, you think too much. Is this attack, defeated Shaoyang’s brother? I am now killing you these five little muddy, just to help Shaoyang brothers revenge!"

"With you? Not self-reliant!"

Wang Yun satirizes and manipulates the dragon again.

The dragon was manipulated, and the momentum rushed out of the nine cymbals, drawing a serpentine curve in the air, swaying the majestic dragon tail, and biting down Qin Shi.

"With me, enough!"

After finishing the speech, Qin Shi’s foot turned and jumped back and forth, stopping under an old tree, and immediately hand-printed, a black dragon, a roar of clouds and clouds, thousands of evil spirits, straight into the air. The nine-year-old cockroach meets five thunder.

"A curse is shocking!"

"Two curses, weeping ghosts!"

Two major martial arts, facing each other.

bump! A loud bang, the world is trembled, I saw the black dragon in the five dragons, thousands of evil spirits in the outer teeth, five claws, an evil light reveals the evil atmosphere, murderous steaming room bursts Ming.

A chilly mang, a bang, purple and black fog trembled, almost at the same time, blasting the ground to explode.

In the woods, there are four smokes.

Rolling dust and sand will devour Wang Yun and Qin Shi.

Both disciples, the heart mentioned the eyes of the blind, staring at the wolf smoke, and urgently want to know how the result is.

Hey, when the wind blew, the wolf smoke and dust scattered, the two figures contend with each other in the center.

At this time, the star 陨 陨 决 决 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦Trembling.

Seeing this scene, the disciple from Huozong blinked in vain: "Stop, block it? Brother Qin Shi blocked it?"

"Great, maybe, we can win."

"Brothers, what are you hesitating? There are brothers Qin Shi for us, we kill the group of Yunding dogs, and avenge the dead brothers." Infected, disciples from the fire, one by one raised their hands Sharp blade, killing Yunding Dingzong.

The two major sects, once again smothered, the sky is full of spiritual power, the shape of martial arts such as the stars in the night sky, the shackles of the afterimage, the overwhelming fall.

Blood stained the country.

Burning the sky is a mess.

"Hey, a group of shrimps, not self-reliant!" Chu Yuanba started, the hatred of Qin Shi, all grafted to the body of the fire-fighting disciples, holding a long knife and constantly bringing purple.

At this time, Yin Mo smoothed Shaoyang and let Shaoyang lay firmly on the grass. The first one rushed to Chu Yuanba and screamed: "Chu Yuanba, your opponent is me!"

"Go together!"

Song Yu, Chen Gang, and Liu’s sisters squinted into the crowd together with Yin Mo.

The melee is too much to describe with spectacle. I am afraid that only the words such as shocking the world will match the tragic battle on the battlefield.


At this time, the two men in the center contend with a frontal collision and retreat at the same time.

"Good boy, but I am a little stunned." Wang Yun retreats, his eyes become dignified.

Stabilizing the body, Qin Shi shrugged, and laughed and said: "I said, you can't do these five little muds, come up with some real skills."

"Okay, fulfill you!"

Wang Yun screamed, and immediately raised his mouth, his hands twitched quickly in front of his chest. The purple fluorescent image was like a starry night sky. Suddenly, his body rushed out of the majestic spirit, and the spiritual power gradually condensed on the sky. Hundreds of vast stars: "Purple Stars and Stars!"


The mighty spiritual power, one by one, approached Qin Shi.

The smashing condensed, and the whole earth swayed a bit, like being hit by a behemoth.

Seeing the purple stars in the sky, the eyes of Yun Dingzong’s disciples flashed the light of excitement. Chu Yuanba suddenly laughed: "Ha ha, Wang Yun’s brothers have already started the stars, and this Qin Shi is dead."

Feeling the fear of spiritual power, Qin Shi was slightly shocked: "A terrible spiritual power."

"This is... the third-order peak martial arts?"

The book of burning was trembling, and the jade in the book suddenly shouted.

"The third-order peak martial arts? Doesn't that mean that this martial art and the third curse of the curse of curse is the same level of martial arts?" When he slammed his mouth, Qin Shi became nervous, and now he couldn’t stop it. What should I do?

The sky flickers like a starless river.

"Oh, I can force me to use the stars, Qin Shi is also your ability." Deeply breathing, obviously launching this attack, is also very difficult for Wang Yun, immediately he proudly laughed: "But, So far, be prepared to die."

"Death? There is no dictionary!"

Tooth decay, Qin Shi roared, and immediately he narrowed his eyes and said: "It seems that you can only use it."

Thinking of this, Qin Shiyangtian sighed and suddenly recovered the bloodthirsty sword, a dark and deep radiance, flashing in his space ring, and immediately twitching the power of the whistling, like a black hole from the Milky Way, surrounded by spiritual powers Trembling.


A black blade was held in the hands of Qin Shi.

The sword is now eclipsed and the world is eclipsed. This black blade is not the Nether Sword?

Once again shocked, I felt the rust in the hilt, and it made a very harsh shout: "This, what is this baby?"

"I don't think that Qin Shi's brother actually has such a thing? Good evil power."

Looking at the black blade in the hands of Qin Shi, Wang Yun is also a sigh, and said: "Top grade Xuanbing?"

"Haha, Shangpin Xuanbing? I really don't know. Today, I will give you common sense. This sword is called the Soul Horse!" Showing the fangs, the screaming laughter, the Qin Shi portable Nether Sword, the fierce front welcome The starry sky that fell on the sky: "Look at me and broke your blow!"


The Nether Sword and the burst of wolf smoke collide.

For a moment, the mighty corrosive force formed a cobweb on the sky, and began to madly eat the spiritual power in the purple light. The spiritual power was eroded, and the glare of the original glare suddenly faded, and it became dull and dark, and eventually disappeared in the heavens and the earth in vain.

"This, how is this possible?"

Looking at the smashing star, Wang Yun is stupid.

Qin Shi was excited to raise his mouth and laughed: "Haha, but that's it."

The surprises brought back again made the disciples who were away from Huo Zong cheering. They now have no doubt that Qin Shi is the savior sent by Heaven to save them.

One hit and kill Wang Yun is already the end of the strong.

"It seems that there is a word of death in your dictionary. I will complete you." Qin Shi won the victory, the red blood dragon arm was pushed down, and the hand-held Nether Sword made a faint trace on the ground. It is undoubtedly not the end of the erosion, the flowers and plants that had been stained with blood, suddenly became dry and exhausted.


But at this time, the scene made the audience panic.

Suddenly, Qin Shi’s body trembled, and there was a bitter pain behind him. A dagger runs through his chest and brings a blood of shock.

"Qin Shi brother!"

"Stone! Stone!"

A burst of exclamation sounded.

I saw that after Qin Shi’s body, Yuan Bo’s hand was covered with blood-stained daggers. He was looking cold and strangely smiling: “Qin Shi, even if you have a great ability, I don’t expect to have today?”

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