Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 130: From the end of the fire

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In front of the scenery, the bleak and shocking people, a sinister blood filled the jungle. (starting)

At the scene, there were at least two hundred or more disciples from the fire. They were all in a pool of blood, and their eyes were full of fear. A lush mountain forest, at this time it seems to suppress terror. It is like a illusion of being infected by blood. It is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Of course, both of them hope that this is not true.

"Everyone... How could this be?" Yin Mo's knees were soft, and the squatting squatting on the floor, her face burst into tears, and her eyes were smashing and looking at the deadly disciples.

Qin Shi is also terrified, this picture is too fierce.

"Who is it, it is so sad."

The sound of the joints was heard in Qin Shi’s fist.

"It must be Wang Yun, their group of beasts..." Yin Mo’s eyes were tears in his eyes, and his eyes were stunned. Suddenly, she blinked and rushed forward, turning over a man in the haystack. The corpse, in the grief of death, revealed a glimmer of joy: "Shaoyang, Shaoyang brothers are not there, they must be alive."


Qin Shi brows a wrinkle, this only found that in the body, there are really no other purple disciples.


Just when the two people were desperate to find a gratification, about a thousand meters in the north, suddenly filled with vast purple light, purple burning is a raging fire, dozens of thick old trees under the fire, burned into charcoal The fly ash is annihilated.

Seeing the purple light and the fire, Yin Mo was shocked: "It is Shaoyang brothers."

Also feel the fluctuation of spiritual power, Qin Shi no longer hesitate, hugged Yin Mo, stopped a few volleys, rushed to the fire outside the kilometer. Near the fire, a wave of heat waves came, and the clouds on the sky were dyed red.

"Don't have anything."

Silently praying, Qin Shi accelerated again.


In the middle of the secret, hundreds of people gathered here, roughly divided into two waves.

A wave is led by Wang Yun, about three hundred Yunding sects. Another wave, that is, a few purple disciples in Shaoyang, and less than a hundred disciples from the fire. Most of the body members of the Huozong disciples have different injuries.

"Wang Yun, your beasts, actually attacked us." Shaoyang's left arm, there is a shocking blood mouth, the purple mouth constantly emitting purple light, is constantly eating away his body: "If it is spread out, Ling Hao head Will not let you go!"

"Sneak attack?"

Wang Yun stepped forward and left his head: "It's ridiculous. Isn't this simple rule, you don't understand? Burning the sky, allowing any state of killing, this time has long been ordered, you don't want to live. Go out!"


Next to Shaoyang, several purple disciples yelled.

The snoring echoed in the woods, but Wang Yun had an easy-going smile and seemed to be justified.

Before, Shaoyang and others passed by here, but they were divided into two waves by Wang Yun and others. One wave was the more than 200 disciples who had seen the tragic death before Qin Shi. The other wave is now the only remaining one. Half a hundred disciples.

They were sneaked and they are now completely weak.

One hundred people, against three hundred people, and there is no insurmountable gap in spiritual repair, the final result can be imagined.

"This is dead, what should I do?"

"I don't want to die. I have old things in my family, small ones, my wife is waiting for me, I can't die here."

"We will definitely die, they have more than 300 people."

Today, I am a knife, I am a fish. Disciples from the fire sect have completely lost their war, and all fears are defeated without fighting.

For a time, despair and fear climbed on their faces, and even the weapons in their hands could not hold them, and they fell to the ground.

"Damn!" Feeling the change of the disciples' mentality, Shao Yang was in a tight heart.

If they are in a weak position, if they are overwhelmed by the momentum, then there is really no hope. In this case, only when you die and then fight to fight, you can only have a chance.

Otherwise, they will become the object of the Yun Dingzong massacre, and will be buried forever in the burning of the sky. Thinking of this, Shao Yang tightened his fists and said: "What should I do? What should I do? Is it destined to ruin me from the fire?"

"Oh, give up?"

Wang Yun’s natural laughter, immediately he waved his hand in a gesture, and determined in one sentence the life and death of a hundred disciples from the fire: "kill them!"


The disciples of Yun Dingzong, one by one, looked at each other and got crazy after getting the order.

The sky-wide attacks, such as the meteor shower in Perseus, are overwhelming across the sky, and together with the spiritual power of the sun, the moon and the stars, turn into beautiful and beautiful ice lotus. The ice lotus blooms, and a large piece of blood is taken between the jungles.

The disciple from the fire sect is like a weak woman with no force to bind the chicken. Anyone who slaughtered the mermaid meat suddenly became the object of the massacre of Yun Dingzong.

"Wang Yun, I am not wearing the sky with you!"

Looking at a disciple who was away from the fire, he fell into a pool of blood. Shaoyang ignored the blood on his arm and lifted the sword in his hand. He immediately snarled his gums: "Brothers, both horizontally and vertically It’s dead. If it’s my disciple from the fire, I will pick up the weapon on my hand and fight with them!”

"Kill one without paying, kill two and earn!"

The last voice fell, Shaoyang galloped to the cloud Dingzong.

As the saying goes, the deadly camel is bigger than the horse. Although Shaoyang is seriously injured, the ordinary Yun Ding sect is still not his opponent. The sword in his hand is like a sickle of death, and it is smeared on the neck of Yun Ding's disciple.

Looking at the desperate Shaoyang, several purple disciples, looking at each other and entering the crowd.

"Life is a fireman, death is a fire ghost, kill one without paying, kill two earned! Is my disciple from the fire, give me a weapon, defend the sect!" Liu Qing, Liu Wei Two female disciples, while lifting the red diamond in their hands, screamed with anger and rushed into the crowd.

Infected by the momentum, the disciples from the fire trembled, and finally someone took the lead to pick up the blade, and smothered it to Yun Dingzong, roaring: "All the way, it’s dead, killing his mother, killing one on Huangquan Road. Companion!"

The momentum of the downturn suddenly rose like a stunned, reaching an unprecedented height.

Finally, all the disciples from the fire sect began to pick up their respective blades, one by one to sacrifice spiritual power and to enter the battlefield.

The scene is magnificent, all kinds of martial arts, sweeping over the stars.

One by one, red eyes, purple spirits and burning flames continue to bloom in the hands of both disciples.

In a twinkling of an eye, the central part of the secret world is already in a state of turmoil. The surrounding earth is full of potholes, and a deep rift valley is like a long dragon in the destruction of spiritual power. The evil blood is surging in the heavens and the earth. between.

There can only be one tragic description of that scene.


But at this time, a gallop of purple, suddenly broke the battlefield.

I saw that Chu Yuanba held a two-meter-long long-spirited sword with one hand, and the thunderous sound of thunderous sound when the long knife cut through the sky. When the thunder and lightning sounded, there must be a tragic death from the fire sect. One, two, three, ten, and dozens of disciples have fallen into a pool of blood.

Surprised by this move, the red-eyed disciple from the fire, stopped again.

They are destined to be unable to escape the result of being sentenced to Oh, is it enough? "The battlefield was cleared, and Wang Yun underestimated the smile. Immediately, he raised his hand slightly, and the five fingers opened and simultaneously, and a piece of light was lit between his palms. He immediately saw his sleeves waving, and the five thunders dawned on dawn. , slammed to Shaoyang.

Five thunders, smashing through, it is like a blade of invincible, a series of dozens of old trees, a disciple of ten meters from the square, whether it is Yun Dingzong or away from the fire, all of them are spread out.


"Shaoyang brother!"

Seeing that the attack approached Shaoyang, he turned around in horror, and he did not hesitate to sacrifice the fire of the sky, trying to resist the five purple lights.

However, five purple lights, like a motor with three hundred turns, the fire was just pulled away quickly, and there was no screaming of a pause.

"I can't lose, I am Shaoyang from the fire!"

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