Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 125: Ganlin rain

The heart jumped straight, and the jade in the book stared at the old man.

She Zhīdào, this old man said yes, with her current state can not stop his blow. Even if Zhīdào, she is still making a death-like look, the two arms open in front of Qin Shi, there is a tendency to be buried for Qin Shi.

Also, the two fangs were screaming hard, and the hoarse humming sound continued, indicating that the old man was not allowed to approach Qin Shi.

"Hey, colorful clouds and snakes?" "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

When I saw Xiaomi Cai, the old man glanced and shook his head: "Oh, I can't think of the existence of the colorful Xiangyun snake in this heaven and earth." After saying this, he looked up and saw the jade in the book showing the appearance of desperately Saburo. The bitter smile shook his head and sighed: "Don't be stubborn, I can save him."

"Can you save the stone?" A glimpse of the body, I heard that the old man can save Qin Shi, the heart of the jade in the book squats, and hesitates with a red lips. Finally, hesitated to let go of the body, but she looked at the old man with a vigilant look: "If you dare to hurt him half a point, I will never spare you."

This sentence is resolute.

Through the silver curtain outside, the old man carefully looked at the jade in the book, and he did not doubt the authenticity of the sentence. If he dares to hurt Qin Shi half-point now, I am afraid that the jade in the book will not rush to come up with him, and he will die with him.

"Oh, you said, take life and death to marry me, people who have been buried for thousands of years, do you think there is strength?" The old man smiled calmly and walked over to Qin Shi. "Reassure, I want to harm him. As long as you wait and see, the blood of this kid is solidified by the Holy Spirit Water, and will die of suffocation without three hours."

After finishing the conversation, the old man leaned down and squeezed Qin Shi’s wrist with one hand, and a purple-red spiritual power swept through his spiritual body. It was like a dragon flying in the sky, making a burst of screaming. , broke into the body of Qin Shi.

Spiritual force broke into the body, Qin Shi was extremely painful.

"What did you do to the stone?" The joke in the book was panicking and screaming.


With a wave of sleeves, he grabbed the wrist of the jade in the book, and the old man sighed straight and said: "Small girl, don't rely on it, I just melt the blood clots in his body. If you don't want him to die, be honest. Staying beside."

The attack was blocked, and the jade in the book would be suspicious of Qin Shi.

Sure enough, Qin Shi’s body has gradually recovered his blood, and the convulsions have stopped.

Zhīdào is wrong with the old man, and the book is shy and shy: "I was impulsive."

At the same time, Qin Shi’s consciousness gradually recovered, and five characters were heard in his mind: Gan Linyu’s decision. Immediately, without waiting for him to blink, to know the violent waves in the sea, a series of illusory blasts in his memory.

"This is amazing."

Qin Shi cleverly noticed that this can cure the injury and accelerate the repair of the body. If the cultivation is completed in Dacheng, even if the root of the whole body is broken, the veins will be abolished. As long as there is interest, it can be restored within half a day.

This is simply a return to life.

Some excitement, Qin Shi touched the body and suddenly sat down on the knees.

"Stone?" See Qin Shi got up, the book jade and millet color immediately squinted, and with tears, I want to pounce on it.

Unexpectedly, the old man hurriedly blocked the two, dignified: "Don't bother him."

Under the block, the jade in the book looked at the serious appearance of Qin Shi, realizing that she had some concern and chaos, and forcibly suppressed the disordered mood in her heart, waiting quietly for Qin Shi to recover.

Running in the mind, the original shocking wounds were repaired with the visible Sùdù, and the four veins of the previous spurs were repaired by the spiritual powers, and gradually began to become strong and stable.

Finally, the wound healed.

However, Qin Shi did not blink for this, but the whole body surged more powerful.

The spiritual power is like a snake, and it swims among the four spiritual veins. The twisted and rotating spirit instantly wraps his dantian. The vast spiritual power is like the vast wilderness, and it is full of fragrance when it blooms in Dantian Lingjing. Flowers.





In a flash, the last four spirits, all the spiritual power is instilled in Dantian.

At this time, Dantian is like a water pump that opens the gate. It is like a central link to control the whole body, and one and one strand of spiritual power runs through the blood. The blood flowed, and after a week, Hongmeng's spiritual power soared, and it flashed with glaring golden light, just like the raging Lang flower after the tide of tens of thousands of rivers.



Suddenly, Qin Shi blinked.

A pair of dark, dark scorpions are like the North Stars in the night.

"This is the power of the later stage?" Pinching the fist, Qin Shi felt the inside of Dantian, the Lingjing, which was originally only the size of the nail, has now doubled and expanded, and it is involuntary: "With this power, even if you don't use the Nether Sword, I I also have the confidence to fight against Chu Yuanba."

But at this moment, his arms were warm, and the jade in the book couldn't help but rush, and the tears bloomed like a lotus on his chest, scaring him.

He only remembers that he was wrapped up in his suffocation, and his mind was affected by a burst of sputum in his mind. He couldn’t remember anything at all, and then it was the ‘Ganlin Rain Dew’ that appeared in his mind. To this end, I am completely puzzled by the excitement of the book.

"Cough, jade, jade sister, what's wrong with you? Don't, don't cry, have awkward words, do you say that you are not affecting the innocent body of this little? And you don't have your family god?" Spit in the mouth of Qin Shi, he squeezed his eyes.

I never thought that the jade in the book was not refuted. Instead, it was in the arms of Qin Shi. It was like a weak bird in the forest. The hair in the scattered hair of the head showed a faint aroma, which made people intoxicated and addicted: "No, No, I don't want anything, I just want you to be good."

The words in the book made Qin Shi an accident, and spit along the mouth.

No matter what happens, Qin Shi Zhīdào, this time, he wants to protect the jade in the book. For this reason, the tenderness of his eyes overflows, the fingers cross the hair of the jade in the book, and scornfully: "The fool, of course, I will get well. Hǎode will always be with you."


Yu Qiang’s tears in the book.

"Okay, okay, Jade sister, ah, jade sister is the most embarrassed." Qin Shiyi smiled, like a little sister like to say. Who ever thought that the voice did not fall, he only felt a pain in his wrist, only to see Xiaomi Cai bite him with some indignation, it was like a sorrowful woman who knocked over the vinegar jar, and spit out a tongue and a hoarse voice.

"Amount, Xiaomi is jealous?"

After returning to the smell, Qin Shi raised his hand and held Xiaomi Cai in his arms.

But at this time, he was suddenly aware that the old man who stood by, but said nothing, was alert: "Who are you?"

"Haha, finally saw me? I am your benefactor." The old man took care of his beard.

"Benevolent?" Qin Shi puzzled.

At this time, the jade in his book looked up in his arms and told Qin Shi about what happened just one hundred and ten. Hearing this, he suddenly realized that he quickly stood up and bowed his hand to a respectful old man. He said: "Older generations, thank you for your help, don't you call Zhīdào?"

"Little friends are kind, as for the name, I have long remembered it. I have been walking with the rain all the time, and you call me "Rain Road End of the World"." After saying this, the old man smiled and said: "Actually, I am only helping you. The reason why you can recover is that you understand the rain and rain, this is your life."

Qin Shi did not refute.

Gan Lin Yu Lu decided, although not what level of Zhīdào, but the light is a strong repair power, definitely counted as a peerless treasure.


At this time, the old man frowned and coughed a few times.

With a tight eye, Qin Shi helped the old man: "Yulu seniors, how are you?"

"Oh, nothing, little guy, I have already been a lander. Now time is running out." After all, the rainy road eyes are indifferent, and the heavy stone is taken, saying: "Remember, don't let the old Gan Lin Yu Lu is shameful."

Zhīdào rain road horizon is only a spiritual body, Qin Shi some regret: "predecessors rest assured."

"Haha, that's good, then it's good. I really can't think of this millennium. My Ganlin rain reveals that I can still find inheritance. It is also a fate." After saying this, the rain road ends with a shot of Qin Shi, and suddenly the wrist flips. , pull out a whole body, embedded with the gold side of the waist card, handed to Qin Shi: "This gold jade waist card you hold, maybe you can save your life in the future."

After talking, the rainy road is gratified and laughter, his vain figure is getting thinner and thinner, and it seems to be dissipated between Qian and Kun.

"Older generation!"

Qin Shi’s heart hurts.

"Haha, little guy, there is no banquet in the world. It is a destiny to die and die. Now I can once again appreciate the wilderness of the millennium after the millennium. I am satisfied." After all, the figure of the rainy road has completely faded. The point of turning into spiritual power, leaving only the empty words of the sentence, echoes in this water curtain hole: "Go to create, you belong to the heavens and the earth."

Seeing the rain road, the end of the world is leaving in front of him, Qin Shi has no bitterness to tell, holding the gold jade waist in his hand, the blind man is secret.

"Stone..." In the book, Yu Hongyi covered his mouth and wanted to persuade, but he could not open his mouth.

Take a deep breath, look around this water curtain hole, Qin Shi deep into the stone pool on the three scorpions, this secretly promised in the heart: "Predecessors, you can rest assured, I will not let Ganlin rain dew shame, Let it carry forward."

Doing this well, his Zhīdào death can no longer be resurrected, after finishing his own mood, pick up Xiaomi Cai, and in the book Yudao: "Jade sister, let's go, delay a lot of time, it is estimated that Xiaoyuzi has gone to the secret Central."

The jade nodded in the book.

In this way, the two left the water curtain hole and set foot on the journey to the depths of the secret.

This burning mystery ~ ~ for Qin Shi, has gained a lot. Now, he just wants to hurry back to the waiting person.

On the mountain road, the faint sunshine was revealed along his body, and finally caught up with Lin Yu and Su Ming. The indifferent mood was at this moment, just like the red sun on the sky, shimmering a faint light, making him satisfied. .

But at this time, his afterglow was condensed, only behind Lin Yu, suddenly there was a cold man, to cut through the sky with lightning speed. A cold arrow, with a whistling sound, stabbed Lin Yu's back chest.

"Xiao Yuzi!"

Qin Shi’s heart is tight.

On the shelves, how much you feel in your heart, and some sense of expectation. I hope that everyone will cooperate with the friends who are reading, and click on [Top] in this chapter to let me know how many readers and brothers support me in Zhīdào. [Top] If it can exceed 20, it will be 5 today, even if it is not finished, it will not sleep. I promised two more in the morning, and I will be in a new chapter in an hour later. I don’t have to wait for tired friends. It’s good to get up in the morning and my body is important. In addition, at 7 o'clock this evening, WAP Xiaochao interview, friends who are free to remember to come to participate, there are members to send.

Brothers of the shallow family, let me slap our strength.

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