Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 106: Roaring Cui Yunhai

"You, what have you done?"

Looking at the misty Qin Shi, Cui Yunhai involuntarily squatted.

Standing under the altar, Qin Shi demented like a blind eye, his heart is also full of confusion, looking at the dark sword in his hand, can not help but wonder: "This is the **** soldier who was just sealed by the altar?"

The sword is dark, the aura is swam away, and the carving is exquisite. There is a blue teardrop in the middle of the position. Isn’t the tears of the crystal tears? Seeing this scene, Qin Shi was even more surprised. He curiously turned over the blade, and saw only three powerful characters on the top: "The Nether Sword."

"Nether Sword?"

With a grin, Qin Shi whispered alone.

What happened just now, he did not see clearly, only remember that the fire of burning the sky burned in front of his eyes. When he returned to God, this Nether Sword was already in his hand. He can feel that the power of this sword is completely above the existence of the bloodthirsty sword.

"The Horcrux?"

When the mistake was made, the jade in the book suddenly awakened Qin Shi. Woke up, Qin Shi sucked a cold air, full of shocked Zhang Dazui: "Jade, Yujie, what do you say? This is a ghost sword, turned out to be the Horcrux? But why does it fly to my hand inexplicably? in?"

The Soul Horror, which is far beyond the Xuan Bing, has the sharp weapon of cutting off the iron and blowing the hair. Looking at the entire empire is also a crazy treasure.

"Can't be wrong, it is the Horcrux." In the book, Yu Yu discretion, and said: "As for why it will fly to your hand, I think because you bring the tears of crystal, the two combine to help it crack the seal, it Will you choose to automatically recognize the Lord?"


Hearing this noun, Qin Shi was ecstatic: "Isn't that said, I am the master of this Nether Sword in the future? I rely on it, I also have the Horcruxes? Is this too pulling the wind?"

“Excited? A district of the Horcruxes.”

Looking at Qin Shi’s surprise, there is no good haiku in the book.

Of course, for this kind of snoring, Qin Shi is very pleased to accept, the strange tone: "Yes, I can see no jade sister, the emperor can add the word "zone", like me The township, the emperor, but the dream of the baby."

The two mixed their mouths, but Cui Yunhai was in a hurry.

Seeing that the supreme treasure fell into the hands of Qin Shi, how could he settle down? To this end, I saw his spiritual powers, and the thousands of thousands of sweat pores in the whole body rushed out, forming an endless wave of anger, and rushed toward Qin Shi: "Bad boy, surrender the sword, old and ruin you Not dead."

"Oh, old vulture, do you think it is possible?" Feeling the power of the waves, Qin Shizhen's head up, a pair of cold eyes, staring at Cui Yunhai. He turned his wrist and lifted the Nether Sword, pointing to Cui Yunhai's chest, sarcasm: "Exactly, I will try your hand, I will see the power of this Cangjie Dabaojian."

Said, he raised the Nether Sword, turned sideways, and nine swords lighted up.

"Huang Quan Jiu Jian."

The nine swords light, exuding the dark and deep faint light, smashed the sky and smashed the nine scorpions, emitting a chilling wind, and flooding into Cui Yunhai.

Huang Quan Jiu Jian, originally only a second-order middle school martial arts. Before, with the help of the book, Yu Shi, Qian Shi was able to exert the power of the third-order superiority. However, under the Nether Sword, the power is obviously increased several times, just like the nine dragons.

"Fire the fire!"

Seeing that the nine swords such as Xiaolong fell, Cui Yunhai’s brows were tight, and he did not dare to take a few steps back. His heart was dark, his handprints were flipped over his chest, and there was a raging fire, splattering hot temperatures, and rushing to meet the rain. And on.


Two spiritual forces collide, and the sky is full of sorrows.

His Majesty, with the fire of wolf smoke, Qin Shi's footsteps turned, and he rushed to Cui Yunhai as a ghost. The Nether Sword in his hand turned in the air, pointing to Cui Yunhai's chest: "Old vulture, I am going to your dog today. Life, see the sword, die!"

During the roaring, the cold air in the open space is chilled.

"Hey, stinky boy, do you want to kill me? You don't even have to break my defense!" Cui Yunhai roared and looked at the blade that was enlarged in the pupil. Both hands flashed with light blue power. Fluorescence, condensed into a hard spiritual barrier in front of it.

"From the fire shield."

The barrier condenses, and a piece of a six-sided spiritual enchantment firmly encloses Cui Yunhai. This is away from the fire Shield, Qin Shi last seen in the library, the third-order defensive martial arts, rumors that cultivation is great, but the King Kong is not bad.


The barrier in the Nether Sword is subjected to a huge impact, and the barrier sways for a few minutes. It can only sway for a while, and it disappears without a trace.

This makes Cui Yunhai's confidence expand, and he laughs wildly: "Haha, hahaha, I said that you can't break my defense. The sword is only worthy of the strong. You will only be shamed by his light." Or give it to me!"

"is it?"

Unexpectedly, Qin Shi suddenly raised a strange mouth.

Looking at the weird expression, Cui Yunhai could not help but groan. But before he couldn't go back to God, he saw the Nether Sword, and he continually surrendered nine swords. The sword light was as dark as the night sky, and it had terrible corrosiveness. It was originally a hard barrier, little by little. Encroached.

"Give me broken!"

Qin Shi held the sword in both hands, and the physical power of the body was rolled and mobilized, all gathered in the Nether Sword. The Nether Sword seems to feel the anger of Qin Shi, and the black mist is more surging, rolling in the open space, covering the sky.


At this time, a broken sound, a crack appeared on the fire shield.


A muffled sound, the Nether Sword broke the barrier and was buried directly in Cui Yunhai's chest.

His majesty, the intense pain came from the chest, let Cui Yunhai suddenly tremble, glaring at the incredible big eyes, the voice came out of the teeth: "This, how is this possible? You broke, broke me. Defense?"

Qin Shi, full of blood, with a sullen smile, wiped the blood stains on his face, and laughed: "Oh, is it strange? I forgot to tell you that the biggest feature of the Nether Sword is not attack, but his unique Corrosion, the spiritual barrier is in front of him, and it is ineffective."

In fact, Qin Shi knew this when he got the Nether Sword. He had a very strange power on the Nether Sword. That force has no terrible lethality, but it is quite similar to the power of the previous altar chain, and it has terrible corrosion.

This ability, if used properly, is definitely a super killer.

For example, just Cui Yunhai.

Proudly raised his mouth, Qin Shi smiled brightly. Unexpectedly, without waiting for his voice to fall, he only heard a bang, Cui Yunhai fell to the ground, his body twitched a few times, directly suffocating and dying, no more movement.

"Dead? Dead?"

See Cui Yunhai cut off the gas, Qin Shizhen's innocent big eyes, said: "Rely on, this is dead? I am thinking about letting you understand the ghost, it seems that you are sinful, God wants to let you Even the death of death is confusing, oh, sin."

Solving Cui Yunhai, Qin Shi took off the dust on his hands, and he was afraid after the stock surged.

Although he was lucky enough to kill Cui Yunhai this time, he gave him a deep understanding of the truth, that is, he was careful to sail for thousands of years. Everything should be taken care of in the future. This time he thought that he was very prepared, so that everyone away from the fire sect knew that he and Cui Yunhai had left, thinking that there would be no accident.

Who ever thought that he was only confined to the thought, because he calculated the mistakes and the general meaning, and almost lost his life in this absurd and indifferent place.

Thinking of this, he was grateful to touch the Nether Sword in his hand, saying: "Call, old brother, it is thanks to you, otherwise it is really dead here. It is estimated that when Lin Yu, several of them want to give me a corpse, It may not be possible to find where I am dead."

At the thought of this, Qin Shi was angry. He kicked Cui Yunhai a few feet and said that he would squat his space ring and erase his memory on the space ring through his thoughts, and glimpse the space in the space. treasure.

I have to say that this Cui Yunhai is really rich in oil.

"Good guy, don't look at it, look scared!" In the space ring of Cui Yunhai, Qin Shi took a cold breath and saw that it was filled with precious spirit grass and Lingshi. There are also more than fifty of the top grades.

You must know that an elder from the fire sect, the year of Lulu is nothing more than two top grade Lingshi, fifty top grade Lingshi that is full of twenty-five years of sorrow, but also in the state of not eating or drinking This is obviously impossible.

"It seems that this guy is away from the fire, and there is no less bribe." Eyes turned, Qin Shimei plucked those Lingshi Lingcao into their space ring, a little guilty, no grin, satisfied The laughter said: "There is no way to clean up anyway, then it will be less than enough. With these Lingshi, you can help the jade sister to buy more healing herbs." Turning around, he said in his heart Inadvertently let the jade in the book move, in the hearts of everyone, the most inexplicable feelings are the most true.


Unexpectedly, in the book that was moved, Yu Gang just wanted to speak, but because of Qin Shi’s words, he was directly mad: “Hey, jade sister? Ah, don’t think too much, I just made a mistake, mainly because I used Lingshi. Buying medicine for you, there is no other use, don't mind it."

"Hey!" The sound of the friction between the teeth was sounded, half-sounding, and the jade in the book was broken: "Smelly stone, you can't die!"

Confused eyes, Qin Shi did not know why the jade in the book was angry. He just didn't want the jade in the book to grate her, because in his heart, he owed more to the jade in the book. It’s a pity that he doesn’t know women very much, and women are always touched by the most subtle details.

"Woman's heart, the sea needle, I don't understand."

Grasping his head, Qin Shi didn't have a good snoring sound, then looked at the empty open space around him, and there was some creepy feeling in his heart. When a person stayed in such a vast and innocent place, he would inevitably feel lonely, and said: "This ghost place , or leave early."

Thinking of this, he no longer delayed, leaving the cave to leave the fire.

Of course, he didn't know at this time. He had already blasted the pot from the fire, and more troublesome things were waiting for him.


PS: Everyone's flowers are coming up, let the evil spirits rush to the top.

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