Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 316 Reunion after a long absence

Those who don't go to the Great Wall are not heroes. This is just a great man's feeling. The reason why it is so popular is that the possibility that the staff of the Great Wall Scenic Area is behind the scenes cannot be ruled out.

In fact. It's not that if you don't have the Great Wall, you must be a hero. In fact, he may not be a hero when he reaches the Great Wall. Most of the Great Wall that everyone climbs has been repaired.

The section of the Great Wall in Beijing, the most dangerous part, is the eighteenth section of the Huanghuacheng section. The Shibadeng Great Wall is famous for its high mountains, steep slopes and dangerous cities.

Unlike other places, the damage to the Great Wall is more serious as you go to the top of the mountain, because the top of the mountain is basically a dry stone wall, and the quality is far less good than the side wall at the foot of the mountain. Eighteen steps is a big steep ladder almost at right angles. There is a saying in the folk song, "Eighteen pedals, high into the sky, eagles fly upside down and monkeys are hard to climb; how high is the mountain, a wheel rolls for three days".

The weather was sunny and cool, and two people, one old and one young, stood at the peak of the 18th step of the Huanghuacheng section. The old man was slightly thin and energetic. He was wearing a gray homespun robe, with his hands behind his back, and had a bird's-eye view of the peaks.

The youngest was only in his twenties, with delicate features and delicate features, and there was some aura between his brows, but his face was a little impatient. He said to the old man, "Master, the scenery here is no better than the Valley of Elysium. Let's enter Let's go to the city."

The old man turned his head and glanced at the young man, and said lightly: "Lu An, you are good everywhere. You just can't hold your breath. Although we are people in martial arts, we can't go too far. If you are really here this time When looking at a woman in the secular world, it is best to get the consent of the other party first."

"Don't worry, master. If she knows our situation, she will definitely wish for it."

The old man didn't speak, but judging from the look on his face, he obviously agreed with this point. In the eyes of martial practitioners, ordinary people are indeed inferior to them.

It was already summer vacation, and the college seemed a little deserted. Many homesick students walked out of the dormitory building, talking and laughing, dragging their suitcases.

Ji Xiaomo was the only one left in Ji Xiaomo's dormitory, her bed was tidy, and there was a packed suitcase next to the bed.

She was wearing a white round neck printed T-shirt, a denim skirt underneath, and her long black hair was tied into a ponytail behind her head. It looks extraordinarily pure and refreshing.

It's just that Ji Xiaomo now looks a little thinner compared to two months ago. But this made the plump pair on her chest stand out even more.

Ji Xiaomo's expression was a little melancholy. She didn't know Lin Feng for a long time, let alone spent a lot of time together. Although she promised to be Lin Feng's girlfriend, she didn't know that she fell in love with Lin Feng at that time.

Until one day, Lin Feng called and said he was going to kill someone.

In the past, Ji Xiaomo would feel that words like 'killing' were far away from her. If someone told her that she was going to kill someone, she would definitely think that the other party was joking. However, when Lin Feng said to kill someone, she didn't feel disgusted. , disgust, and didn't feel that Lin Feng was joking, all she had was endless worries.

At that moment, she hysterically tried to persuade Lin Feng to stay. How much she wished that Lin Feng could stay.

"Lin Feng, I order you. You will come to accompany me for a walk tomorrow night. You must come. This is an order. I will wait for you at the school gate. If you don't come, I will wait forever."

"If I can, I will definitely go."

Ji Xiaomo still remembered the conversation he had with Lin Feng. The next day, she waited at the school gate for a long, long time. From the beginning to the end, she did not wait for Lin Feng to appear. It was from that time that Lin Feng completely disappeared from her life.

Because she didn't know Lin Feng long enough, and they didn't have much time together, she thought that she didn't like Lin Feng very much, and she felt that she could gradually forget this relationship that ended before it officially started.

But Ji Xiaomo found that she couldn't do it, several months passed quietly, and Ji Xiaomo fell asleep thinking about Lin Feng almost every night. Even, many times, she would run to the school gate alone. Although she knew that the possibility of seeing Lin Feng was slim, every time she stepped out of the school gate and looked around, her heart was full of anticipation and tension.

In Ji Xiaomo's mobile phone, there are many text messages between the two of them. She often looks through those text messages, and every time she reads them, she will show a knowing smile.

Unrequited love worth mentioning, single-sided stay worth mentioning. Ji Xiaomo is depressed and sad, but she doesn't feel bitter. She thinks this is the most sincere and firm love. Without a bit of cold, how can the plum blossoms be so fragrant. She believed that one day she could wait for Lin Feng to appear.

'Ring ring ring'.

Hearing the ringing of his cell phone, Ji Xiaomofei took out the cell phone, opened it and looked at it, and then there was obvious disappointment on his face.

This call was made by a boy named Yan Han. Ever since Yan Han saw Ji Xiaomo on the school bus, he has been pursuing Ji Xiaomo, but Ji Xiaomo has made it clear that he has a boyfriend. Later, Yan Han said that he wanted to be ordinary friends with Ji Xiaomo, but Ji Xiaomo did not refuse.

Making friends is a normal thing for Ji Xiaomo.

But right now, Ji Xiaomo is not in a good mood, her mood is also very low, and she doesn't have the heart to answer Yan Han's phone call. She turned her phone to silent.

The school is on summer vacation. Although Lin Feng is from Nancheng, she feels that if Lin Feng will show up, he must be at Beijing Normal University. Ji Xiaomo planned to visit the school gate again.

After arriving in Beijing, knowing that it was already summer vacation, Lin Feng changed his mind, instead of looking for Gong Suyan, he called Ji Xiaomo, hoping to meet Ji Xiaomo before Ji Xiaomo went home.

Thinking of the fact that he hadn't heard from him for several months, Lin Feng's heart was filled with guilt. He went to a flower shop and tied ninety-nine roses.

Although Ji Xiaomo's phone can be connected, there is no one answering it. After making several phone calls in a row, Lin Feng felt a little uneasy. Although he failed to contact Ji Xiaomo in the end, he rushed to Beijing Normal University immediately.

Ji Xiaomo and Lin Feng have not known each other for a long time, and the two have not spent much time together, but Ji Xiaomo's weight in his heart is extraordinarily heavy. She is also one of the girls that Lin Feng can't let go of.

Lin Feng knew that for girls with family background, beauty is definitely a kind of capital, and almost no one dares to pay attention to them. A good family education also allows them to know how to protect themselves. But for girls from ordinary backgrounds, beauty is accompanied by many traps and crises.

Ji Xiaomo is beautiful, but she comes from an ordinary background, and because she grew up smoothly from childhood to adulthood, she is innocent and somewhat willful. Such girls are especially prone to ending in dirge.

Coming to the gate of Beijing Normal University, looking at the bustling crowd, Lin Feng's heart was also full of anticipation, he hoped to see Ji Xiaomo's figure inadvertently.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's expression moved slightly, and then infinite love and pity appeared on his face.

Ji Xiaomo mixed with many students and walked out of the school. She is one of the school belles of Beijing Normal University. But now, when Ji Xiaomo walked beside several tall girls wearing high heels, she looked a little inconspicuous, even a little sluggish.

Lin Feng could understand the expectation on Ji Xiaomo's face, he watched Ji Xiaomo firmly, and walked towards Ji Xiaomo step by step.

As usual, Ji Xiaomo looked left and right when she left the school gate. When she saw that familiar figure, her heart was suddenly touched.

However, when she saw the roses in Lin Feng's hands, Ji Xiaomo blushed quickly. Seeing that Lin Feng was walking towards her, she suddenly turned around and ran towards the campus. Like a frightened butterfly.

When the students at the school gate saw this scene, they all looked at Lin Feng with weird eyes.

Lin Feng was a little ashamed, but when he saw Ji Xiaomo, he felt relieved and didn't care about other people's gazes, so he quickly chased after him and said, "Xiaomo, don't run away."

Hearing Lin Feng's shout, Ji Xiaomo stopped, but she just turned her head to look at the roses that Lin Feng was holding, and ran forward again.

Seeing many boys looking at him with warning eyes, Lin Feng knew that if he didn't act decisively, someone might come out to save the beauty.

Lin Feng quickened his pace, and quickly caught up with Ji Xiaomo. This time, he didn't let Ji Xiaomo escape, and firmly pulled Ji Xiaomo into his arms with one hand.

Ji Xiaomo leaned on Lin Feng's shoulder, blushing to the base of her neck. At this moment, her shy expression was filled with joy, which was indescribably lovely.

After a long time, Ji Xiaomo broke free from Lin Feng's arms, bowed her head and remained silent.

Lin Feng held flowers in one hand, took Ji Xiaomo's hand with the other, and said gently, "Xiaomo. I'm sorry. I made you worry. But please believe that I didn't mean it."

Although Ji Xiaomo is innocent, she is not stupid. The mayor and deputy governor will toast Lin Feng. She knows that Lin Feng must be different from ordinary students.

Ji Xiaomo raised her head slightly, but she never looked at Lin Feng, not because she felt strange, but because she felt a little nervous. She turned her head aside and said, "Then will you leave in the future?"

"I still have some things to do, and when I'm done, I'll never leave."

Ji Xiaomo's expression was slightly sad, and he said, "Then will you leave now?"

"of course not."

Ji Xiaomo was silent for a moment, then showed a distressed expression, and said: "Actually, the love I imagined is not like this. The love I imagined is that we can go for a walk on campus together after class, and we can go shopping and watch movies together on weekends." Movies, sometimes, he will give me some unexpected surprises."

"I can do it now."

Ji Xiaomo snorted, said with a cold face, "I'm talking about every day, often, but it's been several months since you showed up. This time, you have to make up what you owed before."

"But. Will you get tired of it?"

"I don't care I don't care."

"Okay." Seeing that Ji Xiaomo's mood has gradually improved, Lin Feng also showed a warm smile on his face, "From now on, I will accompany you to do whatever you want."

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