Part-time as God of the Heavens

Chapter 93 Completely stand in line (recommended ticket)

The door of the hotel was pushed open, and the judge walked straight to the counter and placed a blue-black gold coin slightly larger than ordinary gold coins in front of Charon at the front desk.

This is a badge that symbolizes the status of a judge. The previous one... was looted by Zhou Yi.

"Do you have any needs?" Charon asked respectfully.

Although as a die-hard, he already knew that his boss, Winston, took the entire New York Continental Hotel to the Knights Templar, but now, at least on the surface, there is still no positive announcement.

"I want to see Winston." The judge's tone was cold.

"Okay," Charon nodded, "of course, please come with me."

Next, Charon led the judge to the conference room.


There were some small deviations between the situation and what the judges expected.

She had thought that Winston would be waiting for her very formally, to be judged respectfully.


"Mr. Winston," the judge looked at the drunk Winston in the conference room, "you need to sober up."

"Do I need to sober up?" Winston squinted slightly. "Who are you?"

"I am the judge."


...Please recognize your identity, Mr. Winston," the judge frowned and asked, "You still rely on the high table as the master, are you willing to sacrifice yourself under the high table? "

"I," Winston thought for a moment, "should be... maybe... um... yes? Or not?"


"I'm sorry, judge," Charon stopped the judge, "Mr. Winston is in a bad state, please forgive me, and now is not the right time to talk, so... why don't you come back another day?"

The judge said coldly, "The Continental Hotel in New York needs to expel Zhou Yi immediately and issue a reward notice!"

"I'm sorry, ma'am," Charon said. "Mr. Winston is intoxicated and unable to make any decisions. Please come back tomorrow."

"...Very good." The judge watched for a long time, and seeing that Charon did not give in at all, he turned and left.

"When he wakes up, notify me immediately."

The judge had no authority to command the Continental Hotel past Winston.

Although she is a judge and can judge all the organizations under the high table, she must follow the regulations.

However, at this moment, Winston's state of not in any of the rules.

So, despite the anger of the judge, he could only leave.


Charon asked after the judge had left.

"Let's go?" Winston "sobered up" from the drunken state in an instant, "Huh, I've finally fooled me."

"Sir, how long can this be dragged on?" Charon asked.

"Three days, it only takes three days, and then you don't have to hide." Winston rubbed his neck, smelled the alcohol on his body, and frowned, "I need to take a shower..."


So, the next day, when the judge saw Winston again, he found that he was still drunk.

"What's going on?" The judge couldn't hold back his anger.

"The death and injury statistics report is out," Charon said solemnly, with grief on his face, "The killer of the Continental Hotel lost more than a quarter."

"So?" The judge's face was ashen.

She is not idle. During this period of time, she has found the Hawkeye organization and conducted a trial and punishment on it.

Now, that's all that's left of the New York Continental Hotel.

"So, Mr. Winston was too sad and had to drink heavily." Charon said seriously.

"Heh..." The judge sneered.

Isn't this fooling yourself as a fool?

Before, she had vaguely guessed, and only now has she decided.

The status of the judge is very noble. Logically speaking, they should never be treated like this. If they are, there is only one explanation, which is—

The judge was stunned for a moment.

If so...

"...I have one more thing to deal with," the judge said.

"Tell Mr. Winston, tomorrow, I will come over again. At that time, Mr. Winston can no longer be drunk. This is the last warning!"

The tone of speech is very serious, without the slightest flaw.

Having said that, the judge turned and left.

However, the pace of the footsteps was fast and flustered.

If that's possible...

The Continental Hotel, for her, is now the existence of Longtan Tiger Den!

"Crack, crack, crack..."

The applause that suddenly sounded behind made the judge's body tremble, but his footsteps did not stop.

"Miss Judge, I have to say that you are very sensitive, but unfortunately, you are in a hurry after all," Winston's voice sounded, without the slightest intoxication, "Is there any urgency to leave in such a hurry?"

"Are you sure you want to betray the high table?" The judge stopped, turned around, and looked at Winston, who had sat up straight and was no longer drunk.

"No way, the high table gave me not as much as the one gave me," Winston shook his head, raised his pistol, and pointed it at the judge. "Besides, I have long disliked you."


There's not much to say BB, since you turn your face, you're done!

"Sir?" Charon looked at the judge with an extra blood hole in his head, and then at Winston, "You..."

"She has realized it, but her acting skills are a little lacking. If it weren't for the panic and the pace a little faster, I wouldn't be able to find it."

Winston stood up and put the gun aside, "Oh... Since it's about to be exposed, then it's better to use it as our nomination certificate."

"At a time like this, if you don't stand in line, Mr. Zhou will be worried. It's the most stupid thing to behave like a fool."

Winston also knew that as soon as the gun was fired, it represented a complete break with the high table.

The judges who represent the faces of the high table, even if they are seen in a downhearted manner, those who see will be stabbed in one eye.

That's what happened to those "moles."

And now, Winston personally killed the judge in the Continental Hotel!

It means that he has no way out!

More than 40 years have worn away Winston's ambitions. He originally thought that he would be so quiet, but what he didn't expect was that Zhou Yi gave him another chance.

Taking the opportunity of the judge to discover the clue, Winston made the final choice, completely, placing his position on the Templar boat.

Together in the same boat.

The news that the judge was killed in the Continental Hotel was not concealed, nor could it be concealed, and spread out in an instant.


"Really..." Zhou Yi, who came over after hearing the news, chuckled, "Mr. Winston, so decisive?"

"It's just a different position." Winston nodded and smiled, "I hope it didn't cause you trouble."

"Of course there will be trouble, but there's no need to panic. It's a day ahead of schedule," Zhou Yi said with a smile. "After tomorrow, it can be officially announced."

"Dong dong!"

"Sir," Charon knocked at the door, "the Mole and Hawkeye are here."

Mole and Hawkeye are actually the leaders of two underground organizations, but they belong to the New York Division.

That is, the two who were not long after they were "trialed" by the judges.

Although Hawkeye's palm was pierced and Mole was blinded in one eye, they still insisted on coming to the Continental Hotel, at the moment when the Continental Hotel in New York was removed from the high table.

"Guess what they're here for?" Winston smiled.

"What else can I do?" Zhou Yi understood without analysis, "I can only say that the actions of the high table have already lost people's hearts."

"And as long as this evening, after tomorrow, will be the time when the Templars will be born!"

There are still three days of exams, review review review...

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