Part-time as God of the Heavens

Chapter 63 Odd-even-even unchanged (recommended ticket)

"Hello," Wesley greeted, "you are..."

"I'm your father's guide, the Knight Templar of the Knights Templar, Zhou Yi," Zhou Yi said, "Wesley, are you interested in spreading fire?"

"Huh?" Wesley was taken aback.

"Let's talk about these things later," Carlos said with a black line, a little unhappy about Zhou Yi's unplanned improvisation performance, "Let's get out of here first."

My son has just stepped into this world!

You can't give him a little more time to get used to it and let him make his own decisions...

Carlos thought about it, feeling a little guilty.

Because, he also knew that he was able to know the current situation of the Assassin League and successfully recognize Wesley, all with the help of Zhou Yi.

Moreover, according to the current form, joining Wesley to the Knights Templar seems to be the best choice.


Maybe this is the instinct from his father. Although Carlos knows that this is irreversible, and he is completely unreasonable, he cannot be completely rational, but will prefer his son Wesley.

"That's right," Zhou Yi nodded. "Let's get out of here first, and we'll talk in detail when we reach the safe house."

So, Carlos quickly picked up the things that had been packed up, and the three left the place together, and Wesley had no problem with this.

He knew that he probably wouldn't be able to come back for a long time.

However, thinking back carefully, what he needs to bring, what is worth thinking about, what else?

A bank card with basically no deposits?

Some clothes that have been washed and washed for years?

A girlfriend fooling around with his "best friend"?

A position of pure torture and appallingly low wages?

A fat boss who is always looking for trouble?

All in all, the above things just flashed through Wesley's mind, and then they were left behind by him.

Looking back over the past twenty years, Wesley has almost nothing, valuable, and worth taking away.

However, now, overnight, he has a lot of valuable things.

A fantastic experience, first time being kidnapped and first seeing a life and death shootout.

A father who has been taking care of him, albeit in a way he doesn't like.

A magical bloodline that can make himself see the trajectory of the bullet and even react... Although he was considered an anxiety disorder before, he has been taking drugs to suppress it.

A mysterious group known as the Knights Templar, and a group of enemies affiliated with a group called the Brotherhood of Assassins.

All of this made Wesley feel novel, surprised, and shocked.

Overnight, he abandoned the past and entered a new life, a completely new, exciting and exciting life completely different from before!


"So, our enemies are those assassins?" Wesley asked curiously.

He is arguably full of energy now.

Zhou Yi glanced at Carlos, whose face was a little dark, chuckled lightly, and said to Wesley, "Yes."

They're in the car right now, and the man driving... is Carlos.

Zhou Yi wanted to drive, but was rejected by Carlos.

Before, Zhou Yi came here by plane from the Continental Hotel in New York, and Carlos went to pick him up.

Then, Zhou Yi found that Carlos' car looked very good.

So, he was a little itchy, so he showed Carlos a wave of "empty hands into keys" magic.

When Carlos was confused and completely confused, Zhou Yi dragged him to the co-pilot of the car, and then took him on a "comfortable city tour".


Carlos even turned on the assassin bloodline, which barely blocked his vertigo symptoms and desire to vomit.

Since then, Carlos has firmly determined one thing, and that is - when he is in the car, he absolutely, absolutely, absolutely cannot let Zhou Yi drive!

Carlos is very suspicious. If it is replaced by a classic car, according to Zhou Yi's operation method, it is estimated that it will be scrapped on the road!

"But..." Wesley looked at Carlos, "... um... my... father, isn't he an assassin?"

Wesley had a hard time saying the word "father," but he said it anyway.

Carlos's hand trembled faintly, and the car he was bringing trembled.

Before, Wesley didn't call it this way when he was rescued by Carlos.

But for Carlos, who had watched Wesley grow up over the years, but had never heard Wesley call him that before today, how could it possibly be enough?

"Should I still drive?" Zhou Yi noticed the change just now, and said that he was very worried about Carlos' driving skills, and planned to show him his driving skills as a car god.

"Even if I die, die outside, or just jump out of the car, I won't be able to ride in your car again!" Carlos said seriously.

Hearing this, Zhou Yi took a deep breath.

"Odd change and even change?" Zhou Yi tried to ask in Chinese.

There was silence in the car, and Wesley and Carlos were dumbfounded.

Their puzzled eyes made Zhou Yi heave a sigh of relief: "It's okay, that's a special code, you don't need to pay attention."

"Code?" Wesley asked curiously. "What code?"

"This is another organization's password, you remember, don't use it," Zhou Yi said seriously and seriously.

"Once someone who is not from this organization uses this code, it will be a loss of people and wealth, and it will be wiped out!"

"What kind of organization is so scary?" Wesley shrank his neck.

"Then, it's a long story," Zhou Yi said with emotion, "They're all a bunch of poor people who can't find their way home..."

"Can you stop talking nonsense?" Carlos said helplessly. He really couldn't bear to see Zhou Yi fooling around with his son like a fool... At least that's what he thought.

"Forget it, the topic is off, let's talk about what happened before," Zhou Yi didn't insist, it was just a joke anyway.

"Your father Carlos, he was the Master Assassin of the Brotherhood of Assassins before, but because of a problem with the leader of the Brotherhood of Assassins, he planned to defect."

Carlos: "..."

Can you use the words better?

"Cough cough!" Carlos decided to restore some of his image, coughed twice, "It's not a betrayal, it's the Assassin Brotherhood that has deviated from the original principles, they are no longer fighting for fate, but for profit, so , I disdain to be with them!"

"..." Wesley was silent for a while.

"Isn't that a betrayal?"

PS: I hope everyone can find their own wonderful life!

No talk tonight, I will be exhausted tomorrow, good night everyone~

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