Part-time as God of the Heavens

Chapter 58 Master Assassin = Senior Templar (recommendation ticket)

Zhou Yi knew exactly what Winston was thinking.

He will not refuse such kindness, because Winston is also on his list.

Of course, if someone on Zhou Yi's must-kill list made a gesture to Zhou Yi like this, Zhou Yi would also accept it without hesitation, and then...

When starting, choose the quick and painless mode.

It's the same as in the previous world, even if Zhou Yi received money from the drug lords and gangsters, he would arrest them with his backhand.

in principle?

If you really let them go, that would be destroying Zhou Yi's principle!


"So, Carlos, what are your thoughts on that matter?" Zhou Yi asked.

"...I am willing to join the Templars." Carlos said after pondering for a while.

In fact, in his mind, the idea of ​​just picking out the assassins who betrayed their destiny in the Assassin League and killing them, while he can still be an assassin.

But immediately, he abandoned this unrealistic idea.

Because he knew that Zhou Yi was definitely not a good person, and it was impossible for him to do such a bloodless business.

Moreover, Zhou Yi said before that the purpose of the Templars is to bring the whole world back to order.

If it weren't for the existence of faith, Carlos would not have been an assassin for so many years.

Be an ordinary person, a rich ordinary person, and then marry a wife and have children, isn't it?

Carlos actually yearns for that kind of life, but he can't do that. He can only abandon his son ruthlessly, hoping that his son will not enter this world, so that his son can enjoy a normal life. .


To be honest, Carlos was also a little helpless about Wesley's performance.

Can you not be so rubbish!

Carlos has been struggling.

If Wesley is not taught... I guess it will really continue to be such a waste.

But if he taught it by himself... wouldn't that go against his mother's wishes and bring Wesley back into this dangerous world?

In this way, Carlos has been so frozen, tangled, not knowing how to choose.

If it wasn't for Zhou Yi's arrival, he would not make a choice until he found out about Sloan's use of the loom, turned against Sloan, and betrayed the Assassin Alliance.

But now, he must and is willing to make a choice in advance.

Because now he has a better way.

"I know you may find it a little awkward, but for an assassin, taking advantage of fate is the most unbearable thing."

Before Zhou Yi could speak, Carlos continued: "Besides... I've been tired for so many years. I've been looking for a way to quit this world, but there's no hope."

"It wasn't until you found me not long ago that I slowly figured it out. If I want to become an ordinary person and quit this world, the only way is to destroy this world."

"You have given me hope, Templars, embrace order, and only by bringing order to the world can we completely destroy this world that has been ruled by assassins and killers!"

"The Knights Templar, the flame that will bring hope to this world!"

Carlos said enthusiastically.

However, what awaited him was Zhou Yi's long silence.

Zhou Yi: "..."

"What... what's wrong?" Carlos broke the silence with some unease, "Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"No, no, there's no problem, you said it very well," Zhou Yi sighed and patted Carlos on the shoulder, "It's very good, the choice I made was indeed the right one!"

"Sure enough, the Templar knight who turned into an assassin is the one who understands the knight Templar best!"

"I've decided, you will be responsible for the propaganda of our Knights Templar from now on!"

Master Assassin = Senior Templar, this formula really holds true, if it weren't for the senior Templar, there would be no way to say such a reasonable thing!

Before Zhou Yi spread the fire, Carlos had already started to ignite himself!

"Ah?" Carlos was taken aback, "Zhou Yi, don't, Zhou Yi!"

Carlos panicked.

"Cough, just kidding, don't worry, I am much more proficient than you in writing propaganda slogans," Zhou Yi waved his hand, stopped joking, and asked with a serious face, "So, now, when are you going to contact Wesley?"

"Does it have to be like this?" Carlos asked again.

"If you plan to become a Templar against the Alliance of Assassins, your son will be taken away by the Alliance of Assassins, nurtured, or even misled to become our enemy," Zhou Yi spread his hands, "that's fine."

"...Well then..." Carlos had no choice but to say, "Do you have any plans?"

Zhou Yi: "???"

"No, Wesley is not my son, you are going to recognize him, not me!" Zhou Yi forcedly said, "You ask me what I plan to do?"

"It's because I have no idea, so I'm asking for your opinion!" Carlos was righteous.

"You really..." Zhou Yi sighed, but he did understand the difficulty of Carlos, "Okay, then, as a guide to guide you into the Knights Templar, let me formulate a detailed plan for you. Plan!"


Wesley felt as if someone around him was watching him these days.

However, whenever he had the feeling of being watched in the dark, when he looked back in the direction from which the feeling came, he couldn't see anything, and there was nothing abnormal at all.

This made him think it was his anxiety attack again.

Just like now.

Wesley walked on the dark road.

He had just finished working overtime at the company at the unreasonable request of the fat woman's boss, and it was almost late at night before he went home.

The exhausted body, the hunger that hadn't eaten dinner until now, and the mental exhaustion from enduring the mental attack of that fat boss made him fall into extremely negative emotions.

And it was at this time-

Wesley suddenly felt that that feeling, the feeling of being watched in the dark, reappeared.


Wesley's breathing gradually became faster, his heart beat faster, and his blood was surging. He felt that his perspective seemed to have a double image, and the things he saw and the sounds he heard began to slow down.

"Damn..." Wesley leaned against the wall weakly, and took out a bottle of tranquilizers from his pocket, but after opening it, he found that the bottle was empty.

"Fark!" Wesley dropped the bottle, stood up, and walked forward.

However, it was not a long distance in the past, but at this time, it seemed extraordinarily long, especially with the kind of secret gaze that could not be traced at all.

"Huh..." Wesley suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction his sight came from.

In his slowed-down perspective, he saw that a piece of clothing flashed in the corner of the wall and disappeared!

Someone is really watching him!

"who is it……"

Wesley felt that his body seemed to be out of his control. He stepped up and down, and stumbled towards the corner of the wall. However, this time, in the alley, it was still the same situation he had experienced several times before.


"Who is it! Who's there!" Wesley yelled in dismay, "Come out!"

It seemed that he had finished venting his emotions, and Wesley lay on the ground weakly, breathing rapidly to ease his fast heartbeat.

There is no food, no physical strength, and the huge consumption of the assassin bloodline has been activated. Coupled with emotional tension and exhaustion, Wesley can still faint now, which has explained one thing.

He's really, really talented.

At this moment, footsteps sounded, gradually approaching Wesley.

Wesley was startled and wanted to sit up.

However, before Wesley sat up, the owner of the footsteps had already arrived in front of Wesley.

"Don't move." The man was wearing a hood and pointed his pistol at Wesley.

"Wesley, I've been watching you for a long time."

PS: Today's hilarious ←

After conceiving the plot behind, I adjusted the outline, this world, I will write very gorgeous, the ending is guaranteed to be shocking!

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