Overlord of the Demon Realm

Chapter 317: The End

"Shop No. 6, 2850 gold coins!"

"Shop No. 6, 2900 gold coins!"

Due to lack of funds, Hongye Shou turned to the little loli of the Soul Palace Guild and started to compete for the No. 6 shop. This move made little loli so angry that she had nothing to do with her.

Everyone is a representative of the top guild, and their own intelligence network is also very rich. They know the general situation of the other party's funds. Therefore, Hongye Shou chose the guild with the tightest hand - the Soul Temple guild in the Istar Federation , due to the dwarf incident a while ago, compared with other top guilds, the funds are even more in short supply.

Persimmons, of course, have to find soft ones.

Hongye Shou is also a ruthless person. Since he was beaten by Ye Kong and lost to him in terms of funds, he simply gave up the No. 7 shop and changed hands to grab the slightly inferior No. 6 shop. It is really wise.

Looking at the changes below, Ye Kong couldn't help shaking his head: "That guy, it seems that it's good to snatch what I want to do in advance. Since she took the initiative to admit defeat, then I don't have to grab other people's territory."

In fact, Ye Kong also made the same calculation, if Hongye Shou had more money than he expected. Then there is no other way, Ye Kong can only give up the No. 7 store and go to grab other stores instead.

After all, in history, the guild with the most liquidity among the present guilds, the funds of other guilds are not so high, and it is also an opportunity to take advantage of - it is Ye Kong's No. 2 plan.

After all, Ye Kong is not a god, and it is impossible to calculate 100% accurately. How much money the other party has left in his hand can only be estimated roughly. When plan No. 1 fails, that is, Ye Kong has less funds than Hongye Shou, at this time, he will implement plan No. 2. Fortunately, Ye Kong made the right bet.

same moment

The auction hall below was in complete chaos. Hongye Shou's actions not only disturbed the Hall of Souls, but also put the little girl in the black gauze dress into a desperate situation. Her funds were not as good as the other party's. Seeing that the price of the No. 6 shop gradually exceeded 3000 gold coins, but she only has 3120 gold coins in her hand.

"Shop No. 6, 3100 gold coins!"

Hongye Shou said harshly, and her expression became extremely ferocious. Now that things have happened, she can't care about other guilds. She has to grab a shop, otherwise, she can't explain to her superiors!

The little girl in Heisha went crazy, her funds were indeed not as good as a mirror, so she simply imitated the other party, and raised a sign angrily: "Store No. 10, 2500 gold coins!"

"I'm Nima!"

A bald young man not far away couldn't help yelling and cursing. He is the representative of Blood Shura's guild, and he came to participate in the auction of the land in the holy city. The strength of Blood Shura is slightly weaker than that of the top guilds such as Zhongxing Palace and Soul Palace, but it is far better than the super guild (super first-class). In terms of strength, it is at the quasi-top level.

There are more than a dozen guilds like Blood Shura in the auction house, and their competition targets are mainly concentrated on shops in non-prime locations in the business district. However, the Hall of Souls suddenly shifted its target and swung the butcher knife at them

Totally blown up!

As a top force, the Soul Palace Guild is no match for them, even if their capital chain is insufficient. When the little girl in black gauze enters the auction, the bald youth will be blown away!

His funds are not enough for the other party!

The average price of the gold shops in the business district is around 3000 gold coins. Among them, No. 7 shop with the best location was auctioned for 3600 gold coins, which was bought by Ye Kong.

As for the lesser ordinary shops, the average price is around 2000 gold coins, equivalent to twice the price of "gold shops in residential areas". Little Lolita's one-handed raise of the price instantly extinguished the enthusiasm of the bald young man—for him, the price was too high!

"Shop No. 4, 2150 gold coins!"

In desperation, the bald young man imitated the example and changed hands to bid for shop No. 4!


Another bidder from a quasi-top guild couldn't help cursing, and his expression was distorted!

After some bidding, this person is indeed not as good as the other party. After all, Blood Shura can also be ranked in the top three in the quasi-top level. Fortunately, there are two "senior" as role models, and this person immediately turned his gun head--

"Shop No. 2, 2050 gold coins!"


"Store No. 11, 2000 gold coins!"


For a while, similar plots emerged one after another, like a row of dominoes spreading out, stirring up the entire auction house. If you use the words of the last century to describe it, it would be——

The whole Northwest Shanxi was in chaos.


The auction hall fell into complete chaos. Representatives of the guilds were bidding for the store with red faces. The sound of bidding one after another, and the sound of cursing, mixed into a symphony, which was very spectacular and moving.

The second floor of the auction house, in the noble box

As the culprit, Ye Kong leaned quietly on the chair, admiring the chaotic scene below.

At this point, even Hongye Shou, who had the most funds, voluntarily gave up competing with him. No one could afford a higher price. There was obviously no objection to the ownership of No. 7 shop.

The overall situation has been decided, and Ye Kong only needs to wait for the end of the auction to accept the No. 7 shop with the best location and establish his own private guild.

So, Ye Kong was in the mood of watching a good show, while eating the fruit, while looking down——


"Everyone here is hot chicken."

After some fiery bidding, the auction finally came to an end. The top guilds all snatched the land in the business district, but suffered from the Soul Palace Guild, and other quasi-top guilds——

The former only bought ordinary land, while the latter, due to the impact of the bidding turmoil, the price of the entire ordinary land rose, and everyone spent 200+ gold coins more to buy the land they liked.

What's more, the extra cost exceeded 300 gold coins, and his own capital chain was seriously short. It is conceivable that the members of those guilds will have a very difficult time in the days to come.

In the VIP room of the auction

"Master Viscount, this is your shop certificate, covering a total area of ​​19,470 square meters." The elf girl was very respectful, and handed over a contract with her own hands. Ye Kong picked it up and looked at it.

System prompt: You have obtained a 'store certificate', which proves your land ownership. This item cannot be discarded or destroyed. It can only be transferred to others under the witness of the Thousand Realms Chamber of Commerce.

The Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce and the Thousand Worlds Tree are administrative agencies that manage commerce and trade, and are themselves under the jurisdiction of the Central Council.

As for the Central Council, it is the highest institution of the Thousand Boundaries Tree, which is equivalent to the Senate of a federal country.

Ye Kong looked at the contract in his hand, which recorded his game name and the official certification of Thousand World Tree, as well as a large number of contracts, which were more standardized than real contracts. Moreover, with the strong support of the federal government, the contract witnessed by the central master has complete legal effect.

Just this contract, if you show it off to people, it will be more effective than any luxury car. If you meet a money-worshiping beauty, the other party will take the initiative to post it, and even when you come to visit your parents, you will show it. No matter how strict the mother-in-law is, she should smile and stop asking about financial conditions.

The value of the entire contract, the first-tier city centers in the real world, and the most prosperous shopping malls add up to half of its value.

"Master Viscount, the current store level is 1, which only allows the renovation of single-story buildings. However, you can spend gold coins to upgrade the store level to unlock higher renovation permissions."

The elf girl explained, with an ambiguous smile on her face, and her tone was almost flattering: "Master Viscount, the renovation of level 1 shops is free, and the business district has more styles than other districts. Here is the list of shop renovations. , which one do you want to choose?"

Ye Kong took the list, swiped it lightly, and selected one of the types above, which was also the style he had thought about long ago——

"The store style is what it is."

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