Our Hometown

Chapter 79: Future trouble

Chapter 79: The Future

When Yun Lang returned to the manor and lay on a recliner to watch the bamboo slips basking in the sun, the bug came back with red sleeves, holding the donkey.

The red sleeves were wet and drenched, and they were trembling in the cold. As soon as they entered the door, they were led by two women to the hot spring ditch. In such weather, it would be nice to fall into the water without freezing.

"Red sleeves are useless, small ditch can't jump ..."

"The ditch is so wide ..."

"I can jump three in the same ditch ..."

The bug not only exaggerated the width of the ditch with his fingers, but also jumped quickly on the ground, indicating that he could jump a wide ditch.

Yun Lang rolled up the bamboo slips and gently knocked on the forehead twice: "You encourage her to jump into the ditches, are you not afraid of drowning her?"

"The maid didn't encourage her, and asked her to ride on the donkey to cross the ditch. She refused to see me jump over, she also wanted to jump, and then fell into the water."

Yun Lang waved his hand and said: "Red sleeves haven't adapted to our family's life. You will let her take it slowly, it will always be fine. Now go cook her a bowl of **** soup, watch her drink it, and then wrap it in a warm blanket. Sleep where you sweat, do n’t get cold. "

The little worm whispered, "If the rich come out, it won't work!"

After complaining, he was so annoying to cook **** soup.

It is not easy for a girl in a small household to want to pretend to be a young lady of a large household, but it is also not easy for a young lady of a large household to adapt to the life of a small household.

Needs a process, as long as you pass this hurdle, life will become much easier.

Today's weather is very good, the sun is shining, the snow on the wasteland ground quickly melts, and only some snow still remains in the shade.

Everyone in the Yun family was very busy. The women smiled and cooked burlap in the front yard, preparing to color the burlap.

Dyes are all from nature, some are plants, some are minerals, and the clouds are not very clear.

This kind of clothing is not worn, mainly because the dyes are not related to the craft. The dyed clothes only need to be worn for one day, what color the clothes are, and what color the body will be, especially underwear, as long as they are worn for one day, the most important part Just like the incurable disease, people can't wait to cut it off.

Therefore, Yunlang's clothes will always be the original color of sackcloth, with cyan and yellow in white. If he has any aesthetic appeal, he will not wear such clothes.

There was a fire again in the wilderness. The diligent children were burning grass and ash in the fields. Ever since Yunlang said that this would increase food production, they were doing such things every day.

The waterwheel keeps floating the ice on the water surface, sends the water from low to high, and then flows along the canal into the high pond.

Once the spring, the water in the pond will flow into the field along the channel.

The pond is so huge, the waterwheel keeps filling it day and night, and now the three CDs of the pond are not full,

Yunlang and Liang Weng were busy in the blacksmith's house for three days before they created the iron crossbow that Yunlang wanted.

This thing has strong power. Once the button is closed, the three iron feather arrows will fly out. Within a hundred steps, you can enter the wood half a foot.

It's just that the shape of the iron arm crossbow is too large to carry around. Yunlang can only use this thing as a mobile fort.

The production of the eccentric wheel failed. With such an iron-armed crossbow, Yun Lang exhausted the power of breastfeeding before he could pull the string. He tried it, pulling it up to three times, which was his limit.

The bowstring made of beef tendon is also very unsafe, and there is a risk of breaking at any time. If it weren't for Yunlang to rub the silk into the tendon, this thing would probably not hurt the enemy, hurt yourself first.

Dazai went back to Shihuang Mausoleum to make the final preparations. Yun Lang took the tiger and sika deer to help them carry all the weapons he had just made and dragged a small sledge towards the back mountain of Lishan.

Lishan is a lonely hill, even if the Qinling Mountains are close by, they are not connected. Yunlang needs to pass through the entire Lishan Mountain and proceed all the way to the snow-capped snow mountains. Nowhere.

Really speaking, Yunlang may be more aware of the terrain around Lishan than Dazai, who has lived in Lishan for a lifetime.

Lishan is a cage for him, but Lishan is a three-dimensional existence for Yunlang. He has not only seen Lishan from aerial photography, but also Lishan made into a sand table. How much has changed in this mountain, and the changes in mountain shape and landform are ultimately limited.

In fact, the tiger knew the road. It seemed that Dazai had visited Hongqing Mountain more than once. With him leading the way, Yun Lang and the sika deer followed quickly.

The decision to kill this time was made after Yun Lang's repeated consideration. Although it was risky, it was worth it.

He is going to look at the situation and then say that if there is a chance to kill these people, he will do it. If there is no chance to kill them, he will join them and look at the development of the situation.

In short, the ultimate goal is to kill these people.

The ancestral temples of later generations are nowhere to be seen, and this is already the highest point of Lishan Mountain. Those weird stones are still there, but they are not as wonderful as the later generations.

The sky is overcast with clouds, and there will never be a dry thunder in winter again, right?

Yun Lang remembers his last encounter very clearly, that is, in the ethnographic temple, a ball of fire suddenly exploded, blasting himself into the sky ...

Yun Lang's eyes hiding behind the stone gurgled a few times, and did not see any dry thunder appearing. Finally he sighed out of the stone and the tiger didn't understand why Yun Lang was so careful and arched him with his head move on.

Went up the mountain, naturally it was going down the mountain, and then Yunlang went down the mountain for a whole day.

In the process of going down the mountain, the harvest was good. Four pheasants, two turtledoves, and the tiger caught a small wild boar.

If Yunlang didn't stop, the tiger even wanted to kill the biggest wild boar. He had been wronged to eat food these days, and he could not bear it anymore.

When it was getting dark, Yun Lang was camping by a frozen stream. He insisted that the tiger should not eat the little wild boar. It seemed to him that it was too dirty.

After peeling, washing and peeling the wild boar, a little wild boar would not be enough for the tiger to eat. This guy did n’t stop until he ate three pheasants.

Yunlang stewed a pot of pheasant turtle dove soup, ate some of the soft pan helmet made from fermentation noodles, then leaned tiredly on the tiger and fell asleep.

Sika deer lying at the feet of Yunlang, constantly eating night food, two ears watched the movement outside the tent vigilantly, it forgot that the most terrifying beast in this mountain was sleeping beside it.

Since the middle of the night, the snow has fallen into the sky. The temperature in the mountain is too low to wait for the water vapor in the air to condense into snowflakes, and it will fall into snow slag.

Yun Lang looked at the endless bamboo forest in front of him. UU read www.uukanshu.com and felt very discouraged. This thing is so dense that there is no ground at the foot. How to cross this forest?

Just when Yun Lang was at a loss, the tiger made a new discovery.

A series of footprints appeared on the edge of the bamboo forest. The footprints were very new and were not buried by the snow slag. According to the speed at which the snow **** fell, the owner of this series of footprints walked here at most half an hour ago.

Yun Lang sighed, and looked at the boot on his foot. The mark on this boot was almost too familiar to him, just like the one on his foot.

This kind of boots with high heels and left and right, there are only two pairs in this world, one pair is worn on his feet, the other pair is worn on Dazai's feet ...

Footprints extend from the other side of the mountain, no wonder the tiger did not smell his smell.

This means that if Yun Lang departs half an hour earlier, he will meet Dazai here.

It is six days before the full moon night ...

Reached this conclusion, which made Yun Lang sad. Dazai actually lied to him, saying that the party was on the night of the full moon, and I am afraid that the end of the night of the full moon was true.

With footprints, Yun Lang decided to follow them.

The bamboo forest is very large. Yunlang walked with the footprints for a long time before crossing the bamboo forest from a small valley, but a large pine forest appeared in front of him.

The presence of a pine forest indicates that Yunlang is on the mountain again, and the bamboo can't survive on the mountainside.

Dazai ’s footprints went up the mountain persistently, but Yunlang did n’t want to go up. He wanted to wait and say, the target was behind the pine forest, so there was no need to be so anxious.

Found a secluded place, lit a small fire, and roasted the pheasant that had been eaten yesterday, and lived up to two. He placed the sika deer and tiger here, and dragged a small sledge uphill by himself.

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