Opening Six Maids

Chapter 213: Old iron, you go away!

Yuyang Street, Xicheng District.

This is the second defensive circle to protect Fengchan Mountain.

It was originally the place where the gold medal and the Zhitie battle were stationed.

When the seal of Fengchan Mountain was opened, countless demons emerged from the hole in the ground and quickly rushed through the first defensive circle.

A Tier 6 tiger demon and a Tier 5 horse demon led hundreds of demon demons to Yuyang Street.

Iron Wars saw these monsters, shouted, and led the members of the Deception Office to stop them.

Both the tiger demon and the horse demon revealed their true bodies, fighting together with the iron war.

The remaining members of the Deception Division are doing their best to stop hundreds of little monsters.

There were bursts of shouts and killings, and the battle was fierce.

These demons knew that they were cannon fodder, in order to contain the main force of the Longyan Empire's sly.

So as soon as he came up, he inspired all his blood, and he was completely plunged into a violent state.

Although Iron War is a seventh-order martial arts, it is difficult to break away from the life-death fighting of the tiger and the horse for a while.

"Damn it!"

In the aftermath of Tie Zhan, seeing many monsters breaking through the defensive circle, his heart became anxious.


In the next second, a dazzling knife light struck.

The demons who broke through the defensive circle were all cut off!

"Master Iron, I'll help you!"

Chu Ci looked at hundreds of monsters in the battlefield, his face was full of excitement.

The long knife in his hand swept across, and the sharp blades were like cutting melons and vegetables, reaping the lives of monsters and cannon fodder.

【Kill the first-order horse demon to get 100 points of slaughter demon value. 】

【Kill the Tier 2 Tiger Demon and get 200 points of Slaughter Demon. 】

【Kill the second-order bear demon, get 200 points of slaughter demon value. 】


Listening to the kill notification sound in his mind, Chu Ci Le turned over.

Tie Zhan Yu Guang looked at Chuci's brave and undaunted figure, and suddenly excited blood rolled over.

"Good boy!"

"Tie can't be compared to you!"

As he spoke, the long-handled heavy hammer in Iron Wars' hands turned like a windmill.


The horse demon didn't pay attention, and was hit by a heavy hammer on his chest.


The sound of broken bones joined together, and the horse monster flew out.

After smashing a few goblin cannon fodder, there was no movement.


Without the restraint of the horse demon, the Iron War shouted again.

Fighting hard to eat the tiger demon's claw, he smashed the tiger demon out again.

While Chu Ci quickly harvested the cannon fodder from the demon, he was secretly surprised.

This Iron War was so quick to clean up the two big monsters, and it was indeed his life's enemy.


The crisp sound of knives echoed throughout the long street.

A touch of golden sword light shot out after swinging the sword from Chuci!

This knife was the current pinnacle of Chuci, and the dazzling golden sword beam swept out, and no demon could stop it.

With a stab, the demons in half a street were slaughtered by Chuci!

【Kill the Tier 1 Tiger Demon to get 100 points of Slaughter Demon Value. 】

【Kill the first-order wolf demon to get 100 points of slaughter demon value. 】

【Kill the first-order deer demon to get 100 points of demon slaughter. 】


The kill prompt sounded continuously.

Tie Zhan saw this scene, his eyes were shocked, and then he burst into laughter.

"Ha ha···"

"Brother, this knife is beautiful!"

After speaking, Tie Zhan squeezed the long-handled heavy hammer in his hand and laughed loudly, "Also tell my brother to see Tie somebody's ability!"

Tie Zhan raised his eyes to look at the monster on the other side of the long street, his eyes widened, and he shouted, "Wu, the monster, eat me!"


The long-handled heavy hammer was raised high, and then fell heavily on the ground.

In an instant, the ground was like a calm lake with a huge boulder, and it fluctuated crazily!

The shock wave followed the place where the heavy hammer fell, and rushed towards the front.

All the monsters that stood in front of the shock wave were thrown high by the shock wave without the slightest reaction time.

In mid-air, these monsters oozes blood from their mouths and noses, and they can't live long.

Bang bang bang...

The shock wave swept away, and the demons that were thrown high and low fell again and again.

One by one, he spurted blood from his mouth and nose, all of which were dead and uplifted.


Tie Zhan put up a long-handled heavy hammer, jabbed it on the ground, and turned his head to look at Chuci.

"Brother, Tie Mou's demeanor is not bad, you just made a cut?"

Chu Ci looked at Tie Zhan with a smile on his face, a stiff smile appeared on his face, and his heart was already in mmp!

This hammer has taken away thousands of demon slaying value!

This iron war is worthy of being the enemy of his life!

Chu Ci arched his hands towards the Iron War and let out a soft breath, "Master Iron is mighty!"

"Subordinates have to go to other places to support, so I won't be accompanied!"

After speaking, Chuci turned and left.

Tie Zhan looked at Chu Ci's back and shouted, "This brother, I will go with you!"

"Let's Bibi, who kills more demons!"

Hearing the words of Chu Ci ran faster, who wants to compare with you!

It's best to let the monsters kill themselves.

"Old iron, don't follow me!"

"I want to kill all demons alone!"

Chu Ci put a sentence on his toes and disappeared on Yuyang Street.

Tie Zhan opened his mouth when he saw it, but finally stopped.

"This brother is really good-natured."

"Then compare again!"


Yuyang Street can be regarded as a place where demons are relatively concentrated, and the demons in other places are scattered and completely weather-free.

Chuci made a round and gained little.

In desperation, he had to go to the outermost defensive circle.

The outermost defensive circle was the first to encounter the impact of the monsters, a large number of monsters rushed through the defensive circle, and only the scattered monsters were besieged by the people of the Emotional Office.

Ping An Street.

Qin Xiaohai led the team members to besieged and killed several people wearing the costumes of the people of the Longyan Empire.

All of these people have red eyes, open mouths, salivating, and there is a sound in their mouths, as if they have lost their minds, and they will bite everybody.

Liu Hao held a long knife and stabbed it straight, and the blade pierced a civilian's throat.

"These people are crazy!"

Liu Hao retracted the long knife, and there was a clear bite mark on his arm.

This was bitten by someone who stabbed to death in front of him.

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