Opening Six Maids

Chapter 151: Juggling Sword Swallowing

Chuci took a step and left'Little Er, come to a pot of tea'.


He opened his mouth and sighed softly, and Chu Ci secretly said a pity in his heart.

However, Chuci could tell that Gongsun Luluo was already drunk, and it was not good to take advantage of others.

The main reason was that Gongsun Luluo woke up from wine the next day. What if he turned his face and didn't recognize that someone was at a loss, wouldn't it be Chuci?

Thinking about it this way, Chu Ci felt a lot better in his heart.


"another one!"

"Wow! It's amazing, how did he do it?"


There was a clamor and applause.

Hearing the sound of Chu Ci lifted his foot and walked over.

A simple high platform was built in an empty place on West Street.

There was a person standing on the high platform, as if performing some show.

Many people watching the excitement on the street gathered around, clapping their hands and applauding the performers on the high platform.

Chuci stepped forward and squeezed into the crowd to look at the high platform.

Standing on the high platform was a man, wearing a colorful weird robe, and his face was smeared with white paint, making it impossible to see his appearance and age.

Chu Ci glanced at the man, and couldn't help but ask the people watching the excitement, "Just ask, what does he do?"

Someone next to him replied, "Performing a trick."

"It's wonderful!"

"It's amazing to be able to make flames empty-handed!"

After listening to the introduction of the audience, Chuci knew that the man on the high platform was a drama artist, who had just entered Shengjing to perform some unique skills and beg for food.


Chu Ci hadn't seen the trick yet, his eyes suddenly showed interest.

At this moment, on the high platform, the opera artist stretched out his hands to show to the onlookers, indicating that there was nothing else in his hands.

Then the painter stretched his right hand into the left cuff and fiddled with it for a moment.


The crisp sound of the sword sounded.

The painter's right hand unexpectedly drew a long sword with cold light from his cuff.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!


The people onlookers who saw this scene immediately applauded and applauded.

The painter's painted face showed a smile, and walked around the high platform with a sword in one hand.

The people present, including Chu Ci, could see that this was a real sword, not a counterfeit prop.


The opera artist stood still, turning his wrists and swords across the corridors.

After a while, the opera artist put down the long sword in his hand and found an iron rod with the thickness of a thumb in the box behind him.

Standing the iron rod on a wooden stake, the painter picked up the long sword again.

Huh! Huh!

The painter held the sword and gestured towards the iron rod a few times, then raised the long sword and slashed it quickly.


The sound of gold and iron clinking sounded, and a section of a smooth iron rod slid down on the high platform.

Chopping iron like mud is really a good sword!

Bang bang bang...

The people didn't hesitate to applaud, and they all applauded loudly.

The painter flicked the blade with his fingers, looked at the onlookers and said, "Everyone is optimistic, is this a real sword?"

"Really! Really!"

Everyone in the audience answered loudly.

The actor nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "Then you guys are going to be optimistic!"

After finishing speaking, the opera artist tilted his head back slightly, holding the hilt in both hands, and turned the blade to aim at his open mouth.

The audience was surprised when they saw this scene.

"He, what is he going to do?!"

"Isn't it about swallowing the sword?"

"Sigh...This is a sword that cuts iron like mud. Swallowing it directly will make you pierce your stomach?"


When Chuci saw this, he raised his eyebrows and dared to swallow the sword. This person has something!

With Chuci's current martial arts sixth-order strength, he did not dare to do so.

Unless you are promoted to the seventh rank of martial arts, the flesh and blood of your whole body move with your heart, and then it will not be difficult to rebirth even with a severed limb, naturally swallowing a sword.

However, Chuci can see that the actor's muscles are loose and his steps are vacant, and he has no foundation in practicing martial arts.

But I don't know how he can swallow the sword.

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the opera painter moved his hands and sent the long sword into his mouth inch by inch.

"Go in!"

An exclamation came from the crowd.

Three inches from the entrance of Jianfeng, he has already reached his throat. If he continues, he may be in danger of life!

Many onlookers couldn't bear to look, and subconsciously turned their heads to avoid the sight, and some adults reached out and covered their children's eyes to prevent the children from seeing the next **** scene.

On the high stage, the artist's movements did not stop, his hands were stable without a slight tremor, and the long sword was still sent into the artist's mouth inch by inch.

Three inches!

Five inches!

One foot!

The long sword has been nearly half submerged in the mouth of the painter, and the painter's face is not in the slightest abnormal.

Everyone held their breath, for fear that the slightest noise would disturb the dramatist.

Seven feet!

All the blades of the long sword have entered the mouth of the painter, only the hilt of the sword is exposed.

The painter released the hilt of the sword with both hands, spread his arms and walked around the high platform.

Both the expression and the action are the same as ordinary people, as if the seven-foot sword's edge did not enter the mouth of the drama master, but entered another space!




"another one!"



The crowd onlookers came back to their senses and began to applaud loudly.

Ding Ding! Dangdang!

Pieces of copper coins or broken silver were still on the copper plate of the high platform by the crowd, and there was a clear and sweet sound.

"Interesting, how did he do it? Dao magic or sorcery?"

Chu Ci looked at the opera artist on the high platform, with a strange color in his eyes.

At the same time, he took out a piece of silver and threw it into the copper plate.

After everyone gave a reward, the dramatist on the stage moved.

Holding the hilt with both hands, slowly exerting force, he pulled out the long sword from his mouth inch by inch.

After a while, a seven-foot shining long sword returned to the hands of the opera painter.

The painter held the long sword and slashed at the half of the iron rod standing on the stake again.

The long sword crossed the iron rod without being disturbed at all.


A section of the iron rod fell on the high platform, the section was as smooth as a mirror!

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