Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 446: Not quiet morning

When leaving the clinic outside the sky, the sun was shining face to face, but it could not dispel a cloud in Ning Tao's heart. Whether it is Wu Ji or Nicholas Kandi, he is not an opponent now. His small team is far from comparable to Blackfire and Genesis Biotech.

This is a hurdle. How did this hurdle pass?

As Ning Tao walked and pondered, she unknowingly came to the rented courtyard gate.

Huang Donglin and Fang Min, who lived on the opposite side, just came out of the door, with Huang Xiaopeng holding a toy gun behind his butt.

Ning Tao said hello: "Mr. Fang, Mr. Huang, good morning, where is this going?"

Huang Donglin said with a smile: "It was Dr. Ning. Isn't this the weekend? We take our children to the underwater world."

Fang Min glanced into the courtyard and said, "Or let Xiaoji from your family also come with us, and the children will have a companion."

Ning Tao said: "Then you don't have to, it will cause you trouble."

Fang Min said: "No trouble, no trouble, Xiao Ji's child is very good, so let her go with us, I will take care of her."

Ning Tao still declined: "Well, we also have family activities today, you go play, we will take her out later."

Fang Min's face looked disappointed: "Well, let's go, Xiaopeng and Uncle Ning bye."

Huang Xiaopeng saluted Ning Tao with a Young Pioneer ceremony and said politely, "Goodbye uncle."

Ning Tao smiled and touched Huang Xiaopeng's head: "Excellent, get your gun, and be a general in the future to defend the motherland."

Huang Xiaopeng nodded heavily: "Yeah!"

The family of three left.

Ning Tao looked at the back of the three, and wondered why there was always a strange feeling lingering in his heart, but he couldn't tell what it was.

Xiaotian dog ran out of the door, and shook his tail at Ning Tao: "Dad, Mother Qing asked me to call you home for breakfast."

"Um." Ning Tao responded, and then she looked back from the back of the family of three and entered the door.

Barking, barking ...

A series of strange mobile phone ringtones suddenly sounded, that is the ringtone of Xiaotian Dog.

Ning Tao couldn't help but glance back, but saw Xiaotiangu take out the cell phone sharply and stand upright. Two claws held the cell phone to his mouth and talked with the person.

"Express? Is it my dog ​​food? Okay, ok, I'll get it out right away." Xiaotian dog hung up the phone and turned and ran out again.

Buy dog ​​food for yourself?

Rich dogs are different.

Ning Tao shook his head with a bitter smile, suddenly thinking of something when he was about to go to breakfast, and then turned over again.

At the door, a delivery man riding a battery car was looking at Xiaotian Dog with a strange look, holding a parcel in his hand and a pen.

Xiaotian dog is also anxious, he can speak, but when he speaks, he will scare people into expressing congestion. It also writes a few words, but what is the difference between that and speaking?

Ning Tao said, "Come here, I'll pick up the package."

The courier said, "Telephone number."

Ning Tao said his phone number and signed it.

The courier left on a battery car.

Ning Tao smashed the dog's head with a package of dog food: "What kind of dog food do you want to eat, you tell Mother Zhu and Mother Jiang, let them buy it for you, and you will buy it online. Trouble. "

Xiaotian dog grinned: "Okay, I know, Dad." After that, he took the dog food package and ran to the yard.

Ning Tao also turned and walked toward the door, but stopped just one step away. He turned and looked away from the alley.

In the golden morning light, a white old man in a Tang suit was slowly coming to this side. Wearing sunglasses on his face, and carrying a sword in his hand, it was like an old man returning home in the morning.

But he was definitely not the old man who went home in the morning to practice, he was Sun Pingchuan.

Ning Tao stared at him with narrowed eyes, and said, "You are really in a hurry, are you flying by plane or flying sword?"

Sun Pingchuan said nothing and continued to come here.

Ning Tao said, "Dare you even come to your door?"

As soon as his words fell, a large crowd came in at the alley. These people dressed in different suits, some in suits and leather shoes, some in Tang suits, some in down jackets, and looked like a group of people passing by in a hurry to work. But this is only a superficial illusion. Most of these people are martial artists with internal strength, and a few are spiritual practitioners with a little spiritual power. These people all have weapons on their bodies, some are guns, and some are cold weapons such as daggers and short swords. Although they are not held in their hands, they cannot hide his nose.

Sun Pingchuan was in front, and the dead were behind. A large group of people kept silent, but the momentum of cohesion was like a cloud, and Taishan was the top!

"Well, when I didn't say it." Ning Tao shrugged. "What do you want to do?"

Sun Pingchuan stopped at the steps in front of the door, his voice was cold: "Give me my granddaughter, and I will take someone away. Otherwise, I will flatten here!"

Ning Tao said: "Somehow, who is your granddaughter? Your granddaughter has disappeared. What are you doing to me? You should call the police."

Sun Pingchuan's mouth twitched and grabbed his right hand on the hilt.

At this time, Yin Molan, Qingzhui, Bai Jing, and Jiang Hao, as well as the dogs who just put down the dog food package, came out. Standing behind Ning Tao, looked at Sun Pingchuan outside the door and a large group of dead men. Qing Zhui and Jiang Hao also wore apron with flour on their bodies, which was a little different from the scene.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense, and the air was full of gunpowder smell. It seemed that if someone spit a sputum randomly, that noise would cause an explosion.

"Where is Wu Yan? She hasn't even come here, just your group of shrimp soldiers will dare to come here to find something?" Ning Tao said, when he spoke, his eyes quickly swept across the building opposite, and the left and right sides of the alley side. He used lookouts and smells, but apart from the antecedent field and smell of ordinary people, he did not have the presence of martial arts. To him, Wu Wu didn't come, there was no threat to this group of people.

"Last time I said, where is my granddaughter! Give her up!" Sun Pingchuan's voice carried a monstrous hatred.


Qing Chai's snake claws were released, and she said coldly, "Sun Pingchuan, if you dare to disrespect my brother Ning, I will kill you!"


Sun Pingchuan pulled out his sword.

That sword is not a flying sword of Wu Ji, but a refined sword. However, although it is not a flying sword weapon, it must also be a sword that cuts gold and jade. The temperature around the sheath has dropped a lot.

Behind Sun Pingchuan, someone pulled out a gun.

The atmosphere at the scene was even more tense.

Ning Tao raised his hands: "Everyone calm down, don't be impulsive. Sun Pingchuan, don't you want to see your granddaughter? Okay, I'll take you there, and bring the people in me with me."

If a war starts, he and his small team can easily destroy Sun Pingchuan and his dead men. But this is the northern metropolitan area after all, once the war begins, it will be surrounded by troops in less than ten minutes.

Ning Tao stepped down the steps, ignoring the gold-cut jade sword that Sun Pingchuan held in his hands, and got it directly into his ear, and said in a low voice, "Your granddaughter is indeed in my hands. I will take you to see her now , But in order for your granddaughter to come back to you, you have to replace Dan Fang in Wu Xi's hand with me. "

Sun Pingchuan gritted his teeth: "Dare you--"

Ning Tao patted Sun Pingchuan's shoulder and walked towards the clinic.

Qing Zhui, Bai Jing, Jiang Hao and Yin Molan, and Xiaotian Dog followed Ning Tao.

Sun Pingchuan didn't hesitate and led people to follow Ning Tao. He didn't know that he alone, and that these dead men he had cultivated were not the opponents of Ning Tao and Ning Tao's small team at all, but the matter was concerned and chaotic, and he could not care about saving his granddaughter. So much.

During the walk, Ning Tao slowed down and said, "Senior Sun, do you remember what I said to you when we met in the hospital? Sometimes people's eyes are blind, not terrible, terrible is blind You have been working for Wu Yi for hundreds of years. I am afraid that the people you killed for her will be able to set up a cram school? But your granddaughter is in trouble, you are here, where is she? "

Sun Pingchuan snorted coldly: "Instigate alienation? This despicable trick should not be used in front of me anymore. The bridge I've walked through doesn't have many paths for you!"

Ning Tao is also not angry: "The truth is always ugly, and you are not willing to face it."

Sun Pingchuan snorted again and stopped talking about Ning Tao.

Bai Jing got to Ning Tao's ear: "Do you really want to take them to the clinic?"

Ning Tao nodded.

Bai Jing said, "Okay, I'll cast spells in that alley, trap them, and then destroy them."

Ning Tao said, "Speak later."

Tianwai Clinic appeared in sight. There were a few ordinary people in the alley, a woman holding soy milk and buns, a middle-aged man with an advertisement on a telephone pole, and a man standing in the alley watching Tianwai Clinic. Woman. She was wearing a long black dress with a back view. A long black head hangs on his shoulders arbitrarily, shaking slightly in the morning breeze, don't have a soft beauty.

However, these are not the point, the point is that she has a sword in her hand.

Ning Tao stopped suddenly.

The woman turned around and looked at Ning Tao with a smile on her face: "It's not easy for you to be a doctor, so where does this clinic come from?"

This woman is Wu Yan.

Ning Tao's heart was shocked and confused. Although he tried to get away from him, Wu Ning hadn't come, but he has been investigating the surrounding environment with Wang Shu and Wen Shu ~ ~ . What shocked and confused him is that until now, when he saw Wu Ji with his own eyes, he had not been able to show Wu Ji's advanced weather field, and the taste of the aura and clear spring existed!

Wu Yan is in front of her, but she is like a three-dimensional projection under the sun, she can only see, but not feel.

How is this going?

Could it be that in the later period of the Nirvana Realm, she could hide her own weather field?

Even if the weather field is invisible, it is impossible to distinguish between good and evil. Ning Tao knew something vaguely. No wonder he didn't see a strong anger last night. Mostly this is the reason. Whether it was Nicholas Kandi or Wudi, both of them concealed their own weather field. This is not something to be prepared for, but a fighting skill. Imagine that you can see him but don't feel his presence. How terrible it would be if such an enemy avoided your sight!

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