Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 427: Hold left and right

Darkness, coldness, fear, and lonely tide usually strike. This time there is a green chase before and a green chase after. Two women, two energies of love, were poured into Ning Tao's body like two hot springs. & 1t; /

The torrents subsided and the stormy waves returned to calm. The darkness that enveloped the world gradually dissipated, and two rays of sunlight penetrated through the dark clouds, bringing warmth and tranquility. & 1t; /

Ning Tao can no longer feel lonely in his heart, and his inner joy and contentment are full of love. During this time, the erosion he suffered as a result of inhaling bad gas also eased somewhat. Although it was only a little bit, he could feel that the inflammation of the body and soul had been treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and was improving. & 1t; /

Ning Tao's heart moved, and she secretly said, "Isn't your scripture my scripture? It comes out sentence by sentence, because of my opportunity and my own situation, the scriptures are produced! Different stages, different situations, different Scripture! "& 1t; /

Life is actually a practice. Different people have different life opportunities, and the process and result will not be the same. & 1t; /

There is no one leaf in the world, let alone a person? & 1t; /

But those who chanted the scriptures, from ancient times to the present, recite all others' sutras, not their own sutras. How many people can understand the true meaning of those sutras, and become the gods or immortals? & 1t; /

This may be a characteristic of Xingtiandao and Xiutiandao. Reading the scriptures is also the scriptures of one's own, not a certain religion, a certain deity. & 1t; /

In addition, each sentence in "Your Sutra" has two sides, one inside and one outside, each possessing its unique mana. & 1t; /

In the first sentence, the bell struck. Internally, the right spirit, the right mind, the evil charm cannot invade. Externally, sweep the strange and magical power, and the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves! & 1t; /

The second sentence is what love is. Internally, strengthen Daoji, understand who you are, what your responsibilities are, and what kind of path you must follow. Parents' gratitude must be remembered, but they must also know how to choose. If you want to cultivate the Tao of Heaven, can you be trapped in love? We must understand that parents have their own destiny, and they have their own destiny. Externally, chaos and mana. & 1t; /

The third sentence is lonely. Internally, understand the difficulties of the heavens, and you must have the determination to persist in the face of the end of the world. The strength of one person cannot overcome the sky. To believe in the existence of love, we can see the wind and rain. & 1t; /

This love is also a "private custom". He has two women in his heart, one is Jiang Hao, and the other is Qingzhui. Before Qing Chai didn't come, only Jiang Hao was holding him to help him read the scriptures, but he was still so bad that he could not succeed. Qing chased, his love was fulfilled, and the hurdle of the third sentence passed. & 1t; /

For these three sentences, Ning Tao's understanding is roughly like this, and it is not clear to the outside. He only used it once when the Emei faction broke the sword array, and that was also the use of the third sentence's flood-like mana to quench the sword Array of fire. However, if you use it several times in the future, the answer will come up on your own. & 1t; /

"Haha! I seem to be over!" After thinking for a while, Ning Tao laughed with excitement. & 1t; /

"Success?" Jiang Hao's voice. & 1t; /

"Brother Ning, why can't I feel anything? Except ..." Qing Zhui's voice suddenly stopped here. On the front of Ning Tao, Jiang could not feel what she could feel, and that was a blushing topic. & 1t; /

Sure enough, Jiang Hao followed and said, "Except what?" & 1t; /

Qing Zhui said a little embarrassedly: "It's a bit hot, good sister, would you like to cool down?" & 1t; /

After waiting for Jiang to say a word, Ning Tao got up from the two women, reached for the small medicine chest at the end of the bed, opened and took out the animal skin scroll "Your Sutra". & 1t; /

Jiang Hao and Qing Zhui also got up, and two heads appeared on Ning Tao's left and right arms one by one, looking curiously at the animal skin scroll in Ning Tao's hands. & 1t; /

The "Your Scriptures" opened, and the fourth verse emerged from the ancient animal skin: Is the spirit babies in the world, ghosts or immortals? & 1t; /

"What kind of scripture is this?" Jiang was so curious. & 1t; /

Qing Zhui simply said, "Ling Ying will be in the world, is it a ghost or an immortal ... No response, brother Ning, do you want to try?" & 1t; /

Ning Tao took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Is the ghost baby or immortal in the world ...?!" & 1t; /

As soon as a "xian" sound flew out of his mouth, Ning Tao's mud pill palace gave birth to an "earthquake". His basketball, the size of Indan, almost burst, and the resulting pain was beyond his tolerance. A spurt of blood spurted out. & 1t; /

Sure enough, one sentence is harder than the other! & 1t; /

When he read the third sentence, he just felt lonely and fearful, but this fourth sentence directly made him vomit blood! & 1t; /

"Are you okay?" Jiang Hao was frightened and reached out and hugged Ning Tao. & 1t; /

Qing Zhui was also terrified and said anxiously: "Brother Ning, don't scare me? What's wrong with you?" & 1t; /

Ning Tao fell straight on the bed, and the blood continued to emerge from the corner of her mouth. & 1t; /

Jiang Haojin and Ning Tao hugged tightly and said, "Qing Qing, hurry up, you also hold A Tao." & 1t; /

Qing Zhui also lay down and hugged Ning Tao. & 1t; /

Ning Tao said silently in his heart: "There is no end to the bitter sea, Yiping is alone." & 1t; /

The sun shone down in the body world, and the vacillating Nedan gradually settled down. Spiritual power also moves fast, healing the impact that the body has. Soon, he felt better, but this fourth sentence did not dare to recite anyway. & 1t; /

"Brother Ning, are you better?" Qing Zhuan expressed concern, and even Haomu burst into tears. & 1t; /

With a warm feeling in Ning Tao's heart, he could not help but reach out and hold Qing Qing's waist: "I feel better now." & 1t; /

"What kind of sutra, don't you read it later, you are not a monk, what sutra do you read? And, Qing Qing and I can only read it by holding you. This is obviously a crooked sutra." Jiang Hao said. This is the difference between her and Qing Zhui. She cares about nervousness and Ning Tao does not need Qing Qingshao at all, but what she says from her mouth can always feel the fierce taste. & 1t; /

Ning Tao simply lay flat, and her left hand passed under Jiang Hao's waist, holding her. & 1t; /

& 1t; /

The three of them were lying on their backs. Although Ning Tao's ultimate dream was not realized, the dream of embracing left and right was realized. & 1t; /

After a minute of silence, Ning Tao suddenly said, "Perhaps ... we can take off our clothes and study the sutras, and we will succeed." & 1t; /

The sights of Jiang Hao and Qing Zhui invariably gathered on Ning Tao's face. & 1t; /

Ning Tao was serious and honest: "You think, it's like grilled fish. Obviously, it doesn't cook directly in the bowl when it is grilled on the fire, and the taste is not directly grilled." & 1t; /

Jiang Hao said with a smile: "Do you still want to put some cream or spicy sauce?" & 1t; /

Ning Tao is still serious: "I'm serious, not kidding." & 1t; /

Qing Zhui's heart was soft, and he twisted and said, "Well, I take off and hug you, and you recite the sutra." & 1t; /

Ning Tao sincerely said: "Your kindness ... I don't know how to repay." & 1t; /

Jiang said with a smile: "Is there anything bad to repay? Is it okay if you make a promise?" & 1t; /

Ning Tao nodded. Isn't he able to get his hands on him? & 1t; /

Qing Zhui really got up and reached out to take out his Tianbao Qipao. & 1t; /

The cheongsam slumped, and the white thighs were exposed. & 1t; /

Ning Tao looked at Qing Zhui hotly. If it was a dark night, his eyes were definitely comparable to those of Xiaotian Dog, and his eyes were green and faint. & 1t; /

But at this moment, with a click, Ning Tao was frozen in a block of ice. & 1t; /

Some dreams in the world just do it. & 1t; /

If you take it seriously, you lose. & 1t; /

At seven o'clock in the evening, the Tiandao battery car arrived in front of a high-end restaurant in Sanlipo. & 1t; /

A large gaze was like a nail sucked by a magnet, and the cricket flew over and stuck to Ning Tao, Qingzhui, and Jiang Hao. & 1t; /

Men see Qingzhui and Jiang Hao, women look at Ning Tao, whether they are men or women, they have a stunning feeling. However, the taste changed in a flash. & 1t; /

"Who the **** is that, riding a battery-powered car is so pretty two girls?" & 1t; /

"All the cabbages have been arched by pigs." & 1t; /

"Is there a woman who is willing to laugh on a battery car or cry in a BMW?" & 1t; /

Several youths with tattoos walked towards Ning Tao, who had just parked his car, and Jiang Hao and Qing Zhui who stood by Ning Tao waiting for him. & 1t; /

"Hey! Beautiful, how about our brothers asking you to have a drink?" A young man combing his head was confident and confident. & 1t; /

Qing Zhui's eyes swept through a trace of green. & 1t; /

Ning Tao reached out and held her small waist. & 1t; /

The eyes of a few young people were obviously jealous. & 1t; /

The head turned back and said: "I said beautiful women, make friends, this generation we are familiar with, to ensure that you have a good time. We all have sports cars, and we will take you to the cruise river later."

In this case, Ning Tao was almost riding a battery car. & 1t; /

Ning Tao just smiled slightly. & 1t; /

Jiang Hao slammed his jacket a little, revealing the pistol inserted in the belt, and the magical sea soul knife that acted as a belt around the waist, expressing expressionlessly: "Go."

Several youths were frightened and turned away in panic. & 1t; /

"Where is Lin Qingyu?" Jiang Hao put down his clothes and covered both his gun and knife. & 1t; /

Ning Tao stretched out his hand and held Jiang Hao's waist again: "She said that she met here. She should be here now." & 1t; /

As soon as his words fell, a woman came out of the restaurant. The long black dress and crystal-textured high-heeled shoes reflect the glittering lights, noble and elegant, and a bit of cold and glamour. Who is not Lin Qingying? & 1t; /

Lin Qingxuan stared at Ning Tao, and Jiang Hao and Qing Chai, who were holding him, couldn't hide the sadness and loss of light in Wu Mu. & 1t; /

At first, she had dreamed of being with Ning Tao, but now he is holding a woman in one hand to make an appointment. How can she feel better? & 1t; /

Ning Tao wanted to loosen Qingzhui and Jiang Hao's waist, but Jiang Hao lowered his hand and clamped his hand. & 1t; /

Ning Tao smiled awkwardly, continued to carry Qingzhui and Jiang Hao's waist, and walked towards Lin Qingyu: "Qing Ye, let me introduce you, this is my girlfriend Jiang Hao, this is My girlfriend is young. "& 1t; /

Another large group of strange eyes flew over, and many of them wanted to rush to Ning Tao's feet. & 1t; /

Lin Qingying's mouth barely squeezed a smile: "I all know ~ ~ I really envy your blessing and wish you happiness." & 1t; /

Qing Zhui and Jiang smiled in greeting. & 1t; /

"Okay, come in, I've made arrangements." Lin Qingyi turned and walked to the restaurant. She didn't want Ning Tao, Qing Zhui, and Jiang Hao to see the tears in her eyes. & 1t; /

Ning Tao then loosened Qingzhui and Jiang Hao and led the two women into the restaurant. & 1t; /

The restaurant was empty with only one guest. & 1t; /

Ning Tao's gaze fell on the face of a guest. At that moment, his heart seemed to have knocked over a five-flavored bottle, all kinds of flavors. & 1t; /

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