Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 188: Incurable patient

This trip to Shennongjia had a great harvest. Ning Tao brought back a lot of precious medicinal materials. After returning to the Tianwai Clinic, he couldn't wait to process the medicinal materials needed for refining Zudan.

Jingle bell, jingle bell ...

When Ning Tao only dealt with two kinds of medicinal materials, his cell phone rang a ringing tone. He took out his phone and glanced at the caller ID, and the number frowned slightly.

This call was made by Zhu Hongqin, and today is the last day of the three-day deadline given by her.

"I'm Ning Tao, let's talk." Ning Tao actually knew what she wanted to say.

Zhu Hongqin's voice came out of his mobile phone. "Dr. Ning, you said to give you three days. Today is the last day. Tell me your decision. Will you kill Bai Jing for me?"

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "Aunt Zhu, Bai Jing is Qingshui's sister, Qingzhui is my person, I can't do this."

Zhu Hongqin was silent.

Ning Tao followed by saying, "However, I can convince Bai Jing to let her leave your son, and I will do my best to protect your son, and you and your husband."

"Thank you so much, but I don't need it. Since you don't agree, let it go. I never do anything difficult for a strong man, goodbye." Zhu Hongqin hung up the phone, and she said the last sentence clearly changed.

Ning Tao put his phone away, and he felt guilty. Dan Fang on the skull fragment was used by Zhu Hongqin to save the lives of her son and husband, but he and Yin Molan stole it. This behavior made him feel as if he had stolen a critically ill patient. Medical expenses to save lives.

"Bai Jing can't kill, but I can't ignore this." Ning Tao thought to himself.

"Brother Ning! Brother Ning!" There was a sudden voice from outside the door, "Are you inside?"

Ning Tao didn't even think about processing the medicinal herbs to find Zudan. He opened the door and walked out, and at a glance he saw Qing Zhui standing at least 20 meters away. Sky blue denim shorts, loose white t-shirts can hardly hide the majestic silhouette of the world-famous mountains, and on the feet are a pair of Roman sandals, each of which is painted with cyan nail polish. Such a green chase, where is what snake demon, is just a female college student who just learned to dress herself.

Seeing Ning Tao, Qing Zhuan couldn't wait to come over, but took a step and then backed away. The Tianwai Clinic is just behind Ning Tao. As she moves closer, the shock and pressure on her will increase.

Ning Tao walked over and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Qing Zhui said: "You asked me to do good deeds. I have been doing good deeds for the past two days. I accidentally encountered a patient who needed help. I couldn't help him. Only you got off the hook."

"Is it a consultation patient?" Ning Tao asked.

Qing Zhui said, "I didn't find this, but I'm sure he's not a bad guy. His house is not far from here. Do you have time? I want to take you to see him."

"I'll get the medicine box, you push the car out, and then take me." Ning Tao turned around and went to the clinic to get the small medicine box. Qingzhui has a rare good deed, and of course he cannot blow her enthusiasm.

When Ning Tao came out of the clinic, Qingzhui had pushed out the Tiandao battery car from the rental house. Ning Tao stepped on the car. The next second, Qing Zhui's hands were already on his waist, locking him like a ring lock carved by Bai Yu.

Tiandao battery car started, not fast.

"What kind of deeds have you done in the past two days?" Ning Tao was curious and asked.

Qingzhui said, "I helped the grandmother cross the road, gave the beggar money, and one child was bullied by a group of young people. I beat the young people."

Ning Tao, "..."

What a mess?

It seems that without his guidance, Qingzhui would not be able to do good deeds that can accumulate merits.

"Don't give money to beggars in the future," Ning Tao said.

Qingchai was puzzled: "Why?"

Ning Tao said: "People who really need help rarely go back to begging. Most of the people who beg on the street are professional beggars. You see they are dressed in tatters and can be driven by luxury cars after they finish work. Yes, walking fast after closing. "

"Was I cheated?"

"What do you say?"

"I'm going to get the money I gave them back, hateful!" Qing Zhui's eyes turned green.

Ning Tao said, "Give it and give it. Where can I come back? Do n’t give it anymore. There are actually really poor people in it. You ca n’t tell the difference. If you go to hurt a good person, would n’t it Sin? "

"Well, I'm so stupid, I can't even do good things." Qing Zhui buried his face on Ning Tao's back, a face that did not want to see anyone.

"You show me the way, how do I know where to go?"

"There, turn left ..."

A few minutes later, the Tiandao battery car came to a remote street. Ning Tao got out of the car and then led by Qingzhui to a shack built on the third floor roof.

The little boy who opened the door had a dirty face. He seemed to have just cried, and there were tears in the corners of his eyes. The room was messy and littered with debris and the air was permeated with a rotten, moldy smell. A man was lying on a humble wooden bed, his face was yellow, and a wheelchair was beside the bed.

The man was lethargic and did not open his eyes. He didn't seem to know that a guest came from the house.

The little boy looked at Ning Tao and Qing Zhui timidly. "Auntie and uncle."

Ning Tao asked with a smile: "Child, what's your name?"

The little boy was a little nervous. "My name is Dong Xiaojun."

Qingzhui said: "This child is over school age, but no school accepted him. His father was Dong Qiang, a construction worker. He broke his leg on the construction site last month, and the boss lost a sum of money. It was enough, but he was taken away by his wife. He had no money to pay for medical expenses, and the hospital let him out. "

"Where did his wife take the money for treatment?" Ning Tao asked.

Qing Zhui said, "Xiaojun, you tell Uncle Ning."

Dong Xiaojun said, "Uncle Ning, my mother ran away with an uncle. I don't want my father and me anymore." Then, his tears couldn't help falling from his eyes.

Who can appreciate the sadness and helplessness of this child?

Qing chased Dong Xiaojun's head and comforted him: "Relax, Uncle Ning will heal your father."

Dong Xiaojun knelt down in front of Ning Tao, "Uncle Ning, please save my father."

Ning Tao stretched out his hand and pulled Dong Xiaojun up, squatted and said to him, "I'm here to treat your father, but you have to remember that men have gold under their knees, you have to learn to be strong, and don't kneel anymore Okay? "

"Huh! Huh ..." Dong Xiaojun nodded while crying.

Dong Qiang, who was lying in bed, opened his eyes. "Who? What are you crying, little bunny?"

Dong Xiaojun stopped crying, he seemed very afraid of his father.

Ning Tao walked over. "I'm a doctor. I learned your condition and came here to treat you."

Dong Qiang sat up from the dirty bed, "Doctor? I have no money for you."

"I don't want your money," Ning Tao said.

"No money? Then show me." Dong Qiang said.

Ning Tao opened the small medicine box, took out the ledger bamboo, and handed it to Dong Qiang. "Hold it for me, I'll get the silver needle."

Dong Qiang reached out and took the ledger bamboo slip. After Ning Tao took out two needles, he took the ledger bamboo slip back and opened it to see the diagnosis above.

What emerged from the ledger bamboo slips: Dong Qiang, born in March 23rd (1985), bad person. Addicted to gambling as life, three evil points of sin. Wife and child torture, six evil thoughts. He does not support his parents, and often speaks evil, and gets ten evil thoughts and nineteen evil thoughts. You can prescribe a contract of evil thoughts and break your ten fingers for atonement.

Ning Tao frowned suddenly.

Dong Qiang is addicted to gambling, abuses his wife and children, does not support his parents, and often talks badly. But is he a wicked person? No, he's just a bad guy with no character and bad morals. No wonder Qing Zhui said that he is not a wicked person, the wicked person she can smell is the kind of wicked and wicked person, the bad person is not equal to the wicked person, so in her eyes, a person like Dong Qiang is no different from ordinary people.

The account book Zhu Jian gave such a diagnosis to Ning Tao, and it was natural for him to earn more than ten evil thoughts from a rotten man like Dong Qiang. The rule is the rule. One should pay for his sin. Dong Destroying the ten fingers deserves it. But if Dong Qiang cuts his fingers, what does he use to make money to feed Dong Xiaojun?

Tianwai Clinic does not care about Dong Xiaojun's life or death, but Ning Tao can't ignore it.

"Can you do it?" Dong Qiang looked a little impatient. "Will you give me some money and let me go to the hospital by myself."

Qing Zhui was about to have an attack. Ning Tao waved her hand to stop her, and then said, "I really can't treat this disease. So, Qing Zhui, you give this child some money and then send him to the hospital for treatment. . "

"This ..." Qing Zhui froze for a while, and after so long with Ning Tao, she was the first time she heard Ning Tao say something incurable.

Ning Tao put away the book of bamboo slips and sky needle, and went out when he raised the small medicine box.

"How about money? You said you gave me money." Dong Qiang was anxious.

Ning Tao glanced back at him with a vicious look. "What are you anxious? Even if you give money, it ’s for your child, not for you. Also, I will give you a warning. You will not be scolded again, It ’s a blessing in your life for a rotten man like you to have a good obedient child like Xiaojun. If you beat him again, I wo n’t spare you! "

"You ..." Dong Qiang wanted to say something, but Ning Tao in the evil state looked at him, he just felt cold and couldn't even speak.

Ning Tao came out of the shack and said to Qing Qing who followed him, "Give this child some money and let the rotten man in the house go to the hospital for treatment."

"Why?" Qing Zhui still couldn't understand.

Ning Tao said: "Stupid, this is your good deed. If you do it and help this child, you will get merit."

"Oh!" Qing Zhui came to understand this, she smiled from Ning Tao, "I'm a fool, so you have to take care of me all my life."

There is also a smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth ~ ~ It seems that this destiny can't be thrown away.

Two hours later, Qingzhui and Ning Tao walked out of the hospital. Qing Zhui gave Dong Xiaojun 100,000 yuan in her name. After paying Dong Qiang's hospitalization fee, some remained. This can only be the case. Ning Tao can only help him for a while, but not his life.

Jingle bell, jingle bell ...

It wasn't Ning Tao's mobile phone that was ringing, but Qing Zhui's mobile phone. It seemed to be in pursuit of the effect of a husband and wife. She also tuned her ringtone to the same as Ning Tao's.

"Sister, what is she calling to do?" Qing chased the caller ID, hesitated to answer.

Ning Tao said, "Come on, listen to what she says."

Qing Zhui opened the answer button, and said angrily: "What's the matter? Um ... what? Come tomorrow to attend your engagement banquet with Xin Zhiyu?"

Ning Tao was suddenly spotted on the spot.

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