
In the endless darkness, on the volcanic island, magma is still erupting and huge waves are still gathering!

But the extent of this magma eruption, and the height of the huge waves, seem to be much smaller than the epic catastrophe officially predicted!

Under the torrential rain, Cao Yuxuan and others quickly shuttled to the vicinity of the volcanic island. They couldn't help showing shocked expressions on their faces as they watched the fire-filled scene of world extinction on the volcanic island.

At this time, under the night, the volcanic crater was burnt red with magma, and a large amount of volcanic ash was piled up on the sky!

The countless few dinosaurs who survived on the island stood on the mountain, roaring in horror and anger!

Cao Yuxuan and others thought that the way back to the volcanic island would be very difficult. They didn't expect the process of returning to this place, but it was actually quite simple!

But, where is Kyushu in this vast volcanic land?


Inside the six-meter-high super mech, Cao Yuxuan and others looked around, trying to find Lin Fei in this doomsday-like world.

Unfortunately, looking at the entire volcanic island, in addition to magma, it is magma, where is there any player!


In the heavy rain, the official order supporters soon felt it too!

Entering the range of the volcanic island, everyone was shocked when faced with the sight in front of them.

Everything here is completely different from what the official expected!

This is too peaceful, right?

Plops, plops, don't know why, facing the peace in front of them, the heartbeats of the order supporters are inexplicably faster.

It stands to reason that everyone should be happy, but why is the scene in front of you unexplainably nervous.

Could this be the so-called "calm before the storm"?

Wait, this volcanic island will not suddenly have another unprecedented eruption!

If so, everyone will explain here today!

"No, this place may still be dangerous, everyone goes back!"

Facing the calm of the volcanic island, the official order supporter was extremely cautious, checked it briefly, and immediately greeted everyone to go!

As soon as the crowd retreated, seeing that Cao Yuxuan and the others did not move, the Order Protector leader stepped forward and pulled Cao Yuxuan and the others' mechas.

He opened his mouth and said: "Everyone, let's retreat first, at least 10 kilometers away, otherwise we will all be in danger!"

Until this time, Cao Yuxuan and others reacted, this place is indeed too peaceful, and then this place should still be risky!

Thinking of this, even though he was unwilling to do so, he still quietly retreated with the order supporters.

After all, even if everyone wants to save Kyushu, they will have to wait until the volcanic eruption is completely over before they can proceed further!

Start the mecha and retreat to a safer area more than ten kilometers away. The mood of everyone is very complicated!


The volcano erupted, an unprecedented magnitude 12 earthquake.

A super tsunami that can affect more than one million people. Tonight, billions of players around the world are paying attention to this unprecedented super natural disaster in the game!

At the same time, offline, countless people are also concerned about this matter through various channels as if they were concerned about global events.

After a period of development, the ancient world is like a second home for the vast majority of people on the earth. The natural disasters that occur in the game, many people feel like they are happening around them.

There was even such a post on the Internet, with the headline "In front of natural disasters, the official is weak, and players are helpless. If there is a similar natural disaster on the earth many years later, what should humanity do?!"

All of a sudden, many players actively discussed it.

Indeed, in the face of huge natural disasters, many times, human beings often have no way to deal with it. If the crisis of extinction really appears on the earth, human beings really don't know what to do!

"So, please, please, the natural disasters in the game must never appear in the real world!"

On the earth, countless players, through a variety of live broadcast equipment, personally visit the tsunami scene.

Due to the high degree of simulation of "Ancient Hegemony", in the face of the surging waves, countless players are entangled in their hearts!

On the southern islands, watching the tsunami is coming!

Above the sea, huge waves pile up higher and higher, one meter, two meters, ten meters, twenty meters!

Waves like a high wall are coming horizontally!

On the other side, near the deep-sea volcanic island, the order supporters who rushed to the scene also started the live broadcast of the volcanic island at this time.

When I watched the live broadcast, millions of people swarmed into it all at once!

After two earthquakes just broke out, the entire volcanic island seemed much calmer.

Many players who knew that the first wave of tsunami was about to reach the southern islands came to the live broadcast room of the volcanic island and said nervously: "The first wave of tsunami is coming soon. Should this volcanic island erupt again? "

"Although the scale of the first wave of tsunami is also terrifying, the ancient government should not allow players to take refuge in the heights of 100 meters or more for the huge waves more than ten meters high!"

"Although I don't want to see a disaster happen, I am boldly predicting that there should be a big eruption on this volcanic island next time?!"

In the live broadcast room, there are more and more bullet screens, and the live broadcast heat is also soaring.

Finally, rumbling, the originally calm volcanic island, once again heard an inexplicable noise, and then, the crater erupted again.

Balls of hot magma soared into the sky, making the dark night sky instantly bright.

However, volcanic eruptions of this scale seem too ordinary, right?

The power of any intercontinental missile on the earth is at least ten times stronger than it, right?

The prehistoric big bang?

this one? ! !

On the other side, on the South Island, facing the terrifying tsunami coming quickly, the players' mood is undoubtedly nervous.

Finally, the stack reached a few dozen, and the 20-meter-high huge wave poured down and rushed to the seaside forest, shocking the countless islands!


After a huge wave of more than ten meters, the world seemed to calm down all of a sudden!

What about the promised 100-meter huge wave, and the promised natural disaster, no one can be spared?

Shocked, shocked!

On the island, watching the more than ten-meter-high sea water gradually fade into the sea, the faces of the players who were still in shock showed strange expressions.

At this time, everyone, I don’t know if I should be glad I survived, or if I should scold the official spoof!

The disaster should be over, right?

Although this tsunami is terrifying, to be honest, it is really not enough for epic natural disasters!

It was also at this time that the system suddenly issued a global notification: "Congratulations to the player Kyushu for completing the epic mission and avoiding natural disasters. The player Kyushu has gained 3000 reputation and 5 million experience points!"

"Player Kyushu gets the title: Epic Hero!"

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