"Boss Hengluo! Heaven!"

"Be careful, boss!"

"Damn it, it’s too late!"

The meteorite came too suddenly.

It appeared very suddenly, without any warning at all.

It had been invisible before, and was not seen by everyone until it was about to fall to the ground.

Lu Cang felt the pressure and raised his head.

Then, he made an action that no one expected.

Lu Cang put his left hand on his forehead

"Damn it, boss, run away! Why are you covering your forehead?"

"Damn, did you think you were blocking the sun?"

"What is this operation? Can not Understand it!"


The next moment, the meteorite hit Lu Cang. With Lu Cang as the center, a violent shock wave spread.

Players on the edge of the impact were directly knocked away and died suddenly on the spot.

As for Lu Cang's undead, most of them were also here Dissipated under a shock wave.

Only some high-quality undead remained, falling to the ground.

"Such an impact... Boss Hengluo won't die, right?"

"Alas, I definitely won’t survive. I don’t know the exact damage caused by this momentum, but it is definitely enough to kill someone."

"Rest in peace, Mr. Hengluo. I don’t know where the resurrection point of Mr. Hengluo will be resurrected. I want to stay there and take a closer look."

However, the billowing smoke and dust dispersed.

Lu Cang stood in the center of the crater as if nothing happened.

【defensive posture】

【Eternal Solidity]

110% absolute damage-free activation.

Those moments of silence also reached Lu Cang’s ears.

Lu Cang didn't even know what those people were mourning.

Is this the first time they have seen the scene where they are immune to injury and invincible?

Everyone stared blankly as Heng Luo appeared in the crater intact.

First there was surprise on his face, then he slapped his head

"Yes, Boss Hengluo seems to have invincible skills"

"I'll go, do you want it to be so thrilling? It scares me to death."

"So the question is, where did this meteorite come from?"

Everyone looked along the sky and searched in the sky.

Suddenly, a status bar appeared in everyone's eyes.

After following the status bar carefully, everyone saw something in the sky that was as big as a mung bean.

【Spell Totem]

Grade: Elite

Level: 20

HP: 30,000/30,000

Physical attack: 0, Magical attack power: 100,00

Defense: 0/0

Skill: Meteorite summoning LV: 5.

Description: An extremely special totem.

This totem is inserted in the sky, at a very high position

【Mission goal: clear the totems and make this area safe】

【Mission reward: The second trial is completed. ]

Lu Cang looked at the sky.

This mission suddenly appeared.

It means that this is the end of the city defense mission.

Originally, this mission was to cultivate the Human Emperor's team capabilities. Under normal circumstances, the Human Emperor should pre-select and organize a team to face the invasion of the undead army together.

A legion-level war breaks out.

But now it's better. Lu Cang swept across all directions by himself, picking off tens of thousands at a time and solving this mission.

On the road of trials, every task has a clever solution.

However, Lu Cang cracked it in the most direct and violent way.

Fortunately, no matter what method you use to pass the trial, you will pass the trial.

And during the trial, the more contributions Lu Cang made, the higher his score would be.

This kind of one-on-one duel is basically Lu Cang's personal contribution, so the score will naturally be higher.

This totem is the end of the mission.

According to the normal path, if you want to solve this totem, you must first go back to the Archmage and ask his apprentice to release the forbidden air spell, and then the player can solve this totem.

However, that would have too many steps and would be too troublesome

【Thousand Machines War Spear] returns to its position.

In Lu Cang's hand, a long bow appeared

【Qian Ji Bow】

【The strength value is increased by 30%, and the focus effect is added. Focus: When concentrating the spirit, the flow of time slows down by 20%】

【Concentrated Strike: Lock two targets and carry out a super long-distance strike. The distance is linked to the intelligence value (cooling time is 3600 seconds)]

Lu Cang did not use Concentrated Strike, but used his enhanced skills.

【Dawn in the Sky: Gain ultra-long-distance high-altitude vision, lock on a target, charge for one second, and perform a super-long-distance strike. The attack will automatically track to the hit target. The strike range is 100X intelligence value, the damage does not decay, and the damage is 30X agility. Value, cooling time: 10S]

Close his eyes, everything within a radius of 260,000 meters is observed by Lu Cang.

The high-altitude vision is equivalent to Lu Cang people looking down in the sky.

The totem high in the sky was naturally within Lu Cang's field of vision.

Then, he raised his bow toward the sky.

Phew - a stream of light shuttled out!

Directly through the totem in the sky

-310, 414, three hundred thousand damage, one hit into the soul.

The totem with only 30,000 blood exploded instantly

"This attack distance!"

"Is this too far?"

An archer looked at the range and his mouth almost dropped.

The totem is probably at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

This is where the archer's arrows can reach.

At least not the current archers.

If Instead of leaving Novice Village and gaining the ability to perceive, in addition to direct perception, everyone's five senses have been greatly improved.

Otherwise, you would not be able to see a small black spot in the sky.

However, Lu Cang actually bent his bow directly, They directly shot and exploded the totem, which in their opinion was only the size of a mung bean.

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