Inside the empty tower.

The candlelight is dim.

Illuminating the everlasting blue stone bricks.

They were like a pair of eyes, silently watching the changing figure of the young man in the center of the tower.

His black robe fluttered.

The whole person is like a moving ghostly black shadow.

Chen Ming's movements were sometimes rapid and sometimes stopped suddenly.

His movements were messy and unorganized, but he showed signs of understanding from time to time.

Regarding the second stage Gulong Lancer, he felt that it was no longer possible to improve by just replaying and rehearsing the movements, and he had to practice it himself.

However, this kind of practical operation is just a preview.

After going through the process once, Chen Ming started the second challenge again.

The ancient dragon spears and cavalry condensed out.

Facing the first stage of it, it was not difficult for Chen Ming to cope with it.

After dodging his series of attacks, the Ancient Dragon Lancer went into a state of freeze. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Ming surrendered all his attacks and sent the Ancient Dragon Lancer away directly.

The black wind blows backwards.

The second stage Ancient Dragon Lancer appears.

Chen Ming took a deep breath.

This time, he no longer waited.

Instead, take the initiative!

Chen Ming opened his eyes suddenly.

"Thirty seconds..."

"I lasted for thirty seconds this time... It's a big improvement compared to just now."

"Come again!"

Thirty-five seconds.

Thirty-seven seconds.

Forty-two seconds.

Twenty-seven seconds.

After this failure, Chen Ming fell silent for a while.

It wasn't that he made a low-level mistake that caused his performance to regress a lot this time, but that Gulong Lancer suddenly launched a brand new combo that even he had not expected.

He had anticipated this situation.

After all, it was only the first time that he faced an Ancient Dragon Lancer with this attribute value. It was impossible to cover all possible situations that the opponent could do by just thinking.

He is not omniscient and omnipotent.

And his silence this time was naturally not self-blame.

Instead, he was dismantling that gorgeous offensive and finding the optimal solution to the confrontation.

About half a minute later.

Chen Ming's eyes flashed with determination.

Enter the challenge again.

Forty-two seconds!

When he opened his eyes again, unprecedented excitement flashed in them.

In the battle just now, Gulong Lancer once again used the combo that caught Chen Ming off guard and killed him, but in front of Chen Ming who had reviewed it, each of those moves had been completely dismantled.

Even if it is the first time to deal with it.

Also resolved successfully.

But what makes Chen Ming excited is not just that simple.


"The stiffness of the Ancient Dragon Lancer finally appeared!"

That's right, after holding on for more than forty seconds under the terrifying suppressive power of the Gulong Lancer, Chen Ming finally saw his offensive stop and appear to be breathing.

That gasp was Chen Ming's chance to kill him with one strike!

"Distance to victory..."

"Not far away!"

Thinking of this, Chen Ming took a deep breath.

He knew that the closer he got to victory, the more he had to calm down... In his previous life, he often missed a move due to his excitement and lost the whole game.

A qualified challenger must have an unruffled and normal mind.


After slowly exhaling, Chen Ming closed his eyes again.

Entering his eighth challenge.

The first stage of Ancient Dragon Lancer appeared.

He still used his best dash skill at the beginning, Knight Charge.

This skill once killed Chen Ming instantly.

This was a skill that Chen Ming once dealt with carefully.

At this moment, he can no longer pose any threat to Chen Ming!

"Compared to you in the second stage, this knight's charge is too weak, too weak!"

Chen Ming stood still.

Silently watching the ancient dragon cavalry sprint towards them.

He was originally huge and carried endless momentum. In Chen Ming's eyes, he was no longer as scary as before, only full of flaws and loopholes remained.

The spear was like a flash of cold light, reaching directly between Chen Ming's eyebrows!

But the spear is faster, and Chen Ming is faster!

His dagger was drawn.

One left and one right, the backhands crossed, forming an X shape, and the Gulong Lancer's spear was firmly placed in the middle!

As a result, no matter how flexible the Gulong Lancer was, he could no longer make any changes when his weapon was tightly held by Chen Ming.

He has all his agility, but he has no use for it!

And Chen Ming only needs to tilt his head slightly...

Let the spear rub your cheek and stab it!

The sound of breaking wind blasted in his ears like a sonic boom.

If he made a single mistake, he would be penetrated by a headshot on the spot.

But how could he make a mistake in a place like this when he had already been able to fight with the second-stage Gulong Lancer for more than 40 seconds?

He jumped up!

Following the stabbing spear, the dagger followed the spear, like a maggot attached to the bone, and went straight to the throat of the Ancient Dragon Lancer!


The moment before the horse hit Chen Ming.

The dagger pierced the throat of Gulong Lancer!

Instant kill!

At this moment, Gulong Lancer lost his strength and stumbled directly behind Chen Ming.

The entire confrontation took less than three seconds.

This is Chen Ming's talent!

After eight challenges, he has completely mastered the first-stage method of dealing with the Ancient Dragon Lancer.

As for the second stage...

He turned back slightly.

The black wind had dissipated, and the naked demon god was staring straight at Chen Ming.

He came over suddenly!

This time, Chen Ming no longer faced him head-on, but stepped back.

The second stage of the offensive was really too fierce.

He can't kill hard!

You have to avoid the edge for a while!

Chen Ming began to retreat.

However, he always kept a close eye on Gulong Lancer.

The scenes of the previous battles were firmly engraved in his mind.

These are valuable experiences!

"He raised his right hand...this time it was flying!"

"He has caught the horse's belly and is ready to trample it in war!"

"Which way will this shot come from, left or right? Right, his right shoulder sank first!"

"His center of gravity suddenly lowered... No, retreat quickly, it will sweep across the world!"

Chen Ming's golden eyes were burning crazily.

Capture every move of Gulong Lancer clearly!

All kinds of tiny little movements.

Small moves that are easily overlooked by ordinary players.

In Chen Ming's eyes, it suddenly became an early warning again and again!


Once again, he avoided the thrust of the Ancient Dragon Lancer.

When Chen Ming was preparing to adjust his body to deal with the next round of attacks, he suddenly discovered that the spear of the Gulong Lancer had penetrated deeply into the ground, and the attack was not sloppy at all, but it did not pull out the spear immediately.

Chen Ming, who was paying full attention, suddenly realized...

This is stiffness!

This was the stiffness he had been waiting for!

"The tides are turning..."

"Now it's my turn!"

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