"Ding dong! Congratulations to the player for completing the only SSSS-level hidden mission!"

As a system beep sounded, the space where Ye Chun was located collapsed inch by inch.

Ye Chun was also teleported out and appeared outside the Hidden Dragon Land.

After completing the mission, although no other rewards were obtained, just a drop of the blood essence of the ancient dragon was worthy of being the only SSSS-level hidden mission.

Ye Chun even believed that it was not an exaggeration to upgrade this mission to the SSSSS level, after all, what he got was too terrifying.

The Land of the Hidden Dragon has become a truly new map, and the True Dragon clan has completely disappeared into the long river of history.

The reason why the mission is the only one is because as long as Ye Chun completes this mission, other players will no longer be able to accept this mission.

Ye Chun did not stay here for long, but headed directly towards the main city of the northern demon clan.

It had only been three days since Ye Chun left.

So nothing has changed much, and all players are still working hard to enhance their strength.

Get mounts, get equipment, download dungeons, upgrade...etc.

However, Ye Chun is basically far ahead of other players in these aspects.

On many lists, Ye Chun has firmly occupied the first position, and there is a big gap between the second place and Ye Chun.

But Ye Chun looked at the rankings of all pets.

Although Ye Chun's mythical beast Frost Dragon still occupies the first place in the pet rankings, its star rating is only one star.

The second player has an eighth-level mount, but its star rating is already four.

Especially the worse the quality of the mount, the higher the star rating.

That's because the materials needed to upgrade a low-quality mount to a star are very common and are not that easy to find. Even if there is a certain failure rate, the star level can be quickly improved.

But high-quality mounts are different. The materials required for each star upgrade are very rare, and there are even many things that you have never heard of.

Just like the dragon soul Ye Chunfrost Dragon needs to ascend to the star, although only one is needed to ascend to the star, it is so difficult to obtain a dragon soul.

If Ye Chun hadn't discovered the Hidden Dragon Land this time, it would have been impossible for Ye Chun to raise the star level of the Frost Dragon.

But now, Ye Chun has thirteen dragon souls, so he can completely increase the star level of the frost dragon.

Returning to an uninhabited land in the main city of the Northern Demon Clan, Ye Chun began to raise stars to the Frost Dragon.

"Ding dong! Do you want to consume Dragon Soul X1 to upgrade the frost dragon's star level? Of course, the success rate is 40%."


The success rate from one star to two stars is only 40%, which is already very high, so Ye Chun has nothing to worry about.

And even if it fails, it doesn't matter to Ye Chun. Anyway, there is plenty of time now, so he can slowly use the time reversal ability to start over.

"Ding dong! The frost dragon's star level has been successfully upgraded. The current star level is: 2. Its attributes have been enhanced, and its growth attributes have been enhanced."

With two stars, the frost dragon's attributes have been greatly improved again.

But this is just the beginning. If possible, the ten stars are Ye Chun's goal.

"Ding dong! Do you want to consume Dragon Soul X1 to upgrade the frost dragon's star level? Of course, the success rate is 30%."


The success rate dropped again, which gave Ye Chun a bad feeling.

After all, if the success rate decreases at this frequency and drops to less than ten percent, even Ye Chun will have to spend a lot of energy to improve my success.

But Ye Chun had no choice. Cultivating pets was a very laborious matter, but if they were not cultivated, they would lose their powerful combat effectiveness.

It would be absolutely terrifying to raise a pet.

"Ding dong! Star promotion failed."

The accompanying prompt sounded, and a dragon soul was wasted.

"Time goes back ten seconds!" Ye Chun decisively used his power.

Now the dragon soul is a very important thing, and Ye Chun naturally will not let it be lost.

After all, even if you upgrade to ten stars, you have extra dragon souls that are of great value whether you use them to friends or sell them.

"Ding dong! Do you want to consume Dragon Soul X1 to upgrade the frost dragon's star level? Of course, the success rate is 30%."


Starting over again, a 30% success rate is pretty good anyway.

"Ding dong! The Frost Dragon has been successfully promoted to star. The current star rating is: 3. Its attributes have been enhanced, and its growth attributes have been enhanced."

"Ding dong! Do you want to consume Dragon Soul X1 to upgrade the frost dragon's star level? Of course, the success rate is 20%."


When the success rate dropped to 20%, Ye Chun began to frequently use the time regression ability.

"Ding dong! The frost dragon's star level has been successfully upgraded. The current star level is: 4. Its attributes have been enhanced, and its growth attributes have been enhanced."

"Ding dong! The frost dragon's star level has been improved and it has become famous. The current star level is: 5. Its attributes have been enhanced, and its growth attributes have been enhanced."

"Ding dong! Do you want to consume Dragon Soul

Star upgrades continued, but when it came time to upgrade the Frost Dragon from five stars to six stars, I got a different prompt.

If you fail, you will lose stars!

In other words, if the five-star upgrade to six-star fails, the Frost Dragon will still fall from five-star to four-star. If you want to upgrade it again, you will have to upgrade it again.

This is a nightmare for any player.

After all, I finally collected enough materials to raise my star, but it will drop instead of rising, and all my previous efforts will be in vain, which will probably make many players collapse.

However, Ye Chun still maintained a certain frequency and continued to improve the star rating of his pets.

After rewinding six times for ten seconds, there is still a five-minute cooldown, which is neither too fast nor too slow.

Finally, after seventeen times, the Frost Dragon was promoted to six stars.

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