"Ding dong! A thousand players around the world have reached level 60. The level 60 dungeon, Death Canyon, will be opened on time at zero o'clock."

Not long after, a notification sound came from the system.

This caused many guilds to start moving. Suddenly, many guilds gathered at the entrance to the dungeon of Novice Village.

The dungeons at levels 10 to 50 have been completely enveloped by Ye Chun's light, and they were all completed by Ye Chun for the first time.

So much so that many players who are new to the game are familiar with the name King's Lament.

It can be said that this level 60 dungeon is very important for any guild.

If you can clear the level 60 dungeon for the first time, it will be a great promotion for the guild, and it will also lay the foundation for the first guild in the world.

Although in the gaming world, guild rankings are divided into heavenly rankings and earthly rankings, in Hope World, the overall strength of the guild is still valued. Guilds that were once all-powerful in other games may not be the best in Hope World. Not as powerful anymore.

In today's world of hope, there is no precedent for the Dibang Guild to surpass the Tianbang Guild.

For example, the Star Fantasy Guild, which is close to Ye Chun, is only a guild on the Earth Ranking, but because of Ye Chun, it has attracted many powerful individual players, even compared to some guilds on the Sky Ranking.

After all, the reputation of the Star Fantasy Guild is still very great. Among the people who have passed through the level 10 to 50 dungeon for the first time, most of them are from the Star Fantasy Guild. Of course, this is still due to Ye Chun's credit.

Otherwise, a local guild would not develop so rapidly.

Due to the opening of the level 60 dungeon, there is already information about the level 60 dungeon on the official website, but Ye Chun is more concerned about the rewards given by the first pass of the dungeon.

[Death Canyon first kill reward]

Reward: The first-killing team will get the right to name the dungeon. The system will build a statue and announce it three times throughout the server.

Rewards: Each member can receive a set treasure box (not tradeable), and the leader can receive two.

Reward: If you clear the dungeon with the first kill, you will receive event props X3 from rare mount treasure chests, X3 from rare bloodline treasure chests, and X3 from rare enhancement treasure chests based on the current activity.

Requirements: Must be Hard Mode or above.

Reminder: The faster the first kill, the better the reward will be.

The reward for the first kill is not very good. Although Ye Chun doesn't know what the set treasure box can bring out, he now has a fantasy rare set, and Ye Chun doesn't like other sets.

As for the three rare treasure chests, Ye Chun had already opened the rare bloodline treasure chest and knew what would be in it. It might be very precious to ordinary players, but to Ye Chun, it was not that important.

After all, 1,000 crystals is simply not enough compared to the current state of bloodline cultivation.

The only thing worth looking at is the first reward, leaving your own statue and name in the copy.

This is an everlasting honor. It can be said that anyone who wants to clear the dungeon with the first kill will work hard towards this goal.

Although I don’t know how long this game of Hope World will be popular, it is the most fun and detailed game on the planet now. It surpasses all current technological levels. Basically, everyone around the world will enter this game. It is conceivable that Now you know how important this right to leave your name is.

"Go and upgrade after clearing the dungeon. Otherwise, if you don't level up, your position at the top of the rankings won't be stable for long."

Ye Chun thought to himself.

However, there are only a few hours left before the dungeon is officially opened, so leveling up does not make much sense.

With Ye Chun's current level, he must level 70 or even 80 monsters in order to maintain his leveling speed.

If you go to the Valley of Death to farm monsters, it will probably be difficult to level up in a day or two.

The limit on the number of people who can enter the dungeon is ten, so Ye Chun directly contacted Xing Huan Immortal.

"Enter the dungeon on time at zero o'clock to open up wasteland. I have two people here. Will your guild come?"

"Come on, come on! Boss King, I'm just waiting for your words. Our president has been waiting for the boss to speak. We'll be here soon!"

Star Fantasy is basically able to recover in seconds. After all, although the strength of their Star Fantasy Guild has been greatly enhanced, with its own strength, it is obvious that it cannot be compared with the guilds at the top of the sky list in terms of the speed of first kill and clearing the dungeon. of.

So when they knew that the dungeon was about to be opened, they were already ready, just waiting for Ye Chun to find them. If it hadn't been for a few hours, they would have even started to contact Ye Chun.

Ye Chun closed the chat with Xing Huanyu and contacted Ziyue Heart: "Are you coming to open up the dungeon?"

"We'll be there soon!" Purple Moon's Heart also replied in seconds, obviously very interested in this dungeon for land reclamation.

After all, who wouldn’t want to be able to build a statue and leave a name in the instance?

This is something that some rich people can't even exchange for at exorbitant prices. They rely purely on their own strength.

Not long after, people from the Star Fantasy Guild arrived at the Novice Village and found Ye Chun.

"Hello, Mr. King!" Xing Huan Bujue shouted respectfully, and then came closer.

The number of people they came this time was exactly eight, including a few familiar faces to Ye Chun.

Star Fantasy Immortal, Star Fantasy Invincible, Star Fantasy Rose, Star Fantasy Rabbit... These are obviously the backbone of the Star Fantasy Guild, otherwise they would not be qualified to stand here.

"Mr. King, it's a pleasure to meet again. Although it has only been a few months, Mr. King's reputation is always ringing around us like thunder." Xing Huan Wudi stepped forward and said.

As a guild president, he was obviously very good at talking, and he directly praised Ye Chun.

After all, Ye Chun is the lucky star of their Star Fantasy Guild. If it weren't for Ye Chun, their Star Fantasy Guild wouldn't be as successful as it is now.

"Well, I have another person coming here. Just wait a moment. Anyway, there are still a few hours until the dungeon is officially opened." Ye Chun said.

Sure enough, not long after, Zi Yue's Heart arrived at Novice Village.

The Canglan Zhikong Xuanying King under his feet was particularly eye-catching, basically attracting the attention of everyone in the Novice Village.

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