The pictures in my memory are still flowing.

He was originally the son of the God of Light, but after experiencing so many things, his heart was no longer bright, and he only had hatred and revenge in his heart.

His efforts are no longer to protect the people he wants to protect, but to take revenge on those who have harmed and betrayed him.

The strange spell disappeared in his mind, and was replaced by the supreme inheritance of the ancient necromancer.

Light and the undead are originally antagonistic, but in order to take revenge as powerful as you, he began to fuse the power of light and the undead, and his heart gradually deteriorated.

Year after year, day after day, he gains great power for revenge.

His enemy is the most powerful country ever and the power of the most powerful man. He needs to gain power strong enough to destroy it all.

He has no family or lover, so everything in this world is his enemy. He no longer needs to think about salvation or light, only destruction.

ten years!

A young man who was once the most talented was practicing in an uninhabited mountain range. No one knew how powerful he had become.

When he stepped out of that mountain range ten years later, he was no longer the Son of Light, but the Holy Mage of the Dead, the Lord of the Undead!

At this time, he had no mercy, no kindness, only hatred.

Wherever he passed, he killed everyone he saw, and all the people he killed became the dead souls beneath him.

Gradually, he gathered an army of millions of undead, destroying the country he once lived in and destroying everything.

However, she and the descendants of the most powerful man fled to the territory where the most powerful man was.

He chased after him, he wanted revenge for his family.

When Ye Chun saw this, he was also very shocked. A being with a bright heart actually fell into darkness.

In order to take revenge, he killed countless innocent people.

He had no choice. Everything he did was just to make himself stronger. Otherwise, he would not be a match for the enemy at all.

At that time, he occupied one-third of the continent and fought against the forces of light.

The army of tens of millions of undead belonged to him alone. With one order, the situation was shaken. Moreover, he was once the son of the god of light, and the undead he summoned were all resistant to the power of light, and they had the upper hand for a while.

But the undead are the undead after all, and he was defeated in the end.

Moreover, he suffered endless curses and survived by luck, but all the people who had disrespected him were killed, including her, the strongest, and the descendants of the strongest.

In the end, he completely disappeared on the mainland.

But he left behind his own inheritance, the inheritance of the Holy Mage of the Dead and the Lord of the Undead.

Seeing this, Ye Chun finally understood why his career came from it. It turned out that it had such a sad history.

As a talented genius, he was betrayed by everyone, the nine tribes were punished, and finally he had no choice but to embark on a road of no return.

Ye Chun felt sorry for him, but he killed countless innocent people for revenge, which Ye Chun disagreed with.

After all, no matter how much hatred there is, one cannot ignore other people's lives like this.

The memory ends, as if nothing had happened.

"What is the true meaning of death?"

A voice suddenly sounded, and two options appeared in front of Ye Chun's eyes.

Such a familiar scene, Ye Chun had experienced it once when he first logged into this world of hope. He did not expect that the second change of the undead master profession would be the same this time.

1. The true meaning of death is destruction

2. The true meaning of death is rebirth

Since Lord of the Undead is a profession that can resurrect the dead, Ye Chun decisively chose the second one.

And Ye Chun is not afraid of wrong answers, after all, he can turn back time.

"Congratulations on the correct answer. What is the meaning of light?"

Then comes the second question.

1. Under the light, there is no darkness.

2. Under the light, darkness still exists

"I choose two."

Knowing that the Lord of the Undead came from the light, Ye Chun decisively chose the second choice.

This world is like this. There is no unchanging light or unchanging darkness. It all depends on your own heart.

"Congratulations, you answered the last question correctly. If you answer the last question correctly, the Master of the Undead profession will be promoted to the Holy Mage of the Dead. If you answer the question incorrectly, you will lose this profession forever."

"Is the Lord of the Undead born for destruction?"

1. Yes

2. No

This question made Ye Chun silent for a while.

Obviously, in the memory of the undead master, he was born solely for destruction and revenge, thus causing countless lives to be devastated.

But privately, the original intention of the Undead Lord was not to destroy the continent, but to take revenge. The destruction was only to accumulate strength and fight against the enemy.

After hesitating for a while, Ye Chun chose one.

"Answer wrong and you will lose forever..."

"Time goes back ten seconds."

Ye Chun used the power without hesitation.

"I choose two!"

After Ye Chun's voice fell, the entire space suddenly emitted a powerful energy, covering Ye Chun's body.

"Ding dong, complete the second-turn mission of Lord of the Undead, advance to the Holy Mage of the Dead, and awaken the second-turn attributes of the Holy Mage of the Dead."

"Dingdong, all your attribute points have been reset. Every time you upgrade to a level, all attributes will increase by twenty points, and you will gain an additional 100 points of magic attack damage."

"Ding dong, your Necromancer skill points have been reset, and the second-level professional skills have appeared."

A series of beeps sounded, and Ye Chun breathed a sigh of relief.

The Undead Master profession is also like the Holy Dragon Rider profession. Changing the name of the profession seems to make it more powerful.

However, Ye Chun was still in awe of the fragments in the memory of the Necromancer.

There is no doubt about the power of the Holy Mage of the Dead. Otherwise, it would be impossible to fight against the strong men on the entire continent with his own strength.

Although he was defeated in the end, he was still powerful.

And now that he has inherited this profession, it is very likely that he will become so powerful in the future.

Even if it's just in the world of hope, that's pretty good.

With a wave of his hand, a base of millions of undead revived. Only one person could compete with countless people. This alone made Ye Chun excited enough.

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