[This is not surprising, winning and losing is normal, no one can win forever. ]


[It can only be said that the official will play, and such a plot is deliberately made to abuse a wave of players. Well, after all, it's good to win, it's not a big problem. ]

This is what players on the forum said about the incident.

"It's really a pity, but our strength is really far behind. The third grade is really not an opponent who can easily win."

"In the face of a game that is impossible to win, doing our best is the best effort we can make, and the final result can only be said to be powerless."

"The third grade is indeed a group of people who stand at the top of the family. It's not something that a rookie like us can win, and a monster like that can't be beat at all."

The first-year idol reservists are so self-comfortable.

"Alas, I thought it was similar, but now it seems that we still have a lot to learn."

"No wonder you dare to take out the Taoist position to make a bet. The confidence is really not comparable to ordinary people. It is really not easy to win."

"But you don't have to be so sad that you just entered the academy. It's not a shame to lose to them, it's more shameful if they lose."

The second graders sighed and comforted the younger students.

"This result is not unexpected. I should have criticized this failure, but considering that the opponent itself is not in the normal range that you can defeat, let me praise you for your courage. To be able to face such an opponent well, has done a good job. As for the outcome, we will leave it to the next time.”

From what Gong Guangxi said, it was rare that he did not further attack the students.

"Alas, the debut position is not so easy to achieve, what kind of monsters are in the third grade, that is already the strength to be on the show."

"The academy is cheating us again, and there is no mention of the third grade meeting. But even if they say it, it seems impossible to win, they are too strong."

"I mean, it's not fair. When they came out, we had no chance."

The classmates complained about watching.

"Xingdou, this is not your problem." The agent came to the door and said, "Don't put too much burden on you. This competition may be that the academy wants to show the outside world the strength of the third grade, something like Because of the show-off idea of ​​'we have such excellent students', by the way, to sharpen you who are still in the academy, that's why I did this."

"The gap between you is not the gap between hard work and talent, but time, you can't blame it. So..."

The well-meaning, gentle agent avoids sharp words, and blames this win and loss entirely on the distance caused by time, and never mentions other factors.

Everyone is saying that the outcome of this game has been decided from the beginning. There are many reasons: age, knowledge, experience... In short, everyone accepts the result and gives up no matter how much discuss something.

This is normal, and the result really cannot be changed. Saying more is just to make myself feel better and make myself more calm.

Is it true?

Can such reasons convince yourself? Can you accept it?

Star can't.

It's not that you haven't tried, it's not that you haven't tried to understand.

The so-called game settings, the so-called strength gap, the so-called lack of experience,

But those reasons, those reasons to justify failure, are no match for the bright but dark picture in my memory.

He has seen such a stage, in countless memories, in past dreams, in the light sleep of awakening.

It was illuminated by the bright lights, as if bathed in the sun, and under the gaze of the audience, it was a stage with golden eyes.

More turbulent than the tide, hotter than the flame, brighter than the diamond, the audience drums, cheers, shouts, screams, and rejoices and is full of enthusiasm for those on the stage.

He stood behind the backstage that belonged to the losers, wrapped in a dull black, staring at the stage without saying a word, unable to imagine the expressions of the audience.

There is only one curtain, but it seems to form two completely different worlds. One side is bright and the other is dark.

They are like vampires who have to avoid the sun, for fear of being illuminated by a light that does not belong to them, but they can't help but want to touch the golden color that brings warmth.

There was a silent sound of water around, I don't know who's choking, or the rain falling in my heart.

I can't see who it is or how I got back.

I just remember that day, the nightmare I didn't want to meet became a reality

No more chance to wake up.


"Xingdou, have you been a little tired recently?" Yi Xin looked at him cautiously, as if she didn't know what to say, "If you are tired, you can go to rest for a while, some time ago It does make you do too much training and it's a heavy burden."


Xingdou was a little unfamiliar with this word that he hadn't heard for a long time, and after remembering its meaning, he refused: "No, I can continue training."


Yi Xin hesitated to say anything, looking at his idol who was unaware, he gritted his teeth and said, "But your recent state is not right. Obviously according to the training table The full charge is completed, but the change in your value is very small. Compared with the previous speed of progress, it is much slower. I guess, it may be that you have become accustomed to the previous training and have reached the bottleneck period. Of course, people always There will be bottlenecks, so don't worry too much."

"I will re-plan the training schedule during this time, and I will definitely give you a more perfect plan than before. So take this opportunity, I hope you can rest well, so that you can have the energy to complete the training It might be harder to train down. Just to make it easier for me, anyway, you're on vacation!"

Xing Dou seemed a little stunned from the moment she spoke, without resisting, she was actually taken out of the training room just like that, standing at the door, staring blankly at her manager

"From now on, do something else, except training, whatever you do is fine, but don't let me find you enjoy training!" Raised his fist, "Otherwise... hum!"

After all, she closed the door decisively without waiting for anyone to react, leaving only the ruthless electronic door to tell her rejection.

No one could see that his thoughts were still stuck in the words Yi Xin said at the beginning.

Yi Xin said he had reached a bottleneck. She said it was because he was used to the previous training, because the previous training method was no longer suitable for him.

But Xingdou knows that these are not the most critical reasons.

His value is no longer growing so fast, and he no longer has room for improvement, because as a three-star character, he can only go here.

Maybe with the development of the game plot and the increase of events, the Samsung character can be further improved, but now, he has no more ways to go, and he cannot go further.

No matter how many training regimens you change, no matter what kind of activity you have, you can't change that.

He knows better than anyone that even if he reaches for it, he can never touch the ceiling. It's like clearly seeing the mountain peak, knowing the location of the top of the mountain, and understanding the difficulty of the road, but there is no way to get there at all.

You can't even make your own way.

Only Fate leaves a cruel comment and tells him - you can only get here.

"Bang", Xing Dou covered his forehead and stared blankly at the standing stone pillar.

After realizing it, the pain and irritation appeared slowly, like a drink on the head, briefly pulling him out of thinking.

"Xingdou!" Someone was calling him.

Recognizing his name, he turned his head subconsciously.

Distinctly different.

In the backlight, Xing Dou couldn't see their expressions, but he seemed to see them clearly again.

Young people who are in their best time, high-spirited and high-spirited, every move is eye-catching, clean and bright, as if surrounded by light, loved by the world, reluctant to let them show a trace Beauty is a bright side.

Dream visions overlap with real scenes.

Standing in the bright place, the five stars who are praised and looked up to by everyone, and the self who are standing in the dark corner, jealous and sad.

At this moment, the boundary between reality and illusion blurred, he seemed to be in the past, seeing their beautiful future again, and the abyss he was about to fall into.

Xing Dou suddenly understood why he had been reluctant to accept those reasonable-sounding reasons, why he was reluctant to accept "correct" failures, and why he stubbornly remembered the scene of that day.

In fact, he was very afraid, and he was always afraid.

I am afraid that one day, he will not even be able to raise those slight jealousy and unwillingness, and even the anger and hatred that he once gritted his teeth will disappear.

Leave only the thought of "Ah, so".

At that time, there was no such thing as being calm and calm.

That is.

—my extravagant hope is dead,

So those feelings that should have been persistent, the emotions that should have been turbulent, are all gone.

The young man who once dared to walk on the rugged path with eyes full of light will shed his blood and die in the scorching sun.

When you give up, you relax, and when you give up, you can laugh.

Of course.

The one who bears everything will be killed by his own hands.

The day you decide to give up is the death and end of the past.

So, life will change in an inadvertent moment.

There is no life all over again, no miracle that changes the future. The struggling butterfly dies before breaking out of the cocoon, holding beautiful dreams and hopes, and never wakes up again.

Who is that

Is it him, or the dying black swan?

Now is the time to make a decision.

So he can't forget, dare not forget, can't forget, can't be indifferent, and can't accept it calmly.

The tears of the losers are nothing but remorse and self-blame.

Xingdou didn't want to cry, and didn't want to forget why he lost at this moment, why he felt pain.

It was all smooth sailing before, like a gifted dream.

But the dream is still awake.


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