24. Made a new discovery

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, the group finally arrived at the village that was harassed recently.

"Why is it so quiet?" Axel reminded with a frown that his senses had also been improved after receiving long-term training.

The girl in the vest is also of the hand-to-hand style, and her five senses are relatively strong. After Axel reminded her, she suddenly found something weird.

This is a village with hundreds of households, logically speaking, it should be very busy. But, in the fields, it was empty. It was also quiet in the house. Not a single pedestrian could be seen on the road.


The skunk boy's gas mask frowned, and he gave Axel a look of approval. It has to be said that Axel's insight is outstanding. When hunting monsters, this kind of insight can often allow the team to avoid some dangers, or give warnings in times of crisis, which is of great help to the team.

"In that case, let's get out of the car and check the situation." The skunk boy in the gas mask stopped the car, and Axel jumped out from the back of the car first, and quickly walked to the side of the field.

"The vegetable garden here is full of weeds. It seems that it has not been tidied up for a while. There is a possibility that the owner of the vegetable garden has been away from here for a long time." Axel said, according to the information of the Heroes Association, Long Tongue It has been more than a week since the monster appeared, but due to the relatively remote location, there are relatively few heroes active here, so no heroes have been appointed to solve this crisis.

He glanced at the other vegetable gardens around here, and it was basically the same. Then he rushed to the outside of one of the houses quickly, and took a look inside through the glass, "The things inside are quite conventional, but there are also quite a few things that fell on the ground... yes Clothes and other daily necessities, and there are still bowls and chopsticks left on the table?"

At least this shows that the family left in a hurry, and it seemed that they had planned to leave for a long time and took some clothes with them.

I ran to the second house, this one was even worse, the door was not even closed, there was a layer of dust on the table, and the unfinished food was covered with green hairs.

This is so weird.

No one was seen, and it seemed that they had evacuated in a hurry a few days ago.

"Did you just abandon your home because of the threat of the long-tongued monster?" Axel frowned, but it was very unreasonable that if these people evacuated, they should take all their valuables away and go to other places. Where to go to live, why basically just take away some daily necessities. It's like going on a trip, like coming back after a while.

"Can you stop running around?" The skunk boy gas mask yelled at Axel with some dissatisfaction.

Axel stopped investigating. He was basically sure that the people here had already evacuated. As for fear of the Long Tongue Monster or other reasons, he didn't know. This makes it difficult for them to hunt the long tongue monster, because they don't know the exact location of the other party now, and they don't know how to lure the other party out.

"Follow my command and arrangement. What if you run around like this and encounter threats and we don't have time to rescue? We are a team and we need to act collectively." The gas mask of the skunk boy is very difficult for Axel to act without authorization. is dissatisfaction.

Axel nodded.

Did not say anything. What the skunk boy gas mask said is correct, but Axel is not without his own considerations. From his own judgment, the long tongue monster is not here, because there are no human beings here at this time, and the long tongue monster Naturally, there is no reason to stay here. Moreover, according to the introduction, this long-tongued monster is simply a pervert, eager to find humans to mate. This kind of empty place should not be his hunting place.

The skunk boy's gas mask frowned, and it seemed that Axel was nodding, but what kind of absent-minded look didn't seem to be following his own command?

"It's just a c-level hero with more than 200 people. It's just a matter of making up for it today. It's so arrogant that I don't take it seriously." The skunk boy gas mask was angry and coughed, "All the following To act, I must get my consent, because now we have entered the activity area of ​​the Long Tongue Monster, and if we are not careful, we may put ourselves in crisis, and at the same time, it may drag other team members! This is a collective action, and everything must strictly follow my command."

"No problem." Axel said quickly, he was the first to admit his mistake.

"Okay, Axel and the vest girl are in a group, and the other three of us are in a group to check in the village. The most important thing is to find some and see if there are any living people." From the perspective of the gas mask of the skunk boy, The village must have been ransacked by that weirdo.

"A living person?" Axel's heart moved. There was no sign of a fight here, and the villagers seemed to have evacuated safely.

Divide into two groups and spread out.

Axel and the girl in the vest are in a group to check the situation of the room one by one.

"Is anyone there?" Pushing open a door, there was no response.

"Is anyone there?" Still empty.

The two inspected one side of the village.

"It's empty," said the girl in the vest.

"They left in a hurry, but there were no traces of a fight, indicating that they may have evacuated in an organized manner. They may have been waiting for news from the Heroes' Association. Once the Long Tongue Monster is eliminated, they may return." Axel Analyzing, "It's just that, I'm afraid they didn't expect that, after more than a week, this problem still hasn't been resolved."

No wonder.

There are so many weirdos in this world, and most of them are of extraordinary strength, and the Heroes Association is also somewhat unable to take care of all aspects.

The girl in the vest felt that what Axel said made sense, "So, where do you think they are now?"

She was more concerned about the current situation of these villagers, and her second priority was defeating the long-tongued monster so that he would no longer harm others.

"According to my inference, they should not be far from here, and it must be a place that can accommodate hundreds of people. Therefore, such a place is not difficult to find." Axel continued to analyze, and the villagers would definitely not It is too far away from here. Once the crisis is resolved, they will return immediately. Moreover, according to Axel's inference, these villagers will probably send "scouts" to check the situation of the village every day. The news of the crisis will immediately return to inform everyone to return.

"You're right, let's talk to the skunk boy gas mask." The girl in the vest said with sparkling eyes.

Axel nodded, but shook his head in his heart. From his point of view, Skunk Kid Gas Mask might not agree with his point of view.

At this moment, a communication came from the Skunk Boy Gas Mask. Axel quickly picked up his Hero Association mobile phone and pressed the answer button. Immediately, a message came from the Skunk Boy Gas Mask on their team exclusive channel. The voice of the mask, the mobile phone at this time is like a walkie-talkie, everyone in this poor road can hear it, just like a video conference.

"We have a new discovery, you and the girl in the vest hurry over here..."

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