One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 153 Zefa is sick and is so angry!

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

In recent times, this steel fortress has been full of murderous intent.

The aura of terror made even the soldiers on guard dare not speak privately.

Marshal's Office.

Old Man Kong has destroyed countless tables, including Warring States.

"Asshole world government! That's a hammer! That's a hammer!"

"Don't they know the importance of the hammer to the navy!!!"

"Even the Celestial Dragons have put a bounty on Whitebeard! How can they transfer you back!!!"

Old Man Kong's chest was full of anger, and in front of him were several senior officials headed by Warring States.

Including Karp, Sakaski, Porusalino, and Kuzan.

Everyone looked very downcast, especially Sakaski.

Carrying a bunch of Q's on his back, he looked like a volcano about to erupt.

"The world government wants balance, and the navy marches into the new world on a large scale. They don't want to see it."

When Warring States said this, he leaned on the sofa as if he was exhausted, with a trace of deep helplessness in his eyes.

Garp held the senbei to his mouth several times without biting it.

"I continue to look for the hammer! I am only a lieutenant general, they have no right to transfer me back!"

The smell of sulfur irritated everyone in the room.

"Sakaski, hey"

Old Man Kong hesitated to speak. If it weren't for the pressure from above, he wouldn't have recalled everyone.

"I'll go. I'm stationed in Punk Hassad. I'll take some time to look for Iron Hammer-san. Is there no problem?"

Porusalino changed from his usual wretchedness, well, he was still wretched though.

But there was a trace of seriousness on his face, which was very inappropriate, especially inappropriate.

"Garp! Bastard, you still eat it on such a serious occasion!"

The anger was transferred, and Garp became the one who carried the anger of Old Man Kong.

Garp was confused, looking at Old Man Kong who was suddenly angry at him and was speechless.

"Hey, hey, old man Kong, it's obviously those bastards from Wulaoxing who are making you angry. Don't take it out on me."

"I had a good fight with that old guy Whitebeard, hahaha, I even knocked his hat off!"

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from behind Malinfando.


Everyone immediately looked in the direction of the explosion, and Sengoku and Old Man Kong sighed again.

"Hey, Zefa"

The source of the explosion was Zefa, the top leader of the elite naval academy training camp.

"Ever since the Iron Hammer accident, Zefa has had an outburst every day. The poor fifth-year student must have graduated from the fourth class, otherwise he would still have to bear Zefa's terrifying expression."

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but feel sad for this class of students.

Zefa was furious and looked like a lion.

"Polo Polo"

"I'm Sora, oh, okay, let them go directly into the dock for repairs."

"I'll be there later, that's all."


After hanging up the phone, Old Man Kong's expression became a little darker.

"Lance is back, the Warhammer is badly damaged."

Everyone was silent for a while after listening.

"Okay, don't keep your heads down. If you have time, why not think about how you can kill Whitebeard and avenge the Hammer!"

"Hmph, I'm going to the dock to see Lance and the others. Do you want to go together?"

Sakaski was the first to nod, as was Porusalino.

Brother Monkey originally acted together with Lance, but he was called back by a phone call, which made him very angry.

I feel very guilty for brother Lance and sister Shirley.

"Tie Hammer, is this really okay? Don't tell them about your return?"

"What's wrong? Let me tell you, I had a good time in Dressrosa. If I hadn't, forget it."

Thinking of Scarlet, he got a headache. He obviously just forged a weapon, but he got himself into it. What the hell is this?

"I'm going to see Teacher Zefa. Don't tell them about me. I'll give them a surprise later!"

With a smirk on his face, Iron Hammer jumped off the ship before the ship entered the dock, put on his invisibility hat, and headed straight for the boot camp.

The soldiers were left extremely speechless. They originally thought Lieutenant General Garp would be speechless enough.

Now it seems that their Lieutenant General is also evolving towards the Garp route. Alas, the future is gloomy.

Hammer: Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could I be like old man Garp!

"Asshole! How weak are you all? I just asked you to run 1,000 laps, and none of you can survive!"

"Ah! You are the worst class I have ever taught!"

"The hammer is not here! Otherwise I will have to let the hammer hammer you all into the ground one by one!"

"Xiu Zuo! What are you looking at! Give me that Gatling to attack them!!!"

"Cough cough cough"

Zefa was definitely an irritable lion king at this time, and he was furious when he saw all the little lions.

The fifth elite training camp was held as scheduled, and they were also elites. Unfortunately, they met Zefa, who had lost his beloved disciple and son.

"Yes, Teacher Zefa."

Xiu Zuo, a former fourth-year student, was very capable, but after graduation, he did not go to other places for appointment. Instead, he stayed in the training camp with full determination to help his mentor train new students.

Zefa couldn't resist him, so he agreed.

"Let's run! It's only 1,000 laps! You weaklings!"

"Chug, tug, tug!"

"Have you seen the small dark room under your feet? Anyone who can't finish it should go and stay in it! Let me tell you, behind that small dark room is the poisonous gas of the previous student Magellan! After entering, it will definitely make you want to die!"

As a student of the same class, Xiu Zuo definitely experienced the power of Magellan's poisonous gas. Gee, he didn't want to feel that taste in his life.

As soon as these words came out, all the students were instantly frightened. Of course they knew Magellan's name.

It is said that the person with the terrifying Poison Fruit ability went to Impel, the deep sea prison.

The poisonous gas he left behind, oh my god, it kills people.

"Cough cough cough"

Zefa, who was coughing non-stop due to excitement, looked at the students who continued running with a flush in their eyes.

"You bastard! Cough, cough, cough!"

"Hey, Dad, if you keep doing this, your body won't be able to bear it."

"Get out! Who are you calling daddy? Who are you?"

The sudden sound startled Zefa, thinking that some bastard was joking with him, but when he turned his head, he was stunned.

His eyes turned red instantly, and he couldn't even bother coughing, and rushed towards the person who came.

"Iron hammer! Cough cough cough cough cough!!"

In his excitement, Zefa suddenly bent over and coughed. Iron Hammer immediately took out an asthma first aid spray from his arms with a serious look on his face.

He had prepared this a long time ago, just because he was afraid that one day Zefa would get sick and need it.

But he didn't expect that Zefa's asthma would actually be caused by him breathing out.

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