One Of The Evil Party

Chapter 27 Calm

In the vast sky, a few white clouds floated leisurely, a seagull wearing a strange hat made a crisp cry, and flew over at a busy low altitude, setting off a light wave, sparkling in the scorching sun, Shining beautiful silver light.

Above the sea with no end in sight, a warship moved slowly, seagulls flying at low altitude swept past, a stack of newspapers fell from the sky, and fell peacefully on the deck of the warship, attracting the attention of the people on board.

A petite figure came to the side with a happy smile, picked up the newspaper on the deck, looked at the seagulls passing by in the sky, the breeze blew, the brown hair was dancing, only a dull hair still standing on the top of the head , Let people put it down.

"Oh! Why did Mr. Seagull drop the newspaper from the air!? Could it be the invasion of the characters in the game Misaka played!? Misaka Misaka was trembling with this terrifying thought!!"

Holding the newspaper in both hands, she looked like a ten-year-old girl—the last word cried out with strange words.

Above the deck in the distance, one party was lying on a bench with his hands behind his head, letting the sun slap on his face, the slight breeze stroking his gray hair, and beside him, there stood a Blonde beauty, blonde star eyes, slender figure, slender and graceful, just like a stunner in the world.

"Why are you standing next to me!?"

Yifang Tong didn't open his eyes, he just felt that the bee-eater had been staring at him, which made him very upset.

"Boring! Nothing to do."

"——! What does it matter to me if you are bored!?"

"Just treat me as if I don't exist!"

When one party passed open their eyes, the red pupils and the starry eyes of the bee-eater Caoqi met each other. In that moment, the bee-eater Caoqi avoided his sight, and one party passed through and stared at her, but the bee-eater Caoqi still With a smile, one party can't help but smack his tongue.

(What happened just now!? Why do I feel like my heartbeat speeds up when I see him!?)

Bee-eater Fucked her chest and looked a little at a loss. Although she looked the same as usual, her heart had undergone an ups and downs, and even she herself couldn't figure out why.

(Is it a problem of ability!? But I didn't use ability——)

The bee-eater is also a little puzzled and plunged into contemplation

(Could it be)

It seems to be thinking of something.

But-the train of thought was interrupted

Because the figure of the last work suddenly appeared in front of her, and the dull hair on her head was beating angrily, seeming to vent her dissatisfaction. Although the bee-eaters seemed to be thinking about something, the last work did not care about it. These.

"Are you showing off your adult's breasts again!? Misaka Misaka is trying to be more vigilant."

The bee-eater was angry and funny when she heard it, but she was holding her belly, maintaining the demeanor of being a'queen' so as not to laugh, and drying the tears from the corners of her eyes, the bee-eater prayed to ease her breathing. .

"Misaka~! Things like this are not something you should consider right now, it looks very similar to the deity. Mikoto also cares about these details, and even wonders if I am really a junior high school student, but you are now Quite cute!"

The final work shook his hands angrily, and his face was slightly flushed. Although he was ridiculed by the bee-eaters, the final work didn’t care.

"What the hell do I need to eat to become that big. Please explain to Misaka. Misaka Misaka requests disclosure of information."


The bee-eater Fuck Chi almost smiled. The face of the final work is even redder.

"Please don't laugh at Misaka, or Misaka is really angry. Misaka tries to clenched his fists."

The bee eater tried his best to make himself so as not to laugh out loud, while staring at the final work with a strange look.

"I just eat the usual light meals, and they are all from school. Although I like sweets, because of my fat physique, all the subordinates have strict rules on my sweets~! Well, I think we eat almost the same Yo~~"

"It doesn't make sense... Misaka Misaka laments the phenomenon that can't be explained by nutrition."

The last work lowered his head and muttered a little disappointed.

"Oh, everyone eats the same thing and leads to the current result. Doesn't this mean that you are also given the same possibility?"

It seems to be comforting the last work. Of course, the immunity of the bee-eater to the cuteness of the last work is too low.


"So there is no need to worry. You are not in line with the progress of normal people's growth. As long as time passes, you will naturally have a charming body shape."

After hearing the words of the bee-eater, the final work showed the expression as if he was bathed in the light of healing.

And at this moment--

"You two! What are you doing!?"

One side yelled irritably.

"Uh, why would one party hear it!? Isn't it possible to respect the privacy of the cute girl!? Misaka Misaka is aggrieved by one party's eavesdropping behavior."

"Ha!? Eavesdrop~? You smelly kid~! What are you talking about~!?"

One side is also surprised by the words of the last one, overhearing! ? What a joke, when one party is going to sleep, all the sounds are reflected. Just when he wakes up and sees that there is always something around him, he just happens to see the last work and the bee-eater.

The final work also seemed to understand something, and the smile turned red after brushing it. A little embarrassed, rolling around on the ground. Then he pointed to a certain point on the body of the bee-eater and said,

"The fault caused by the chest, Misaka Misaka tried to analyze the reason for waking one side to pass."

As soon as I finished speaking, I felt a chill in the back of the final work, and my spine was almost freezing.

The bee eater prayed that his face was a little twitching, and there were large and small ‘wells’ all over his head, and he said in a somewhat threatening tone.

"It's not good to lie like this, Misaka-chan~!"

The voice was deliberately weighed down, giving the final piece a dangerous feeling

One side closed his eyes and roared impatiently:

"I will give you two choices. First, you will immediately roll down for me, and second, I will throw you down."

"Oh, is this a bit?"

Before the words were finished, one party passed the words into reality without mercy.

The two silhouettes drew a perfect arc and landed on the deck,

"It hurts~ Misaka Misaka is upset that Yifang Tonghui has done such a behavior to the weak girl."

The final battle is on the deck, and the right hand points to the side who is still sleeping to pass.

"Pain, pain"

Bee-eater Fuck Chi also rubbed her buttocks while standing up. In the academy city in the past, no one had ever dared to treat her like this. Even the slightest disrespect towards her would be very badly rewarded, but This is the first time that Bee Eater Fuck Chi doesn't feel annoying at all. Even she herself feels puzzled and puzzled by such feelings.

(Obviously it hurts, but why is it that I can’t get angry!? It seems that I am faintly happy!? It’s obviously like this, but I don’t feel annoying at all)

At this time, there was a wave of waves on the sparkling sea, and the warships were shaking. Just beside, a huge tentacles showed off its sharp edge, clutching a huge fish tightly, saying that the fish may be a little reluctant. Perhaps Sea Kings also said that it is not necessarily, in short, it is beyond the norm.

"These fish are really hard to catch. If you didn't feel Chakra, you would think it might be some unknown Summoning beast, yeah"

Still carrying a strange rap, Killer Bee threw the huge fish caught in the sea onto the deck by itself, so that the entire warship trembled, and the final piece and the bee eater ran over with interest when they saw it.

"Uncle Octopus, I said why I didn't see anyone. I ran into the sea. Why did I throw so many fish up there? Misaka Misaka suppressed his excited heartbeat."

At this time, Killer Bee also changed back to a human form, and jumped from the sky, black sunglasses concealing his facial expression.

"There is almost no food on the boat. If you don't add something, it's not fun, oh~"

"I really can't make people complain, this strange rap."

The bee-eater held a fan in his white lace gloved hand, half-opened his eyes that covered his country's natural beauty and only exposed the starry eyes, staring at Killer Bee a little strangely.

"It's not a weird rap, it's called a gorgeous movement~!"

The deep sea prison-Impel down and Naval Headquarters (Marinfando) and Enies Lobby (ENIESLOBBY) are triangular in shape. There is a huge Uzumaki current between the three. The huge gate called the "gate of justice" opens and closes. The three destinations can only be entered smoothly by the inflow of ocean currents, and the current side of Tongxing and others are slowly advancing on this ocean current, and the next destination of this ocean current is a place that will shock the world. This place is called ——Marin Fanduo. ..

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