When Xia Qing went home and passed the sheep shed, she found that the boss of the sheep was not inside. He must have gone to the pasture to work.

Most of the water in the basin was gone, but the headless snake and the two wolves did not move. The snake's body was already covered with ants, and there were many big buzzing flies flying around.

Seeing the wolf wasting its meat, Xia Qing was not only not angry, but also quite happy.

What does it mean that the evolved wolf doesn't eat the food she prepared? It means that a wolf will give it to them! She doesn't have to prepare a lot of meat for the two adult evolved wolves, which is of course something to be happy about.

Xia Qing put the spring water into the house and poured the river water into the filter bucket. When he came out to clean up the snake meat that had been contaminated by evolved insects, he found that the wolf with a broken leg was still grinning and staring, and the wolf with a broken waist also slowly He raised his head.

It seems that the anesthetic has worn off and I can eat. After Xia Qing burned the snake and buried it, he gave the wolf clean spring water, dripped in anti-inflammatory medicine, made a shelf with wire to hold the iron basin, lifted the shelf with a wooden stick, and slowly moved the water basin into the sheep shed. middle.

When the wolf with a broken leg saw Xia Qing put the stick in, it exposed its fangs and slapped its front paws to bite him.


The roar of the lying wolf with broken waist was not loud, even out of breath, but the wolf with broken legs lay still on the ground after hearing it.

Through the interaction between the two wolves, Xia Qing judged that this brain-evolved wolf with a broken waist had a high status among the wolves.

She slowly handed the water basin to the head of the brain-evolved wolf, and spoke in a low voice like she was talking to the sheep boss, "Drink. There is medicine in this water, which is good for your injuries. Don't pull you. The fixed plate on the body is used to protect your bones. If it is broken, your injury will not heal. "

As expected of his brain evolution, he is much smarter than the one with a broken leg next to him. After listening to Xia Qing's words, Wounded Wolf, whose waist was fixed with a plaster-like circular tube, trembled with his front legs and struggled to hold up his head, and plunged into the basin to drink water.

A wolf drinks water by licking it with its tongue like a cat, but this wolf is too weak and its front legs cannot support the weight of its head.

After drinking a few mouthfuls of water, the brain-evolved wolf lay back down. The hair around his mouth was dripping with water, but he looked at Xia Qing calmly.

Different from the gray color of the wolf with broken legs, the eyes of this brain-evolved wolf are amber, very beautiful.

Xia Qing stood outside the sheep shed and spoke to it softly, "The operation was successful. Your injury will heal, but I will have to change your dressing after three days. You must take good care of yourself and not move around. You guys rest, I’m going to cook.”

After saying that, Xia Qing turned around and heard movement behind her before entering the security door.

She quickly turned around, leaned against the security door, drew her knife in front of her, and found three wolves coming back with prey in their mouths.

The prey in their mouths is very familiar to Xia Qing: three egrets.

Xia Qing hasn't seen this kind of animal for several days since the two egrets moved away and stopped coming to her house to smear feces on the glass.

The first wolf took the lead into the hospital with an egret in his mouth and placed the egret in front of Xia Qing. The other two wolves placed the egret in their mouths not far from the sheep shed.

Xia Qing's eyes widened. What do you mean? Could this egret be the rent money given to her? Is it possible?

Soon, Xia Qing knew it was true. Because the first wolf pushed the egret towards her with his paws, and then the first wolf left. One wolf team member guarded the other two egrets, and one wolf team member entered the sheep shed.

The one in front of Xia Qing was guarded by no wolf.

The wolf gave it to me, can I have it?

The God of Wealth gives it to you, don’t give it up in vain!

The evolved egret was similar in size to the goose before the natural disaster. Xia Qing picked it up and found that it weighed ten kilograms. This egret was freshly killed and was still warm. It must not have been dead for more than half an hour.

The first thing Xia Qing did when he brought the egret back to the house was to bleed the egret to test its cyanide content. When she saw the green light turn on, she was not surprised.

Xia Qing cut the egret's throat and bled it. The egret died within half an hour. The blood in the body had not yet coagulated, so the blood would not be drained out, which would affect the meat quality and taste.

The egret released about 500 milliliters of blood. The blood was still bright red and could be eaten. Xia Qing poured half a bowl of salt water into the heron's blood, stirred it evenly, and then covered it with plastic wrap to let the blood coagulate.

When she went on a mission with the team, she saw how the people in the team handled poultry and had to deal with them, so she knew how to deal with them.

After processing the egret's blood, Xia Qing put the egret in a large basin and scalded it several times with hot water. While it was still hot, he plucked the egret's hair clean, then disemboweled it and cleaned out its internal organs.

After cleaning up, Xia Qing stood up with the basin containing the entrails and was about to go out to feed the snakes when she was shocked by the scene in the yard.

A weasel was squatting in her yard, plucking the feathers of two egrets in the yard under the "supervision" of the alpha wolf.

The alpha wolf glanced at Xia Qing and then continued to stare at the weasel plucking its hair. Xia Qing couldn't help but rub his eyes with the back of his hand.

Is this a normal phenomenon? Can evolved animals get any crazier?

Xia Qing washed her hands, took out her mobile phone, turned on the camera, and recorded this shocking scene.

The weasel was "working" in the yard, and it was not appropriate for her to go out and disturb him. Xia Qing thought that the egret should be processed into food first.

Xia Qing sharpened her kitchen knife, sliced ​​and dried the parts of the egret that were suitable for drying, and chopped the remaining parts into pieces for stew.

She didn't look up, so she didn't notice that when she was chopping meat, the weasel that was plucking its fur in the yard shivered in fright at the sound.

After putting the meat pieces into the dryer, Xia Qing blanched the meat pieces, heated the oil in a pot, added onions, ginger, bay leaves and meat pieces, stir-fried, and then added boiled spring water to stew.

The smell of stew soon spread to the yard. The weasel had already finished plucking its hair and ran away. The two wounded were dragged into the yard to cook.

The wolf with the broken leg had been starving for a long time. He had chewed up an egret cleanly, leaving no bones. The wolf with a broken lumbar spine only ate half of the egret, and the other half was killed by other wolves.

Xia Qing watched from the window as the two injured wolves were dragged by the back of their necks to a convenient place for the sheep boss, and then carried back to the sheep shed, before leaving the house with a basin containing the offal to feed the snakes.

There were no egrets in the yard, leaving only a pool of blood on the ground and egret feathers flying everywhere. This should be the situation in her family for some time to come.

Xia Qing scooped up two pools of blood in the yard, poured it on the sheep and wolf feces, sprayed deodorant and covered it with soil, then collected the bird feathers in the yard and burned them.

As soon as she cleaned up the yard, the sheep boss strolled back. Xia Qing complained, "Boss, you came back at the right time. I just cleaned the yard."

The sheep boss bleated, walked to the water basin at the door, rinsed his hooves, stepped on the soft hay mat a few times, raised his big head and squinted at Xia Qing.

Xia Qing immediately praised, "Boss is awesome. He knows how to wash his feet before entering the house without me reminding him. It's because Boss and I love to be clean that our house can be kept clean and hygienic. Is Boss eating enough? Do you want some more food?"

"Mea~" the sheep boss responded with Jiaziyin, indicating that he wanted to eat.

"Okay, I'll make it for you. Today your friend gave me a green egret, and the boss can also eat something good." Xia Qing opened the screen door and walked in with the boss.

Now that the weather is hot, Xia Qing no longer closes the security door during the day, but installs a screen door outside the security door. The screen door is divided into two, connected by magnetic strips, which not only facilitates entry and exit, but also blocks insects.

After half a year of continuous cleaning, there are far fewer evolved insects near Xia Qing's home than when she moved here. Closing the screen door can prevent insects.

After the sheep boss followed Xia Qing into the house, the brain-evolved wolf in the sheep shed opened his amber eyes and stared in the direction of the security door, thoughtfully.

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