Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 630: Yuan Guannan

   "Brother! The pair of dogs and men who robbed me of the hosta, you must teach them to take me the hosta!"

  The girl found Li Mo and Liu Yan who were about to leave and immediately shouted at them.

   This throat pedestrian's eyes all attracted her.

   "What! Dare to **** my sister's things, you are really alive and patient. Brothers give me a few! Give them a good lesson. The man was killed, the woman took me back to the sect! Hahaha..."

   The leading young man waved his hand, and several big men behind him swarmed up.

   "Look for death! A group of uncultivated things, I really don't know how your elders in the sect educated you!"

  The words of the girl and the young man had already angered Li Mo, not to mention the insults of Liu Yan and their words, how could he endure.

   guarding Liu Yan behind him, clenching his fists. The power of the blue thunderbolt has gathered in the fists.


   hasn't waited for those big men who rushed over to reach him. His fists exploded, and then a huge explosion sounded. The hard bluestone ground immediately appeared in a large pit a few feet wide, and the dust was flying like a sandstorm.

   "Let's kill!"

   "Let's kill... run!"

   "The owner's courage is too big, don't you know that you are not allowed to do anything inside the imperial city? Let's go quickly, the officers and soldiers will come soon, I am afraid that we will also be affected!"


   There are many pedestrians on the sidelines. There are some civilians. Where have they seen such a situation, they have fleeed with their heads! Only some martial arts strongmen with outstanding strengths are still onlookers.

   After a while, the smoke disappeared, where are the figures of the big men. The broken limbs and internal organs of the human body make people sick.

   "Ah! Teacher...Sister, I... Let's run, this man can't afford our sins!"

  The young man looked at the miserable situation of his men and immediately pulled the girl who was already stunned on the spot to escape from here.

   Although the strength of these big men is not overbearing, they are also the best among the many disciples in their sect. All have the strength of senior martial artists. Although the youth is the strength of the mid-level I will not be able to kill so many master-level masters in one move. It can be seen that they have offended those who should not offend.

   "Humph! Want to go? The trouble comes from the mouth, you are responsible for what you say."

  Li Mo angry snorted, the clothes on his body no wind automatically. A powerful suction spewed out, sucking the youth and girl of Gangzong that day into their own hands. At this time, as long as Li Mo's hands on their necks are slightly hard, these two things that are not good or bad will definitely die.

   "Xiao Mo, don't!"

  Liu Yan grabbed Li Mo's shirt, and said that she couldn't bear to look directly.

   "Yan'er, this is reality. If you are weak, no matter what kind of person will bully you! Just like these two things that don't know life and death, if they don't try to teach them, they will be more arrogant!"

   said he started exerting his strength in his hands, completely disregarding Liu Yan's obstruction.


  Li Mo's hands were like two pliers and they were caught on the necks of the two. Even if they wanted to ask Rao, they couldn't speak.

   "Xiao Mo, let's forget it! You have killed so many of them, just let them both go."

  Liu Yan knew what Li Mo said was right, but she was so kind-hearted that she could not see such a **** scene.

"Okay! Today I look at my wife's forgiveness of both of you. But the death sin can be avoided from living sin! Thanks to what kind of ancestor you are, it's a shame to the word Zongmen. You want this practice Why is it useful!"

  Li Mo couldn't bear to see Liu Yan's unhappy look, and could only answer her request. But without giving these two people a lesson, they will bully others in the future.

   Bang Bang...

  Go down on two feet, the youth and the girl have been kicked out by Li Mo for a distance of several feet. They both covered their Dantian area, sweating and sweating, and their faces should be distorted by severe pain. The cultivation of the whole body disappeared like this, and Dantian had been broken, and he could no longer practice.

   "Ah... I'm going to kill you guys and dogs, my master will definitely avenge me!"

   The abolished girl looked angry and stared at Li Mo with scarlet eyes. A hoarse voice resounded through the streets.

   has been regarded as the pearl of her palm by her master since childhood, whether it is in the previous family or in the current Tiangang Sect. When has the arrogance been used to such a blow? Although he has been abolished, the arrogance in his bones is still there.


  After a crisp sound, there were five deep handprints on the girl's face.



   There was another crunch, and the girl just swallowed back when she just got out of her mouth. It's not that she didn't want to say it, but that at this time she was already swollen cheeks, her teeth fell off, and her mouth full of blood was speechless.

   This is still Li Mo's failure to use spiritual power to fan her two slaps, otherwise she has now become a cold body.

   "You can have today's ending, thanks to your mouth. What else is there to keep!"

  Li sip, Li Mo pulled Liu Yan behind him and was about to leave.

   It’s not that Li Mo bullied the weak, but the woman’s mouth was really unclean. Even the crowd on the sidelines, none of them blamed Li Mo for shooting a woman with flowers like jade, and even had a feeling of great popularity.


   And at this moment, the clear weather suddenly made a gust of wind, and a black figure appeared in front of everyone with the gust of wind.

   "Who is it, dare to hurt my disciples of Tiangang Sect!"

   The wind blew away, revealing the true face of the person coming. A man in his forties, with a bear on his back. A face of horizontal meat, a pair of copper bell-sized eyes flashed cold light to look at everyone.

   "Humph! After playing the small one, the old unaccustomed finally appeared!"

  Li Mo stopped his footing with a slight smile, his eyes exposed to the person directly.

   "Who are you? Give your name, my Tiangang Sect Yuan Guannan never kills the unknown!"

   "Yuan Guannan is it? Want to avenge your disciple despite coming You don't deserve to know my name!"

  Li Mosi didn't care what his opponent was. As long as he offended Liu Yan, even Wu Zunqiang would dare to go up and try his best. What's more, Yuan Guannan, the strength of the middle-level Wudi in front of him.

   "Huh! Boy, so arrogant, is your elder educating you? Don't kneel when you see your senior!"

  Yuan Guannan didn't do it directly. Seeing Li Mo's calm expression, he decided that he must have something to rely on. Otherwise, with the strength of a senior military commander, how could he talk to himself like this.

  I have to say that Li Mo's martial arts devoured soul is indeed a rare martial art hidden on the mainland. Many strong men were confused by Li Mo's demonstrated strength, and eventually died in his hands because they underestimated the enemy.

"Hehe...Yuan Guannan, your disciples insulted me first, and found helpers to attack me later. Whatever they say is wrong, you can't help but blame me. How do you elders educate your disciples? of!"

  Li Mo's sentence asked Yuan Guannan to be red-faced, but he didn't know what to say. He still knows the character of such a disciple very well. Troubled him often, he was already commonplace.

   "Even if my apprentice is wrong, would you give him such a heavy hand? If you do self-cultivation today, I will spare you. Don't blame me for being rude!"


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