Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 328: Python Command

Without any fancy walking, Li Mo stood in the group of poisonous snakes, wielding wooden swords, almost every sword could kill a poisonous snake in seconds, and the efficiency of killing monsters was amazing.


   Ye Li reminded Ji Cai that she was awakened by dreams, and applied'abnormal state immunity' to Li Mo.

  The snake venom is ineffective, and the attack of the poisonous snake on Li Mo is completely negligible.

   Ye Li poses with both hands, she waited for a long time, and there was no chance to use ‘resuscitation’.

   doesn't need her to add blood at all.

   Ji asked Ye Li: "Why are we two?"

   "It's a good choice to sit on the ground and have a rest."


  In five minutes, Li Mo solved all the poisonous snakes around him, and his attribute points soared by more than thirty points again.

   Even if it is a golden piece of equipment, the added attribute points are only more than twenty points. It can be said that the attribute points obtained by Li Mo playing this wave of viper have exceeded the gold piece of equipment.

   Li Mo rested for a moment, and waited until Ji's talent skills had cooled down, and rushed to the viper heap again.

   In this poisonous snake ridge, there is no need to worry about someone robbing monsters and playing as much as you want. Li Mo is advancing like a bulldozer in the front. Ye Li and Ji do nothing, just shout and cheer.

  When the three waves of venomous snakes were solved, the attribute points obtained by Li Mo rose by nearly a hundred points. Now he can easily kill a venomous snake of level 30 with just one hit.

   As the three of them marched to a red mountainous land, Ji made a reminder: "Be careful, in front is the site controlled by the python!"

   As long as it is a monster site, there are commanders and bosses, and Venom Ridge is no exception. There are two commanders and a boss in this Venom Ridge. In the memory of Ji 300 years, it seems that no one has killed them.

   solved another wave of poisonous snakes, and Li Mo saw the python leader in the Red Mountain Land.

  The body controlled by the python is more than 30 meters long. It is a veritable behemoth. It attacks differently from the ordinary poisonous snake. It has two kinds of attack methods. It sprays venom and sweeps the tail of the snake.

A venom was sprayed on the ground, and a venom pit was burned on the ground. The venom did not disappear for a long time. It will be poisoned when touched, and it will continue to bleed when stepped on. Its snake tail sweeps the range very wide, and the speed is fast and fast Ruthless, Li Mo rushed up and singled it out, whether it was a venom pit or a snake tail, he could not avoid it, and could only accept it in full.

Fortunately, it is fully immune to abnormal conditions, and Li Mo’s own attribute points are ridiculously high. The python commander Li Mo whipped the field and said that more than four minutes have passed, but Li Mo’s health value is even one-tenth. Did not fall.

   "I still have immunity in one minute!" Ji yelled.

  The blood bar on the head of the python is still one third left, but from the time point of view, it seems that it is not enough.


   saw Li Mo's figure flashing, and went around behind the python commander. With a stab, the blood strip on the python commander's head dropped immediately.

   Puff Puff Puff Puff——

  The Python Commander wants to look back. Li Mo's figure is linked, always behind him, constantly attacking, two general attacks will be followed by a stab, double damage, and occasional crit, the damage is even more exaggerated.

   The wind blast step ended in five seconds, and only a small piece of blood was left under the command of the python.


   was another stab in the back, the blood strip on the head of the python was empty, the head was raised high, and he fell heavily on the ground.


  The python commander died, and the whole world exploded.

   Ye Li ran to the top: "One piece, two pieces, three pieces, four pieces...My God..."

   can't be counted, there are at least a dozen, which is definitely a real explosion.

   Ji Dao: "As far as I know, the BOSS explosion rate of the world of False God will survive

  -----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

  Fiction netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

  ----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

The length of    increases or decreases. If a BOSS has not died for a long time, its explosion rate will be very amazing. "

   This python commander should haven't died in a long time, so the explosion rate will be so amazing.

  The three of them stepped forward to pick up the loot, harvesting a total of five blue suits, three gold suits, and a sweeping skill book.

  Sweeping skills are professional skills of warriors. Li Mo glanced at them and threw them to Ye Li.

   Ye Li held the ‘sweeping’ skill book and was speechless for a long time.

   How rare is the skill book in this world, Ye Li knows better than Li Mo, Ye Li has been to the Holy City trading area,

  This book is worth a thousand gold coins.

   Thousand gold coins are placed in this world of False God, which can be a huge sum of money.

  In addition to the skill book, the blue five-piece attribute is very general. The attribute of the golden three-piece suit actually made Li Mo's eyes shine.

   Python Bracers, Python Boots, and Python Belt, equipped with more than three pieces, can stimulate additional attributes and increase health by 1000 points.

   1000 health points, if you get it by purely adding the attributes, you need to upgrade from level 1 to level 20, but now, you only need to equip these three pieces of equipment, you can easily get an additional 1000 health points.

   "For every additional piece of python equipment, the health value increases by 500 points. With the collection of seven pieces of python equipment, an additional 5000 points of health value are gained."

  Li Mo looked at the instructions on the equipment and was surprised.

   Three pieces plus 1,000 points, and each of the four pieces will increase by 500 points. That is to say, the base is 3000 health points, and there is an additional bonus of 5000 points...

  8000 health, if you get it by upgrading, you must at least rise to level 60. Of course, this is just to calculate the increased health of the equipment. If you really rise to level 60, then your own blood volume plus the increased blood volume of the equipment...

  Li Mo replaced the three-piece python.

Ji Dao: "The equipment in this world has no level, only quality, and even if the quality is high, but if it is a piece, it is not very useful. A blue suit is definitely better than the gold suit of the whole body. This python suit It seems to be the same."

  Li Mo It seems necessary to gather this suit.

  Checking his attributes, Li Mo was a little disappointed. The killing of the Python Command this time did not trigger the ‘mysterious power’.

  The three of them continued to move forward, because Li Mo's attributes skyrocketed, and the speed of killing monsters increased a lot.

   "What is that in front?"

   As Li Mo struggled to cut the snake, Ye Li suddenly called out.

  On a grass field not far in front, there appeared a small pink snake about half a meter long.

   The little snake is long and round, some stern, some cute, it shrinks in the grass and seems to be napping.

"As far as I know, Venom Ridge has two leaders and one boss. The two leaders are the python leader and the blood snake leader. The boss is the coronet king snake. Although I have not seen the other two bosses, no matter from the description or the name From the above point of view, this little snake cannot be another king and coronet king snake."

   "What is it, I really can't see..." Ji shook his head.

   Ye Li said: "It should be a pet, many games have such a design, the shape is cute and cute, most of them are pets that can be collected."

   "Don't you know if you try it?"

  Li Mo ran over.


   The little pink snake was disturbed and gave Li Mo a glance, furious, flying up like lightning, shooting Li Mo's eyes directly.

   This little thing looks cute and cute, but the speed is amazing, Li Mo instinctively retreats, blocking his eyes with his hand.


  Pink little snake, hitting Li Mo's hand with one blow, the blood strip on Li Mo's head immediately fell halfway!

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