Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 233 The Legend of Mainland Heroes!

For the blue card, the body is generally slightly better than the white card, and each cost can be a little to two more attack or HP than the white card.

This is a very critical attribute, don't underestimate it if you don't understand Hearthstone.

For example, the opponent is a white card with 10 crystals, 10 attack and 10 blood.

And you are a 10 attack 11 blood blue card with 10 crystals. No special effects.

At this time, if you attack him, according to the rules, if the opponent's monster is attacked by your monster, 10 HP will be reduced by 10 attack, and it will die directly.

Of course, while you are attacking, the opponent is also attacking you, and if you receive 10 points of attack with 11 HP, you still have 1 HP, and you are still alive.

At this time, as long as the opponent has no other spell damage cards in his hand, or the hero skill is not of the damage type.

You can also eat a monster on the opposite side! Even if that monster is still 10 attack, 10 blood!

One for two! This is how the vast majority of card games are played. As long as you can change more than one card at a time, then this card is powerful!

Of course, Lancasilon will already give them reasonable special effects, provided that his original powerful attack will slightly reduce his blood volume.

As for the purple card, the figure is naturally better than the blue card, and the effect is better.

The orange card has already begun to be unreasonable! It has basically reached the point where it can change the entire battle situation by itself!

For example, the orange card made by Shillong, [Julia Hellflame] the female red dragon.

8 Crystals, Attack 10, Life 10, Battle Cry: When you land on the battlefield, deal 2 damage to all followers.

And it can cause 3 points of damage to a random enemy follower at the beginning of each round!

Another example is the legend at this time [Purification Angel Werther]

7 crystals, 8 attack, 8 life, special effect: as long as you are on the battlefield, you will increase the attack blood of all allies by 1 point each.

At the beginning of each round, heal 1 point of life for all friendly troops, and at the end of the round, cause 1 point of damage to all enemies!

and the legendary Titan who had turned to him before

8 crystals,

Attack 8, life 8, special effect: steel body, all damage received is reduced by 2 points!

Restores 1 life each round.

Aside from being a supermodel, she has more or less two or more special effects!

This is much better than the legendary Hearthstone card from the previous life!

Some people may still feel that it is not very good, because the attack and life are not much higher than that of the white card.

But generally speaking, the strength of this kind of card lies in its special effects.

Those designed by Shillong, as long as you understand it, you will understand how powerful it is.

Then came the mythical cards.

Shillong naturally added himself here, and it is also the only mythical card in the game for the time being.

【Dragon King Shillon Soderberry】

10 Crystals, Attack 15, Life 15

Battlecry: When the Destroyer Dragon King descends on the battlefield, pure white light descends from the sky! Destroy all followers of the enemy and us!

Steel Body: All damage you take is reduced by 2, and you recover 1 HP each turn.

Burning Purgatory: Every round, endless flames will appear all over your body, causing 2 points of damage to all enemies and allies without distinction!

Immortal Body: You will not be killed or transformed by any effect of cards of lower quality than orange!

The dragon listens to my orders: When Shillong Sodberry dies, summon all the dragons in the card in the hand to descend on the battlefield!

Cards that completely unbalance the game.

If it is placed in Hearthstone in the previous life, it is basically equivalent to directly rewriting the game name as: Legend of the Dragon King!

After 10 rounds, the game will be won when the Dragon King appears!

This shows how shameless Shillong's design is!

Of course, he still wants to order Bilian. If the opponent knows the effect of this card and keeps the card, he can still continue playing the game...

Anyway, Shillong has already decided to use his feet for balance, and the novice players in this world don't know what game balance is! He only wants these guys to explode! Krypton explosion! Just get rid of those super powerful cards!

Shillong first asked those painters to paint those figures according to his requirements.

As long as you draw the first picture, you can use magic props to solve it quickly.

They started copying one by one frantically. Of course, Shillong also invited a large number of mages including Vikoff to develop some anti-theft functions together.

For example, encoding all the cards, and burning some secret magic inscriptions, for this technology, Vikoff fully demonstrated the level of magic that a legendary lich should have.

Everything Shillong explained was completed quickly and perfectly, which made Shillong admire it.

These numbers and inscriptions will be read by the Soul Demons as game consoles, and if something goes wrong, an alarm will be issued.

The workload of painting is very heavy, Shillong directly made two to three thousand different cards at one time.

Then start copying.

Most of these cards are white cards. After Shillong copied them, among the 100,000 cards, there was probably only one orange card, one hundred purple cards, and ten thousand blue cards, and the rest were all white cards. It's a white card!

Finally, pack them up, every ten cards are a pack, and each pack is priced at twenty copper coins.

Then Shillong started making game consoles.

Making a game machine is actually very simple.

He ordered some blacksmiths to make more than a thousand specially-made iron tables, and just let the spirit demons possess them.

These little guys have full burn and emulate capabilities.

Under the iron table there are a large number of various powder items for them to simulate the character templates on the painting.

Designing cards and copying work have been done for nearly half a year.

Then, it's time to take action.

The first thing to do must be to advertise, select a few very well-known people from the city, and have an exhibition match in front of a large number of citizens!

For this reason, Xilong specially issued a city-wide announcement in the eight years since the city was established, and there were only a few times in total.

Dear Citizens of the Cities of Tomorrow.

At 10 o'clock on June 3, that is, three days later, in the city's Solier Square, the great dragon king, His Majesty Shillon Soderberry will demonstrate a great invention that can change the entire world.

At that time, citizens are invited to watch in front of the broadcaster at Solier Square or on the street.

I think everyone will love it.....

These announcements were posted everywhere on the bulletin boards along the street, and the citizens gathered in twos and threes, discussing it.

"You said, the city lord, who hasn't seen him for three years, is coming back this time, what kind of invention will he show to be able to change the world?" A crowd of onlookers asked.

"Maybe it's an entertainment product like a movie? Strictly speaking, didn't this thing change the world?

I heard that foreign countries have already popularized it, and in recent years, many excellent works have flowed into the city of tomorrow.

Especially the mercenary legend, have you seen it? Exciting. "Another onlooker said.

"The invention that the Dragon King talks about can change the world, how could it be such a boring thing! I guess it must be some super powerful weapon!

Maybe the kind that can destroy a country in one go! "Someone guessed.

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