Not a trainer this time

Chapter 128 For the glory of the God of the North!

The thunderclouds in the sky slowly dissipated.

Everything around returned to silence, and the Butubo floating in mid-air also slowly landed on the grass.

It opened those eyes full of perseverance, and looked over with some excitement.

"How do you feel? Has it become stronger?" Naoki quickly asked about the situation of Budobo.

"Bamo!" Bu Tupo nodded repeatedly.

After evolution, the electric sacs on its cheeks have been very developed, and now even without rubbing, it can directly release electric current.

In order to demonstrate to Naoki, a current flowed from Fudo's cheek with a sizzling sound.

Then, its whole body was covered by electric lights, and those electric lights turned into a powerful electric shock and flew out.

Naoki nodded, and murmured: "It seems that one hundred thousand volts needs to be added to Buba's notes."

"Is there anything else?" Naoki asked.

Butu nodded his head, and then began to demonstrate the moves he had comprehended after his evolution.

In addition to one hundred thousand volts, there are also lightning fists, electric discharges, electric balls, electric fields...

Looking at these moves, Naoki was shocked.

The effect of that lightning steamed bun is too exaggerated, right?

That sky thunder not only allowed Bubo to directly evolve into Butubo, but also allowed him to comprehend so many moves at once, really worthy of the name "Thunder God".

It can only be said that legendary cuisine is so terrifying!

The feathers of a Lightning Bird are so powerful, what if they were replaced with the feathers of Phoenix King and Lugia?

In other words, if you replace the feathers of the flame bird and the frozen bird, and make them into flame steamed buns and frozen steamed buns, will there be any "fire god" or "ice god" effect?

What if we were bolder and used lightning birds instead of feathers to make dishes?

This idea flashed through Naoki's mind, but he was quickly rejected by him.

Knowing that Pokémon have emotions and minds no less than humans, it is too cruel to kill them.

Gradually, Naoki slowly calmed down.

Because the feathers of these Pokémon are not so easy to get.

The baby bear was lucky to be able to pick up the lightning bird's feathers. As for the others, he didn't even dare to think about it.

Then, Naoki recalled the scene when he pushed his feet off the ground just now.

He continued to ask, "Did you fly just now?"

"Ba Mo?" Bu Tubo was a little puzzled.

But soon, it seemed to think of something, and nodded excitedly.


The Butu dial began to charge, and a yellow electricity spread from its body towards the surroundings.

In the next second, Bu Tupo's feet slowly lifted off the ground, and they floated directly.

Really fly? !

Naoki opened his eyes wide, and he tentatively asked, "Try to move?"

"Ba Mo!"

Butu nodded his head, and then began to try.

At first, Butubo was still very unfamiliar, and its flying posture was a little clumsy.

But soon, it seemed to be familiar with this feeling, and it became more and more comfortable to fly.

It was the first time for Butubo to experience the joy of flying. With this feeling, he flew over the pasture excitedly.

Naoki looked at this scene and murmured, "I don't know how Gulardo will feel when he sees this scene."

No matter what mood Gulardo would be in, Naoki was sincerely happy for Butubo at this moment.

Tomorrow he will go to the town to buy a beautiful bright red cape for Bu Tubo, and let him cosplay Thor.

There are Hat Pikachu, Rock Pikachu, and Surf Pikachu in this world, so the appearance of the cape cloth soil dial is reasonable, right?

Bu Tubo, who flew in a circle, rushed towards this side.

Naoki opened his arms to catch it, and Butupo gave Naoki a coquettish as usual.


Although it has evolved, the cloth soil is still fluffy, and the feel of the meat pad is softer. Naoki couldn't help taking a big breath.

"Okay, you can go back!"

He returned to the room with the cloth in his arms.

Then, the next step is to deal with the remaining lightning steamed buns.

Legendary dishes are very rare, and Naoki instinctively wants to store them in the refrigerator, and when there are electric-type Pokémon added to the ranch, they can eat them.

However, even if it is frozen in the refrigerator, if the time is too long, the food will spoil.

what can we do about it?

At this time, Kuai Longyan, who had witnessed the change of Bubo, looked at the steamed buns anxiously.

Naoki said: "This steamed bun has no effect on you. Only electric-type Pokémon like Bubo can become stronger after eating it."

Hearing this, Kuailong felt very sad.


Naoki: "..."

Forget it, anyway, it will go bad if left for too long, so let's share it with everyone to taste the taste!

So he distributed the remaining steamed buns to the Pokémon in the ranch. Out of curiosity, Zhishu also tasted one.

Well, the taste is no different from that of ordinary steamed buns, except that there is a numb feeling in the mouth, but it is not strong.

Maybe it's because of the electrical energy left in the feathers?

The buns are not big.

Naoki solved it in twos and twos, then looked at the two remaining Kuailong and Ba Dahu who could use electric moves in the ranch, and asked, "How do you feel?"

Kuailong felt it carefully, then raised his fist, and looked at the more powerful current that emerged from above.


Naoki also noticed this situation.

He couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, is there any hidden effect?

After thinking for a moment, Naoki took them outside and said to Kuailong, "Show me one hundred thousand volts at a time."

Kuailong obeyed.

Its body was shrouded in electric light, releasing an even more powerful wave of one hundred thousand volts.

"Sure enough, the power of electric attribute moves has increased." Naoki murmured.

Then, he looked at Ba Dahu again: "Ba Dahu, how about you? How do you feel?"


Ba Da butterfly flapped its wings and used the power grid that it had learned during the green caterpillar period.

As the lightning flashed, a bug net surrounded by strong current fell to the ground.

"The power seems to be stronger than before." Naoki confirmed in his heart the hidden effect of the Lightning Mantou, which can enhance the power of electric moves.

For non-electric Pokémon, it is also a very good effect.

He said to the two Pokémon: "Congratulations, Kuailong, Ba Dahu."



"Well, it's time to go to bed now!" Naoki grinned.

Everyone has gained something today, which is really something to be happy about!

Naoki and the Pokémon said goodnight to each other, and then went to bed with Butubo in their arms.

Maybe it was because he had finally achieved his dream goal, but Bu Tubo slept very soundly today.

I don't know what it dreamed about in the dream, Zhishu saw that even in his sleep, Butubo was acting like a baby to someone, and showed an expression of attachment like a child.

Seeing this scene, Naoki couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and then gently touched the fluff of the cloth soil.

He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

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