The southern plateau of North America, the country of cactus on the border of the desert.

1999, Mexico, desert prison.

When Dean woke up from his coma, he found that a heavy body was pressing on him, and at the same time, a pair of big hands had covered his fleshy pier, trying to pull off the poor underpants, and proceeded The action of picking up soap in one step.

The stinky smell of sweat, bad breath, feet, all kinds of smells are mixed, rushing straight into the nasal cavity.

A feeling of nausea that stood on end went straight to his mind.

It's gone!

To be fucked as soon as you wake up?

Dean tried to resist, but found that he had the strength to kill a calf with a single punch in the past. He was pitifully small, and his thin body, including his hands, was also wrapped in the hands of a strong man, unable to move at all.

The most disgusting thing is.

It seemed to be aware of Dean's resistance.

The brawny man let out a strange laugh, breathed heavily and raised his head, revealing his hairy chest and a pair of thick fat sausage lips, licking his tongue, and said with a strange smile: "Don't worry, beauty, there will be no prison guards tonight." Disturb us and you can have a good night."

While speaking, there were strange smiles from seven or eight men around, and they echoed: "Yes, don't worry, we will give you a perfect prison welcome ceremony."

Hearing that there were so many people around, Dean's scalp tingled.

Could this be his retribution for being a scumbag?

Taking advantage of the gap between the strong man on his body and getting up, he quickly scanned the surroundings, only to find that this place seemed to be in a poorly decorated prison, surrounded by four iron bunk beds, and sitting beside the beds were seven or eight prisoners in the same clothes. The man in uniform smiled and looked at them on the ground.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief.

It's better to add a man to a man than to become a woman who is about to be fought by wheels!

Dean regained his composure.

The current situation is unknown, the sense of physical strength is very weak, it should belong to the kind of thin body, but it seems to be possessed by the spirit body, and the speed of my thinking still maintains the state before the trial.

It seems that this mission mainly relies on eating brains.

Dean simply swept his vision.

The faces and primary and secondary relationships in this prison are all imprinted in his mind.

All kinds of data, start quick analysis.

The fattest of them was a bald man who looked like Roshan.

This guy's fat is not simple fat, but the kind of fat wrapped in muscles. It is like a heavy tank. Whether it is combat power or resistance to beatings, even if it has not been practiced, it is definitely a humanoid tank in hand-to-hand combat. kind of.

Looking at what the other party is doing, you can also clearly know this guy's position in the room.

The bald fat man pressed another man's head on his waist with one hand, and stroked his chest, which was plumper than ordinary women, with one hand, and looked greedily at the ground.

This scene is very similar to when some nerds watch movies and exercise their hand speed by the way.

But this time, Dean became the main character in the film, and it was a live-broadcast version of the 18-ban male and female non-coding, probably without roller skating oil.

It can't be said that if this situation continues, a small train will be driven.

Beside the bald fat man, there were two men standing, one tall and one short.

They didn't look at the ground, but looked behind Dean and the others.

Dean and the strong man on his body should be directly in the middle of the two rows of iron beds, so in Dean's position, he can only see the legs of the people behind him, but he can see the faces.

But looking at the expression of the tall and short man, it can be concluded that there should be two different forces in this small prison room.

The bald fat man is the boss of the three of them.

The strong man on his body is the little boss of several other people.

Quickly sort out these relationships.

Seeing the strong man on his body, Dean was already pulling his underpants, as if he wanted him to bite his big brother, so he immediately suppressed his nausea, and looked at the bald strong man who was greedily looking at him, showing a very pitiful, three-faced look. One part humiliation, four parts charming expression.

As a man who is proficient in 'education and training'.

Dean no doubt had a knack for getting men interested.


Seeing the expression on Dean's face, the bald and fat man trembled directly. The man who was being pressed by him coughed loudly and wanted to break free.

The slanting anger still didn't suppress the flame in Fatty's heart!

He pushed away the man who was biting him, breathed heavily and stood up, revealing his fat that was dissatisfied with tattoos, strode to Dean, and kicked the strong man on top of him like a dead dog: "Get lost Come on, I can't help it anymore, I want to be the first to fuck this little boy!"

The strong man who was kicked away was not easy to mess with.

He was suddenly attacked and kicked to the corner by the fat man. As if nothing happened, he jumped up and cursed: "Fat pig, I'll kill you! Brothers, kill him!"


Accompanied by the creaking of the iron frame, several strong men rushed towards the bald fat man with various steel pipe weapons.

Behind the bald fat man, apart from the man kneeling on the ground retching and coughing, the other two also quickly grabbed the bed board behind them, took the initiative to take a step ahead of the bald fat man, and greeted him.

In ancient times, there was a beauty who smiled and turned the country and the city.

With Dean smiling today, the internal turmoil in the prison is not easy.

Take advantage of these people's melee.

Dean, who lost his restraint, ran to the corner of the room, looked around, and prepared to look for opportunities to fight back.

These people obviously cherish the hard-won little faces, so as not to arouse the displeasure of their respective bosses, so during the conflict and fight, they subconsciously avoided Dean deliberately, allowing him to be temporarily safe.

After getting out.

It was only then that Dean noticed that this prison was simpler than he had imagined, and the walls were made of yellow mud mixed with unknown substances.

The air was dry and dusty.

And everyone in the room looks exactly like Mexicans.

The conversation between them was indeed in Mexican language, but Dean knew a little bit before, but now he can understand everything.

Outside the room is an iron gate with only one observation port. It looks a bit like iron-clad wood, and some places have been bulged and twisted. It is estimated that a few people can destroy it together.

At the same time, Dean noticed that there was an extra memory in his mind that did not belong to him.

This memory is not much, more like a piece of information.

But he didn't have time to check this extra memory for the time being.

The top priority is to protect your sunflowers from being picked.

Even if it wasn't his body, Dean didn't want to be deprived of the sunflower he had cared for for many years mentally!

Simply survey the environment.

Dean turned his attention to the scuffle in front of him.

There was one person missing from the fat man's side, but the bald fat man was three, with his bare hands, relying on his muscles wrapped in thick fat, he resisted the opponent's hollow iron frame steel pipe.

If it wasn't for the fear of being stabbed by one of the sharp steel pipes, the battle would probably be over.

The fat man with the bald head, and the other two younger brothers are a little thinner, and the two of them work together to withstand the other's attack.

"A group of chickens pecking at each other."

Dean was disdainful.

These people should be a group of ordinary people with fighting experience. They look fierce, but in fact, it would take a long time to kill someone.


He lowered his head again, glanced at his thin hands, and sighed in his heart.

I look thinner.

With such a physical condition, Bingxing is the only way to protect Little Sunflower.

He grinned, looked at the seven or eight bed frames beside him that had been dismantled, picked up a fixed rusty long nail, wrapped it in the palm of his hand, and started grinding it quietly.

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