"Thompson, are you being treated as a turkey and stuffed in the oven?"

Dean got out of the car, walked to the lonely figure, and joked.

Unlucky, it is the little brother Thompson.

Hearing the familiar voice, Thompson raised his head suddenly, his face full of anger: "Dean, you must catch that damn murderer, he ruined my perfect date!"

"So what's going on? Where's your little girlfriend?"

Thompson rubbed his sticky hair and said in shock, "I sent my girlfriend to her house and saw that it was relatively quiet, so I wanted to try the gift you gave me with my girlfriend while there was still some time.

As a result, as soon as I took off my pants, the damned shower next to me sprayed out blood, and directly drenched the two of us into drenched chickens! "

"What about your little girlfriend?"

Speaking of girlfriends.

Thompson returned to his listless look: "After I reported to the police, the police collected blood from her body, and her parents took her home after receiving the news.

And her dad also said that next time he sees me near his house, he will treat me to a steel ball sandwich. "


Poor little brother.

It turned out that it was lovelorn + the little brother was frightened and suffered a double blow.

I hope that today's encounter will not make Thompson's little brother never recover from a setback.

But Thompson often went hunting.

Skinning and bone removal is also a good hand.

His psychological endurance should not be so bad.

Before Dean came, Thompson had already been sampled by the forensics department.

So as long as a guardian is present, he can leave.

Dean wasn't Thompson's guardian though.

But this is actually a humane society.

His words.

The patrolmen present would give Dean this face.

"Okay, Thompson, I'll ask the guy to take you to my rental house to rest. I didn't tell my mother about today's matter. Don't talk about it tomorrow!"

Thompson got up: "Please, I'm not a fool, or your colleagues won't call you, Dean, this case is solved, you must tell me, I will go to see who ruined my love !"

All right.

Look at his attitude.

Dean knew that his worry was a bit unnecessary.

The child brought up by mother Sheila, even Thompson, a seemingly gentle guy, has a psychological quality that exceeds many of his peers. Don't worry about today's events, which will cause him a psychological shadow.

Take Thompson.

Dean had just walked into the blockade.

Several guarding patrolmen immediately greeted him warmly.

"Detective Dean!"

"Wow, it seems that we are lucky, this case will be solved soon!"


These patrolmen on the night shift all knew Dean, the 'celebrity' of the Fourth Squadron.

"Good evening, guys!" Dean smiled back: "Can anyone tell me what's going on now?"

A clever guy enthusiastically said: "People from the forensics department have already gone in to investigate the site, and Boss Hawke is also here, but it seems that there is also a problem in a high-end community. He rushed over with another group of brothers."

"Thank you~"

Dean took out a few banknotes and handed them to the other party: "It's cold at night, go buy some supper for the brothers, by the way, can you send my unlucky brother to my place to tidy up by the way?"

"No problem at all!"

The little police officer smiled and took Dean's money.

He didn't care about the errand fee, but he was happy to show his face in front of Dean.

Haven't you seen the rest of your colleagues looking at you enviously?

Send my brother away.

Dean put on his shoe covers and gloves and walked into the room in front of him.

All I saw was a piece of blood solidified on the floor.

Above the blood stains, a white-haired old lady, covered in blood holes, with wide-eyed eyes, collapsed under a wheelchair.

Beside the corpse was a familiar figure, with his back to Dean, pouted, holding a camera, and was taking a close-up photo of the old lady's corpse.

At the same time, there were a few unfamiliar faces taking pictures on the spot in every corner of the room.

"Hi Holtz."

Dean patted Tun, who was swaying back and forth, and greeted him familiarly.

Ka Ka Ka ~

Several close-ups in a row.

Holtz straightened up and turned his head: "Dean~ I guessed that you would come over overnight, but I didn't expect you to give me a salty pig's hand."

Dean shrugged: "Sorry, I'm a shy person most of the time, but sometimes, hands have their own thoughts."

Holz gave Dean a middle finger back and began to introduce the current findings:

"Four dead have been found so far.

The host, the hostess, their daughter, and the host's mother.

According to the photos inside the house.

This should be a family of four.

This case was discovered in time.

Feedback based on the feel of the corpse.

I simply speculate that it should be no more than three hours from the time of the incident.

Among them, the old lady died at the door.

She should have heard someone knocking on the door, controlled the wheelchair to go there, and was about to ask, but she became the first victim of this extermination case.

Although there is no dissection yet, the old lady should have been pierced through the body by a sharp weapon many times, resulting in massive bleeding to death, and the wounds on her body were all located in the neck and chest cavity.

The murderer was not prepared to leave alive from the very beginning!

The second deceased should be the man who was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV. "

Holz pointed to the fat man half lying on the sofa: "He should be eating potato chips and snacks with his wife and children while watching soap operas, and he didn't react at all to his mother's death, so he was killed. shot.

We found at least seventeen bullet holes in him.

There are three fatal positions.

It is not yet known what type of firearm the killer used.

But the murderer most likely emptied the magazine directly.

He must hate this hero very much! "

Dean nodded.

Behavior can reverse the criminal psychology of the murderer at that time.

The male corpse on the sofa showed no obvious signs of struggling. It should have been headshot when the murderer shot, otherwise he wouldn't have cooperated so well.

But even so.

Those who fired did not stop shooting.

The possibility of grievances between the two is indeed great.

"The murderer's act of venting gave the hostess a chance to escape."

Holz took Dean, avoiding the bloodstains extending from the living room, to the bathroom.

The bathroom door had been opened, and there were blood stains on the walls and floors inside.

A nearly disfigured woman with her face upturned was lying limply on the edge of the bathtub, her pajamas had been stained blood.

"She died the worst."

Holtz pointed to the hideous wound on the woman's body: "Dean, guess what the murderer used to kill her?"

"The wound is hollow, and the edge of the wound is turned outward. It should be some kind of steel pipe product with a square opening, for example." Dean pointed to the incomplete part that should have been welded to the towel rack: "That kind of simple towel The frame, this thing looks rough, but if the weld is broken, it can still penetrate the human body, and it will make people die very painful and long."

"I knew it was hard for you!"

Holz nodded:

"The hostess was stabbed more than 30 times and had wounds all over her body.

She lost her life bit by bit in pain and bleeding.

It was also because her blood flowed into the sewer.

A greenhouse wastewater system is installed under the house to recover all liquids from the sewers.

The automatic shower on the lawn is connected to the greenhouse wastewater system inside the house, and the water is circulated, causing the outside lawn shower to spray blood, and it is showered on a couple who are preparing to have fun in the wild. "

Speaking of which.

Holz gave a very immoral duck laugh: "This kind of situation is rare. I hope that young man will not have a psychological shadow and never recover from it!"

Dean patted Holtz on the shoulder, with a half-smile: "Dude, the unlucky guy you're talking about is my brother."

Holz: "."

He quickly changed the subject and said: "When I saw this, I almost concluded that the murderer must have some kind of hatred with this family. According to their interpersonal relationship, maybe there will be something to gain. It was not until I saw the little girl's body that I feel puzzled."


Dean became interested.

Led by Holz, the two came to the little girl's room.

Sorry, overslept.

I will post another chapter at an interval of two hours as compensation~

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