Nomenclature of Night

: happy birthday to myself

  Happy birthday to myself

   Well, take advantage of the holidays to celebrate your birthday early and have a party with the whole family.

  Ren Xiaosu's birthday is 3.16, my mother's birthday is 3.30, I am 4.10, and my wife is 4.18. My family calls these two months birthday months...

   Such a reasonable and legitimate opportunity, how could I not ask for leave...

  Of course, it will be added later...

By the way, let me write the outline of the new volume. This book should have a total of seven volumes, and it will end with the seventh chapter of the night, so the fourth volume is a turning point. The power of the Federation, the war of the Federation, and the forces of all parties have surfaced in this volume.

  Then from the fifth volume, it is necessary to accumulate power and start changing the world. All the forces under Qing Xiaotu's command have begun to grow. I hope they have the courage and strength to overthrow the world.

  Here I also recommend the new book "Spiritual Realm Walker", which sells newspapers.

  When Dabong was about to end last year, I made a deal with him, and he would push me a single chapter after finishing the book.

   When he opens a new book, I will push the book for him with a single chapter.

  About this book, I have discussed many times with the newspaper sellers, even since the beginning of last year, we have been discussing the interesting thing of "group wear" and how to play new tricks with various themes.

  So I personally look forward to his new book, and I always want to see how my writing is different from his.

  Actually, I still have a lot of regrets about this subject matter. There are many ways to write about group wear, but Ye’s nomenclature is already complicated enough, and it takes a whole volume to reconnect the characters.

  So can't continue to try.

  I feel a little unfinished.

   I even wanted to write a group of immortal heroes in the next book, which is a completely different mode of group wearing from this book, and there are some strange elements...

  I already have a good idea, but I’m not sure yet. I have to finish writing the nomenclature of night first.

  Yesterday I also read the single chapter of the Eagles. He said that he would take a break for a year or two... I also thought the same, in fact, everyone is quite tired.

  This book may be finished by the end of this year, and it is also my first book to exceed 3 million words.

  The time to open a new book may be the end of 2024? Take two years off.

  However, I am not sure how long the break will be. Let’s talk about it when the time comes. If I can’t help it, I will start a new book.

   Write down the nomenclature of night first!

  I am quite satisfied with the quality and quantity of last month, as well as the manuscript fee, and I will continue to work hard in the remaining months!

   "Spiritual Walker"


  (end of this chapter)

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