Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 784: Qing Princess's empty city plan

Qi Guotian is a pavilion.

"Qing Ya, how does your mysteriousness progress so fast. I was stronger than you when I tested the qualifications." Jin Yunjiao complained while eating.

Mu Qingya smiled and said nothing.

Jin Yunjiao’s mysterious cultivation has made great progress, and in just less than half a month, it has suddenly risen to the peak of eight stars.

This is related to the special environment of Tianmuge, the guidance of the masters such as the lord and the white elders, but more importantly, the role of the mixed blood pills given by Wu Hao.

Mu Qingya has reached the nine-star realm, which is almost the peak. The voice of mercy also helps her practice.

The speed of their two so scary deaths made the sects and others amazed. Of course, compared with the previous genius Xiao Ruo Yao, it is still a lot worse. So these people are not strange.

“The dishes here are rich, but there is no such thing as Ruo Yao’s.” Yun Yunjiao said.

Mu Qingya’s chopsticks in his hand.

Xiaoyun Jiao smiled and said: "I know that you think about her every day, and I am embarrassed to mention it, just to help you out."

Mu Qingya’s face was red.

"Right, listen to the elders, saying that my brother lost a hostile moon-level saint in the Jin Dynasty, and almost made the other side stand on the spot."

Mu Qingya was surprised: "Is the sword of his enlightenment so powerful?"

"It's not just the knife, but also the reason for the fusion of the family's overbearing knives. And I have recovered from the old wounds of the old age, and I have learned the essence of the knives of the family. In the past, I pointed out my brother." My brother served as the personal guard of Zong Zhilian. The strength is not high. The idiot of Zong Zhilian, if caught by the Wu State, can be lively."

"Not at all, after all, he became the King of Jin." Mu Qingya corrected.

"Oh. Also. It doesn't mean to catch him. I want to be the king of Wuguo. I must arrest you." Xiaoyun Jiao smiled.

"What do I do?" Mu Qingya did not understand for a while.

"Catch you to threaten Ruo Yao." Jin Yunjiao smiled and said: "As long as you catch you, Ruo Yao must be exposed. Maybe you will be coerced to betray the Wu State."

"Hey, talk indiscriminately." Mu Qingya snorted.

"In case they really come to arrest you, do you resist?" Xiaoyun Jiao asked.

Mu Qingya said: "Why not resist?"

"You can go straight to the Wu State and reunite with Ruo Yao. Oh, yeah. Little wins the newlyweds."

"Nonsense." Mu Qingya snorted: "If they are caught by them, I must not drag Ruo Yao."

"Do not drag?" In exchange for 扈云娇 did not understand.

Mu Qingya did not answer. Quietly eating lunch.

I can't talk, but she has her own mind...


Wu Guomo Prince House.

This morning is busy, Wu Hao can be considered to have passed two levels.

No, it is three times. Three levels carefully designed by Princess Qing. They did not play a role in the presence of Wu Hao’s wit.

In the words of another ambiguity, is it considered to be a ruin?

The design of the princess of the Qing Dynasty can be counted as an organ, first of all, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and the use of the dragon to hijack a woman from Qi State to test.

However, Wu Hao has already confirmed in his heart that the so-called woman who was hijacked should not be Mu Qingya.

What dragons are old and injured, and what kind of girlfriends are deliberately trying to test themselves.

The hijacking action is simply a sham move, and Long Lao may not have gone to Qi. I took a trip and returned!

Why did Wu Hao see it?

The first is the temptation to change the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. A book printed in movable type was actually deliberately changed by her. Zhao Yun’s son and Zhuge Liang’s younger brother were changed by her.

With this. It’s been a long time to find a princess. Wu Hao has already been alert in his heart.

The second is to recall when Long Lao left? I am always looking for my own leaks.

Is this a kind of psychological suggestion that I am convinced that the dragon is going to the country to hijack people? The Qing princess used this trick well. The so-called heroes saw the same thing. Wu Hao asked himself if he would design similar psychological hints.

Is it possible to defend the Qi State? The situation of the Tianmu Pavilion is most clear, but there is simply a place that can be called the territory of the Sovereign. Many places inside are not explained by common sense, and even have the existence of space magic.

In fact, he did not seriously hurt his illness. Yan Jianzong does not need to look around for Zhenzhen, so there is no shortage of people to guard Qidu. Mu Qingya is also an apprentice of the White Elder. Is it easy to be hijacked?

Even the Qing Princess said that Long Lao was injured and not credible. Instead, Wu Hao feels that something is wrong.

How many people can hurt the old dragon? The white elders are not enough to hurt the dragon, only the elders and the sovereigns are possible.

In the face of the elders and the lords, can Long Lao have the opportunity to take Mu Qingya? Even if this erroneous yang has this coincidence, there is one more important point: Qing Princess said that the muzzle of Mu Qingya was born, and what is the character of Mu Qingya?

Wu Hao is very clear that although Mu Qingya is gentle and considerate, she is a woman who is just a soft woman and she has quite a brain.

If she is smashed by the dragon, she naturally realizes that she will become a prop to bully Xiao Ruoyao, and even directly affects Xiao Ruoyao who is undercover in the Wu State to expose her identity and desperately to save herself.

Mu Qingya, who is aware of this, will commit suicide!

Wu Hao is very sure about this, so I was very worried at the beginning.

But listening to the princess can say that it is oyster without any doubt, Wu Hao will affirm the above results.

"The empty city plan..." Wu Hao picked up the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" on the table and smiled and turned two pages.

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang gave Sima Yi a plan. It is now the princess of the Qing princess, obviously did not grab Mu Qingya, but he thought that Mu Meimei had been caught.

If you are fooled, you will anxiously want to see how Mu Qingya is, and even find ways to cover his face to save people.

Of course, the princess will arrange for a plan to reveal that someone is in a certain place and tempted himself.

If you are led by the nose, this can be fooled.

Fortunately, Wu Hao’s performance in front of Princess Qing is completely an outsider. Even if you say that Mu Qingya is not beautiful enough, you can consider yourself and the Qing Princess to seduce Xiao Ruoyao.

If she is Xiao Ruoyao, it is difficult to say such words.

When the princess of the Qing Dynasty left in vain, she was deceived by Wu Hao’s acting.

Of course, after Wu Hao put down the book, he walked back and forth in the room for two steps.

Wouldn't it really be caught? Her heart is a little embarrassed.

Even if you are caught, there is absolutely no danger. The Xuanwu Emperor’s attitude towards himself is still dominated. As long as he does not overwhelmly reject the Xuanwu Emperor, Mu Qingya will not have problems.

But if Mu Qingya was really caught, Xuanwuhuang died and used her to threaten herself?

Although Wu Hao is very clever, but emotionally not as good as Xuanwu Emperor, Du Gu Mo and others are very judged from the gains and losses of interest, so I still imagine the worst situation.

If that's the case, consider surrendering the Xuanwu Emperor.

At most, I will be a Guan Yu... Wu Hao is in the heart. She did not have enough sense of national honor, and she made such a judgment in her heart.

If Xuanwu Emperor or Qing Princess knows that she will have such a thought, I am afraid that she will go to Qi to take Mu Qingya at all costs, and she will face the face and force Wu Hao to surrender.

In the room, I didn't dare to delay the time. Wu Hao went to the Chamber of Deputies and sat down with Du Gu Mo and Leopard.

Wu Hao, who has already decided her attitude, is very comfortable to continue to handle affairs.

The orphanage was very trivial. Soon, Tang’s hand was also visited, and several people began to discuss the details of the business and the Yuan.

On the other side of the princess, the Qing dynasty left the Prince of Murray and went straight to the palace.

"See the father." The princess went straight into the harem.

She is now a royal red man, Xuanwu Emperor is allowed to go straight into the Forbidden Palace, and only 50 steps inside is notified by the personal bodyguard. This shows the attitude of Xuanwuhuang to this intelligent daughter.

"Qingtoutou, get up." Xuanwuhuang did not say much, just open the door and see the mountain Princess Qing: "How, what is Zhou Yanruo's attitude?"

"The revision of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", she replied to the contents of the new reform, and did not tell the details of the old book." Qing Princess slightly frown: "She is not the news that Mu Qingya was hijacked to the Wu State. Sensitive, even facial expressions are not flustered."

"Well..." Xuanwu Huang nodded: "Qing Shantou, do you still suspect that she is Xiao Ruoyao?"

This is the art of Xuanwu Huang’s speech.

Although the trial has already yielded results, he still has not directly decided that Zhou Ruo is not the conclusion of Xiao Ruoyao. Turning to the princess of the Qing himself, she seems to be fully respectful of her views.

"Maybe I suspect it is wrong. No, it should be that the suspicion is wrong?" Princess Qing was a little bit vocal.

In her heart, she still hopes that Wu Hao is Xiao Ruoyao.

Inexplicable She thinks these two women are very attractive to themselves. If they are a person, then there is no doubt that everything has become simple.

But if they are two people, not to mention that a person they admire must stand in a hostile position, or they may not know which one they like.

"If Zhou Yiru is the end of Xiao Ruoyao's suspicion, let Long Lao come back from Qi."

"This is nature." Qing princess Shi Lidao: "Let the father to use a little master like the old man for the suspicion of the child, it is too much to use."

"What are the two polite guests?" Xuanwu Huang smiled. He has not raised the Qing Princess for 15 years, and naturally has the heart to cultivate the feelings of his father and daughter in this respect.

After thanking the princess, the princess told the Emperor Xuanwu: "The father, the prince of Mo, recently started to build an orphanage under the advice of Zhou Ruoruo. You must have heard it."

Xuanwu Emperor nodded: "Slightly aware."

"Accommodating the orphans in the world is a good thing." Princess Qing said: "The child intends to join." (To be continued)

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