Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 770: Former temple of the orphanage

Under the toss of Wu Hao, the daily routine of the Yuan Ting Temple is completely different from that before the Qin Dian main retreat.

In the past, the temple of the Yuan was dead, and all the girls were like the nuns. Every morning, everyone must first test the progress of the meta-therapy process, which is the ceremony that Wu Hao secretly called the morning hair...

Then eat, the dishes are plain and unremarkable, and the vegetarian dishes are like a soup. Then there is the morning class, the metatherapist tells the experience, and everyone sits together and calms. Have lunch at noon and do another afternoon class. Then there is dinner and evening classes...

In this cycle, there is no time for free, and everyone is like a wooden machine. Of course, there is no machine in this era, and people's cultural life needs are not so strong. Many women spend their lives in such a dull life.

However, after Wu Hao came, it brought about change.

The first meal to eat is improved, focusing on nutritional mix and taste. Even from the foot of the mountain hired a good old mother, Wu Hao also personally cooked the kitchen with some guidance.

It’s just that it’s a lot of money, and some of it’s beyond the budget of the Yuan’s hospital. The governor’s boss is worried, afraid that it will be difficult to continue in the future.

Then there is the arrangement of leisure and entertainment, not only with arrangements, but also with reasonable arrangements. The so-called educational and fun is the best description.

Because of the scientific arrangement of entertainment projects, the mood of the women and the atmosphere of the Yuanhe Temple have been greatly improved.

Active, no longer dead!

Although some people are worried that they may be blamed by the main priests after the customs clearance, all the women in the Yuandian Temple have personally felt the changes in the Yuandian Temple.

Wu Hao’s prestigious position in the temple has been firmly in the second place in a short time.

The elders of the board of directors remembered something and quickly confessed to Wu Hao: "Xuanwuhuang and Mowang sent a gift from Long Lao to personally congratulate the apprentice. I haven't opened it yet. I don't know where the master sister is going to store it. House?"

"Elders of the board of directors, these gifts are taken to the Treasury of the Yuanhe Temple. Give them a thank-you gift." But I can’t think of Wu Hao’s unwillingness to donate the gift of Xuanwu Emperor and the solitary ink. Gifts coming.

The Xuanwu Emperor deliberately arranged the espionage leader and the gift from the House of Representatives. Is it a leisurely value? The conservative estimate is converted into silver two, which is three or four hundred thousand. So many silver money illuminate the eyes of the elders of the board of directors, and it’s more than twenty years since I’ve had enough of the Yuan’s temple.

Du Gumo also did not dare to fall behind the father of the emperor, but also set aside some of the money of the prince of the great prince, and gave Wu Hao as a teacher's ritual in a general attitude. The number has also reached 100,000, and it is more than enough to open a small stove for the noble Yuan therapist.

"Ah?" The elders of the board of directors were a little hard to believe: "Master, you mean, you don't want any of these things for you?"

Both of these moneys could have been accepted by Wu Hao himself, and others would not say anything. Because Xuanwu Emperor and Du Gu Mo are quite calculated, the gift is prepared in two. Congratulations to the private hospital for the private treatment of Wu Hao is separate.

"Of course, the Yuanhe Temple definitely needs a lot of expenses. I have spent so much on one person. Naturally, I want to help Master and the Yuantang Temple." Wu Hao fully showed the generosity, and the wave of the elders earned the elders. In the inventory of the Yuantherapy Hall.

"Master sister is really..." The elders of the board of directors were so moved that they did not know how to say it.

Some statistics, the elders of the board of directors and the financial management of the books are densely packed with good details of the inventory.

"Send it! We don't have to live a long time after the Yuantherapy Hall." The elders looked at the accounts and their eyes were bright.

Although the identity of the Yuandian Temple is not low, after all, in the past, the salary of the spar and the salary of the yuan therapist are not small, so the expenses are huge, and the surplus of silver is not much. The elders of the board of directors have won such a large fortune, and they are not happy with their mouths. They can’t help but praise the master sister is Fuxing. I even want to say that it is like a dowry. I came to the Yuandian Temple with so many good things.

In the words of martial arts, such a girl’s luck is called Wang. In the words of the people, such a girl’s luck is called Wangfu...

In this case, the elders of the board of directors think about it in their hearts. It is hard to say it on the mouth.

The elders of the board of directors: This young master sister, but the best wedding object in the eyes of many people. It seems that it is not just that she noticed her Wangfuyun. Not only the prince of Dawu Guomo, but also the first master of the Three Sacred sects, even including a sunny princess who is also a woman. It is said that the Qing Princess is very sorry about not being able to recruit her as a female horse.

In the afternoon, the gift has been counted and has come to an end. With a selected Yuan therapist and ten Yuan apprentices, Wu Hao came to the orphanage to meet outside the city.

This is a long-abandoned old temple on the outskirts of the city. After a simple repair, it was used to temporarily accommodate orphans.

The orphans collected from all over the country will stay here for a period of time to confirm that the body is healthy and there is no infectious disease, or that it can be sent to Wudu after treatment.

The Prince of ink and the old leopard praised this arrangement of Wu Hao.

The vast majority of orphans everywhere live in a bad condition. All kinds of disabilities are even a little mental illness, and may even have some infectious diseases. If these orphans are allowed to enter Wudu, if the disease spreads, the ink prince can't afford it.

Where there is such a buffer, it is also possible to initially select some of the more influential children for focused observation. Not to mention the extraction of the dead, at least the identity of the orphan is very healthy. It is a skill to survive in a harsh environment. Du Gumo is quite optimistic about the future development of such talents, hoping to be used for his own purposes, as the cornerstone of his talents.

"Look, it is the reconstructed temple. It is now used for temporary shelter for orphans." Wu Hao, who was driving the carriage, pointed to the building in the distance.

"Ah, it’s not too far from our Yuandian Temple." These girls took the prince of the ink to the Wu Hao carriage, and they laughed and laughed all the way.

Of course, Wu Hao’s driving position made several girls quite sad. They secretly still hope to be sitting in the car with the master sister.

How privileged it is to be squeezed into a carriage with such a fascinating master sister! Many girls blush when they just got on the carriage. Unfortunately, Wu Hao is driving in person, which makes them quite sorry. But think about it from another angle, it is already a great honor to be able to take the carriage that the master sister is driving. In the future, the master sister must not be able to send people here every time.

"Zhou girl, you are here." Du Gu Mo and Leopard old greeted.

Wu Hao had already told them about their plans, so let them wait here.

"See the Prince of the Ink." The women got out of the car and prayed.

"No need to be extra rites. There is no prince of ink here today, there is no distinction between rich and poor, only those who are willing to contribute to the cause of charity." According to the lines that Wu Hao had taught in advance, he declared his own impassionedly. attitude.

This is the way Wu Hao made a name for the Prince of Mexico.

However, what happened to Wu Hao was that the girls did not have the idea of ​​admiring the Prince of Mo.

They felt that it was impossible for Gao Zi’s identity to climb high, and there was no such thing as a pomegranate sister. because……

There is Wu Hao, the master sister, who thinks that she can compete with her beautiful girl?

At the same time, it is not an idiot to enter the temple of the Yuan. They rationally analyze the problem. They are all from the Yuan Dynasty Temple. Whose conditions are better than the master sister?

appearance? figure? wisdom? talent? Talent? reputation?

Nothing compares!

Therefore, this master sister who is completely beyond the scope of normal people is in front of him, completely making the women of the Yuandian Temple have no interest in the Prince of ink.

So when Du Gu Mo expressed his ideological realm in such a high-profile manner, the girls did not express any surprise to him, but almost unanimously felt: Well, this is like the attitude of the prince who is the master of our master’s sister. .

Poor Du Gu, actually because Wu Hao was uplifted by the water...

The solitary ink and the leopard were old, and they introduced several charitable leaders in the old temple for the women of the Yuandian Temple.

Here, the leader of the old temple responsible for charity is a 50-year-old old man, dressed in plain style, with a few 40-year-old mother. Most of them are lost when they are young, and now they are eager to join the enthusiastic plan of the Ink Prince Orphanage.

This is the first way that Wu Hao advocated. Collect information about folk funeral families and take the initiative to ask if you are willing to join the orphanage program. This kind of funeral family needs the comfort of the child most. Although this era has been adopted, adopted children and so on, but there are still many elderly people who have no more children, they will be the most determined implementers of this plan.

"Thank you for the help of the girls in the Yuandian Temple. We really have nothing to do with the illness of some children." The old temple leader is sincerely squatting towards the women in the Yuandian't dare not Dare to be. "The women did not dare to be polite, and quickly hid in the side.

"When you get it, you deserve it." The old temple leader put the words first in front: "The girls who are like flowers, who are willing to help the orphans who are hard-working, endure the dirty, the old man must first thank."

The girls heard a little clue, it seems that the treatment of orphans is very dirty and very tired.

Wu Hao’s heart is counted. After all, in other worlds, I have seen a variety of media such as film and television dramas and movies. I can guess it and say: “Elder, please take us to look at it and start treating it immediately.”

"Yes." The old temple head led the way and took the women in. The ink prince and the leopard were close behind.

As soon as I entered the courtyard, I smelled a stench and mixed smell, which made my brain hurt.

"What smell?" asked the girl with her nose. R1152


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