Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 550: A threat to death? I will kill you!

Six hundred basaltic soldiers, is the military power of Wu Guochu and her daughter. (Pingnan Literature Network)

In the chaos of the Jin dynasty, these basalt soldiers were spared because they went out to find the Chu girl, and they did not mad at Wu Xie’s magic charm.

After listening to the contents of the investigation, everyone laughed.

Six hundred basalt soldiers with

Yang Tongshuai smiled and said: "They came to us? Crazy, self-investment?"

Wei Ling smiled and said: "I can let them see the power of Qi Guo Xuanwu women."

Li Dao said: "They are also nowhere to go. Xuanwu women will be the days of basaltic soldiers. They can only serve one master in their lifetime. If the master is not present, they are no different from ordinary soldiers. Even if they flee to the country, they can no longer enjoy the treatment of basaltic soldiers. glory."

"It is estimated that relying on the heart, in the chaos of the army grabbed a lot of military and soft things, intends to come and redeem the Chu girl." Wu Yan sighed.

The only glimmer of hope for the end of the road, these basalt soldiers are hard-headed.

"Let's go and welcome it." Shizi sent Yang Junshuai to lead 5,000 soldiers and went out to the camp.

Yang Tongshuai arranged to explore the horse and guide the Wu national basalt soldiers who had no head flies.

Before the battalion, everyone Lema waited for the battle of the black squad of the basalt soldiers in the distance. Although there are only less than six hundred rides, but the military capacity is neat, there is no fear of the border defense of the country.

These basalt soldiers wore black chain armor with gold-rimmed edges, and the rides had a neat rhythm. If the woman is not bound to defeat the army, the military will be even better.

Wei Ling took a hundred basalt soldiers and looked at the left wing of the world.

In her heart, she secretly assessed the strength of the other side. Although she did not see the situation in which the Xuanwu girl was present, she always felt that she had no bottom.

This is an intuition. Although Wei Ling did not personally lead her own troops to kill the enemy, but it lacked sufficient confidence to face such an enemy.

There are many scattered soldiers in the Wu Kingdom around the horses of the Wuzhou Xuanwu soldiers. They are either riding or walking. After seeing the scale of the Qi State Camp, there were some commotions and a few deserters began to appear.

Some of these soldiers hope to redeem the Chu girl in order to survive, holding a glimmer of hope to come here. There are also some because of the sincerity of the country, and want to redeem the martyrdom of the Wu Kingdom and Chu women in the future.

A head of the bastion of the basalt soldiers, immediately before the horse: "Qi Jun, you. Wu Guochu woman will be under the jurisdiction of the centurion, Huo Mou is polite!"

The Xuanwu corps' voice is loud and sound, and there is no singer. It is not humble, it does not make people feel too tough.

Such a person is temporarily elected as the leader, and naturally there are two brushes.

Shizi saw a Yang commander, and asked him to arrange for someone to talk. Although Shizi is approachable to his subordinates on weekdays, it does not mean that the enemy is not treated as a child. Such a small captain naturally does not have the status of dialogue with Chu Jun.

Yang Tongshuai's side will be more and more out of the crowd: "Wu Junjun, the generals of the northwest border defense of Zhai, Yao Wei, general Zhang, hereby."

His voice is not inferior to the other. The gas is full of sound.

The opening of the two sides is very polite. After all, although the martial arts team wants to be trapped in the dead, but the other side is so strong, the words are also measured, and their own side as the proprietor should not be too aggressive.

They talked here, but Wu Hao was walking away.

By the way, Mu Qingya doesn't know how? Is the Pity family harassed by the Magic Valley? But I am so badly hurt by myself that I think it is unlikely.

and also. Mother-in-law, Mu Qingya’s mother-in-law, ate the pills she left behind? I don’t know how to recover from the throat.

"Essence to step into the expensive territory. Love is worth it, Wan Wang Guijun must be blamed." The head of the Wu State Xuanwu army immediately held a fist for the ceremony.

"Hey, I have a lot of blood, I am a big frontier, will you have to make it here?!" It will also be unambiguous, and will not give the other party room for courtesy.

In fact, at this moment, the Xuanwu military commander has a few more words. Qi is not too difficult for each other.

But I couldn’t think of it, but the Xuanwu army chief waved his hand behind him.

One hundred basaltic soldiers stood immediately.

Xuanwu soldiers said: "We know that we are not allowed to enter the country without permission. Since we have entered the country for a hundred steps, we will take ten people as a sin!"

The voice did not fall, just a hundred basal soldiers who came out of the crowd. Actually, I pulled my sword and swear!

Hundreds of blood flies, and one hundred people are on the spot.

A large number of corpses fell to the ground, but the horses stood quietly on the spot, without any confusion. Even if the horse was tilted by the body of the body, the horse did not scream, let alone tamper.

Shizi and others looked at the shock.

Great and discouraged, strong military cohesion!

It’s a strong thing to go to death.

On the side of the Qi soldiers, there is also a low-pitched exclamation. However, the military discipline is rigorous, and there is no whisper between the soldiers.

If you say suicide, you will commit suicide. This is a sorrow for making a **** drama and letting yourself fall into a conscience. In this way, the other party’s request for a redemption is not very good.

The world is slightly frowning.

This is a moral threat!

"They got what they wanted, and they had a bitterness." Wu Hao whispered: "They killed them, they didn't see us, they were half dead."

On the realm of thick skin, Wu Hao is commendable. At this time, I naturally reminded the world that I should not be deceived by the other party's blood.

Seeing Shizi and others look at themselves, Wu Hao said again: "Don't let the other party say the request to redeem the Chu girl. I want to talk first, don't you?"

The world nodded.

Wu Yanti immediately replaced the previous bias, screaming: "Oh, ah, the basaltic soldiers of the Wu State actually dare to die, and people really admire it."

She deliberately exerted the feminine power of the evolutionary body, and even mixed with a little magical power.

Such a charming voice was in the ear, and everyone inexplicably felt that the bones were crisp.

The atmosphere that was just smothered by a hundred Xuanwu soldiers was suddenly cracked by Wu Yu’s words.

The basaltic corps of the opposite Wu State feels a bit of a jump. He is good at the military tactics of the basaltic soldiers. The ambition is not high, and he is a bit stupid under the interference of Wu Hao’s potential magic charm.

Wu Hao saw that he was a little slow, and his heart was and screamed: "I’m groaning, I’m looking at the heroes who have died so hard, how are they injured?”

After she finished this sentence, she did not wait for the reaction of the other party. She immediately jumped forward and smashed a dead body, and suddenly returned to the immediate position.

Her figure is lightning fast, and the other side is not present in the basaltic master, naturally she is succeeded.

When the eyes are almost the same, I feel a flash of figure, and the girl has one more body in her hand.

Wu Yan stood on his horse's back, and with one hand licking his body, he stripped his black armor and revealed a wound between the people's ribs.

The observational power of the evolutionary body has long noticed that the 100-year-old suicide basalt soldiers are wounded with injuries!

"Interesting, he committed suicide in the neck, how is the rib so severely injured? Oh, no suicide, but it will live soon!"

On the pit people, Wu Hao said that he is second, others do not dare to call the first.

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