Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 516: Unmoving bones

The basaltic goddess, the higher status than the basaltic woman, is an honor that the invincible Xuanwu woman can symbolize.

Whatever the man is, it is at most the military god.

However, because of the combination of holiness, nobleness, unbeatenness and image, the goddess Xuanwu has formed a concept similar to the worship of faith.

In the past 100 years, there have been few female Xuanwu who have enjoyed such honors, but this does not mean that there is no legend of her.

According to many Mr. Shuo’s word of mouth and market novels, Qi Guo’s goddess was founded at the beginning of Qi’s founding, and he made great contributions to the founding of Qi.

Of course, there are records in the history books of Qi State, but there is no such magic in the words of the market.

This basaltic goddess was originally a Xuanwu female who could only command a hundred basaltic soldiers. I got the enthusiasm of God all the way, and finally led thousands of basaltic soldiers, and after hundreds of failures.

Her figure appeared on the battlefield, the flag of all soldiers, the benchmark that all Xuanwu soldiers swear to follow. It was not until the stability of Qi’s foundation that she was quietly retired.

According to the wild history, or a lot of Mr. Shuo said vowedly, it was the time when the founding king of Qi was included in the harem, and it was no longer able to continue the legend of the goddess Xuanwu.

Ok, why do beautiful women finally escape the king's clutch?

Can be understood as a myriad of hanging silk hate for Gao Shuaifu? Although there is no such saying in this world, there is no obvious grievance caused by the difference in grades, but men always admire the nobles who can have beautiful women.

In fact, the king has a lot of beautiful women, and naturally likes to personalize the special identity beauty. The founding monarch also has his own unique temperament. In particular, Qi is not an official vassal state, but rather a territory that has been killed by his own skills, and it is easier to get the favor of beautiful women. Therefore, the goddess of Xuanwu was finally in the harem of the king of the founding of Qi. It was incomprehensible.

Jin is an official old vassal state. Before the state founded by Qi, such as Qi, the vassal state of Wu Kingdom was also dependent on the Xuanwu goddess.

When the Wu Kingdom was founded, it did not use Wu as the country. At that time, the founding monarch also had a goddess of basaltic. Since the distance is farther now, the legend is slightly less, but the situation is very similar.

The Xuanwu goddess is said to have unrestricted basaltic soldiers to command the command of one hundred or one thousand soldiers. Even tens of thousands of basalt soldiers can do it. The area that the Xuanwu goddess has achieved is that the area of ​​command can reach ten miles, which can be regarded as covering the entire battlefield.

The Xuanwu girl will be the best in the world, and she is the most blessed woman in the world.

Based on the Xuanqi female warrior, and the power of the basaltic soldiers, and then the care of God, so who can be enemies?

For the national war that relies on Xuanwu women to be the main attacking force, such existence is a big killer. Therefore, the Xuanwu goddess is almost synonymous with victory.

When the Xuanwu goddess began to appear in the Wuguo camp. The military heart began to shake.

That is the symbol of victory, the meaning of invincibility.

"Xuanwu goddess?"

"No? She is a goddess of basalt?"

"But she is not tired, it seems to be a woman born for the battlefield."

The big soldiers are very easy to be confused by the words of the market. On weekdays, Mr. Shuo Shuo talked about the legend of the Xuanwu goddess thousands of times, which is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Immediately, many soldiers have not grasped the guns in their hands.

The same is true of the guards, one by one. They are more disciplined and cautious, and they only whisper among the familiar people.

"Would she not be a goddess of basalt?"

"I can't say it."

"Her's mysteriousness is really weird."

"A general warrior, who can dance like a dance in the arrow?"

"Even the month-old saints like He Lao were hurt in her hands. How can this be explained?"

Is this a basaltic goddess?

The basaltic goddess of Qi State? !

If she is really a goddess of basaltic, she must fight without a break!

If she is really a goddess of basaltic. Inevitably killing all kinds!

Yes, Xiao Ruoyao is such a presence!

There is no way to fight this.

The more you measure, the more you guess, the more people are worried. The martial arts team stepped back step by step, and the central open space surrounding the circle did not shrink and increased, and began to show signs of collapse.

Xuanwu goddess? Wu Hao listened freshly. She naturally does not know the legend of the goddess of basaltic.

Just now Wu Hao put a medicinal herb in the mouth. Xuanqi was added for a while. Let the evolution of the body in the best state, to meet the dodge in the arrow feathers.

This is the first time she has taken medicine since her camp. Because she has to be an adventurous, but once successful, it will seriously attack the morale of the martial arts.

Xuanqi quickly added enough, combined with the evolution of the body's super observation and reaction, she tried to stage a dance like a rain in the arrow rain!

She really succeeded!

Looking at the current performance of the martial arts team, Wu Hao is very satisfied.

Then take the Xuan Prince, who was on the command post. She began to take time.

She does not want to be incited because it may affect the further collapse of the military. Taking tough measures can lead to a dying morale rebound. In this delicate moment, you need to find a very appropriate node in the decline of morale.

"How, how is it?" Time passed by, and Xuan Prince finally reacted. He began to look at Lulu and hoped to get an explanation from him.

Lu Lao was also thinking for a long time, but he did not speak for a while. His eyes are like a torch, and he is naturally clearer than anyone else.

Finally, he sighed: "The master, this Xiao Ruoyao has an amazing reaction, even if he is a subordinate, he can't make such a dodge in the rain."

"That, then she is really, is the goddess of basalt..." Xuan Prince asked hesitantly.

He can ask such words, and it can be seen to what extent the heart of the Wu people has shaken.

It is no wonder that Xuan Prince will doubt that no one is taking advantage of it after encountering Wu Hao. Eat bad, bad luck, failure, all kinds of bad luck will come up.

Even Xuan Prince suddenly thought of it, once he began to ponder how to swear | 躏 Xiao Ruo Yao, it would be unlucky. Such as squatting and falling pits...

Could it be that the legendary, Xuanwu female will be the performance of the day? Xuan Prince’s heart was faint, and at this moment, he did not dare to move around with Wu’s yy thoughts.

The deer still sat on the ground and kept a sitting posture, one hand holding a beard and slowly thinking: "This, the old man thinks..."

Considering that the girl did not show the power of the bastion of soldiers, he wanted to deny this possibility.

But at this moment, Wu Hao’s scream broke his words.

"Xuan prince, Wu Xuan children! You take the item on the head!" Wu Hao shouted and rushed toward the direction of Xuan Prince.

"Protect Your Royal Highness!" The guards immediately exclaimed.

Although the guards are secretly timid, the long-standing habit of protecting the master and the loyalty of the lord will also cause them to subconsciously block the enemy in front.

Wu Yuli's sword was once again sheathed, and it was another killing.

At this moment, Wu Hao was going to stand up and not regret whether he would be injured. After paying for the three scars on his arms and shoulders, she killed four guards and wounded two guards.

These four guards are the personal guards of Xuan Prince, who are the masters of the stars in the past.

The body of the guarded martial art fell to the ground, but no one came to pull the corpse in time. The injured guards licked the wound and hurriedly rolled away to avoid the threat of Wu Hao’s threat.

Losing the original order of division and attack, even the corpses of comrades-in-arms can not be managed. This is in the Wu State camp, it is obvious that the Wu people have been messed up.

If there are so many non-guards, Wu Hao will have to worry about the sudden counterattack of Lu Lao, I am afraid that the damage caused by this killing will be even greater.

The frightened girl returned to the center of the encirclement, and there were still more than a dozen steps around.

No one of the soldiers and the guards dared to go to the siege easily, and many people sneaked into the podium.

The deer still sat on the ground and did not move to kill the girl.

He stared at Wu Hao's every move, and seemed to only start when she rushed to the front to really threaten the Xuan Prince.

In fact, if he did, Wu Hao would immediately fall into an embarrassing situation.

But will the deer always do it?

Regrettably, the deer is more than the old man, but also has a lot of selfishness.

His master is still around, basically innocent, not as hard as the old man who lost the Chu girl.

Look at the end of the crane, half of the shoulders are cut off. Do not say whether life can be guaranteed, just assume that after the injury, the strength will fall.

When they arrived at the realm of Lu Lao, He Lao and others, they paid more attention to their reputation than anyone else.

There are very many deer old hearts, and the crane will be finished. Not to mention the defeat of the female warrior, the opponent is still an opponent that the nine-star core does not have. And things happened in the martial arts camp, there are countless soldiers and guards around him, he was actually cut off by one arm!

Everything is good to say, this Xiao Ruoyao has a natural reputation for this battle. What about cranes? Become the background! Even Lu Lao himself secretly complained, and I am afraid that she will become part of her reputation.

But if you do it yourself, are you sure to leave her?

I am not sure... I will lose it if I lose The consequences are unimaginable!

If you don't do it yourself, you won't lose more.

This Xiao Ruoyao is completely unobtrusive!

Look at her standing in the sword with no care, even the wounds do not bother to bandage. It seems that her physique or cultivation is special, and the effect of stopping bleeding is very significant.

The most terrible thing is a heart.

This girl seems to be eager to kill, and has clearly set a record that shocked the world, but still does not leave!

Why is she not leaving? So willing to pay for the world, delay time?

"The master, the old man suggested..." After the deer squatted for a long while, he suddenly opened his mouth.

Xuan Prince immediately shook his hands and listened to his ears.

Lu Lao’s old man stood up and said: “The old man suggested that he ignore Xiao Ruo Yao and send a large army trail to catch up with Qi Shizi!” (To be continued...)

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