Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 366: Mu Qingya, who has also improved his star rating.

Wu Hao saw Mu Qingya pinching the paper lanterns and reminding him: "Don't be sorry. If the meridians are uncomfortable or very painful, just pinch it. If the things are broken, I will give you another stack. It can be difficult to cure."

Mu Qingya smiled and nodded.

Wu Hao repeated it again, Mu Qingya did not feel ridiculous, just listened with a smile, then nodded.

Wu Hao is still a little worried.

The family of Jin Yunjiao is very good, and there is a bottom of the five-flavored condensate pill given by the lord of the previous period, so the steps of guiding the gas to the Yuan are very easy.

Mu Qingya is different. The family has been fading for a long time. Although it is intelligent, it is only a one-star rating. Qiwei Ningqi Pill is too strong, and Wu Hao is afraid that she can't eat it, so she is particularly concerned.

Let's take a look at how effective the recovery of mysterious debris is.

Wu Hao said the beginning and reached out to solve her clothes.

Just now Mu Qingya was guarding the bed, and she didn't know that Yun Yunjiao also took off her coat, so when Wu Hao came to undress, she was shocked.

She subconsciously reached out to stop.

But her arms were lifted halfway and she was released.

She was blushing and letting the other person untie the clothes.

Wu Hao’s heart is also plopping.

The robes with beautiful grooves were exposed, and Wu Hao never looked at the key points of Mu Qingya so blatantly. At this moment, his eyes were round.

Mu Qingya was so blushing that he felt that the whole person’s face was on fire.

"Hey... you turn around. This way I can more easily contact the shoulders and other acupuncture points to help you guide the air." Wu Hao let Mu Qingya turn around and sit on the plate.

Mu Qingya sighed with relief, and the tension in his heart eliminated most of it.

By the way, Ruo Yao is not doing anything bad. But just for the need to reform the gas, it seems that Jin Yunjiao just said

But somehow, it seems that there is still a little sense of loss?

Wu Hao did not notice Mu Qingya's cranky thoughts, her attention was concentrated on her chest...

The wind is big. Can't describe more, can only say that the peak is not small.

Well, although it is not as good as 扈云娇, it is definitely a good level of fullness!

Wu Hao looked at her eyes for a long while, but she did not dare to kneel down Lushan’s hand.

Because Mu Qingya was quite steady and dignified in her impression, if she was accidentally angered. I am afraid that I will be wary and not get along well in the future.

Wu Hao did not know that he really missed a good opportunity.

At this moment, the bed was quietly untied with a small gap, and Yunyun Jiao secretly peeped inside.

It seems like two people are very honest. Did I make a mistake that night? What do they seem to have nothing?

Mu Qingya’s mood was disordered, and Yun Yunjiao guessed it. Instead, Wu Hao shouted the most honestly: “I am coming... I will start.”

It seems easy to misunderstand when it comes to it? Wu Hao will hand on Mu Qingya's back.

Such as the fascinating and smooth skin feel of Wu Yun, but it makes Wu Hao heart and feel more irritating than the former.

Perhaps it is the glory of Jin Yunjiao on weekdays. And Mu Qingya's lady is dignified, but the latter is more precious?

Wu Hao converged his mind and began to clean up the Xuanqi fragments for Mu Qingya.

Fortunately, the first stage of treatment does not require Mu Qingya to do the coordination, otherwise she will be confused, I am afraid that something will happen.

At the time of the half-baked tea, Wu Hao has helped Mu Qingya to pack up the debris around the meridian.

It’s much less than the imaginary pieces. It could have been done ahead of time, and Wu Hao worried that it was not doing well. I scanned it very carefully and carefully.

"Qing Ya, your context is better than I thought." Wu Hao praised.

Mu Qingya nodded slightly. She doesn't know too much about the mysterious fragments.

She is indeed a talented person. It’s just that the decline of the family is not a chance, and there is a lot behind in the cultivation of Xuanqi.

But after all, she is calm and calm, and when she is practicing, she is seriously in place, and the mysterious fragments are much less than others.

Wu Hao took out a Qiwei condensate pill and handed it back to Mu Qingya's mouth, and said it again like Jin Yunjiao. But said it more carefully.

And the words behind it were still in the ear of Mu Qingya, who was sitting on the back, making her feel a fever in the ear.

Mu Qingya nodded and said that he understood.

Her face had returned to normal, and she was so excited and red.

Mu Qingya suddenly remembered that when she was sleeping with Wu Hao at night, the bad things she did to her ears, cheeks and the chest of her clothes could not help but suddenly have some fever.

Jin Yunjiao scored Wu Hao’s voice outside the bed. It is easy to judge that she is more careful about Mu Qingya's reminder, and she is unhappy.

Hey, I know that I will take care of Qingya. If you enter the door of my house, be careful not to care for you.

But think about Mu Qingya can't talk, it seems that she cares about her well. Jin Yunjiao can only comfort himself.

Mu Qingya also feels that the path of the meridian and collaterals is clear, and the mind has already calmed down.

The two began to fight to digest a Qiwei condensate pill.

Mu Qingya mouth contains Qiwei condensate pill, according to Wu Hao, did not dare to swallow, just slowly moisturizing.

In the case of very close to Jin Yunjiao, the medicine is like a flood that hits the meridians. Fortunately, there is Wu Xuan's mysterious qi, and slowly smoothed down the mysterious scent of the veins, moisturizing the twelve Zhengjing and the Qijing eight veins, and finally Xuanqi Guiyuan, condensed in the refining and integration of Dantian.

Outside the house, Zong Zhilian and Yun Yun injured, through the doorway, they can feel the steadiness of Mu Qingya.

"Two stars!" Yunyun injured with a pen in his hand.

He and Zong Zhilian were afraid of being disturbed by the words, so they found a paper and pen exchange.

"I have upgraded a star like your sister." Zong Zhilian was surprised.

But what surprised them was still behind, Mu Qingya's mysteriousness did not seem to stop ~ ~ reached the peak of the two stars before they came to a halt.

This kind of stop is not slowing down, but a feeling of abrupt end. Zong Zhilian and Yan Yunjian understand that this is because they are afraid that the two stars will be able to stabilize the mysterious gas if they are pulsed or stressed too much.

After another tea time, Wu Hao and Mu Qingya received the work.

Wu Hao controlled Mu Qingya's mysteriousness to stop at the peak of the two stars, expecting her to find a time to make a breakthrough.

Because Wu Hao is quite confident about his body's tolerance, Mu Qingya's physical talent potential seems to exceed that of Yun Yunjiao. For the absorption of Qiwei Ningqi Pills far exceeds expectations, she does not dare to improve too much, for fear of any sequelae. stay.

The three men came out of the room, and Zong Zhilian first shouted: "Unfair! If Yao Yao is a heavy woman! Why are they rising stars, and my cloud injury is only a meridian convergence fragment and purity improvement?"

"Hey, how can you be a girl?" Wu Yan white gave him a look. (To be continued.)

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